Author Topic: WaPo Caught Red Handed In Big Lie, Tries To Quietly Overhaul Entire Piece  (Read 330 times)

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WaPo Caught Red Handed In Big Lie, Tries To Quietly Overhaul Entire Piece
Rachel Stoltzfoos
3:50 PM 03/31/2017

The Washington Post quietly rewrote a story about a Congressman using the Bible to bash poor people Friday, after a writer at the Federalist published a systematic break down of the piece that exposed major holes and mistakes in the story.

Caitlin Dewey’s initial write-up in the paper (which recently adopted the slogan “Democracy Dies In Darkness”) did not include a single quote from the Texas representative she basically accused of using the Bible to justify taking food from starving people. The story also incorrectly referred to “2 Thessalonians 3-10,” and wildly mischaracterized Rep. Jody Arrington’s statements on the verse.

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