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What grade do you give President Trump for his first 70 days in office?

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I missed the poll deadline but thought I would weigh in on this.

I will give him a B- and a solid A for rolling up his sleeves and putting forth a tremendous amount of effort; however, he's already lost Flynn and Sessions has opted to recuse himself.  Congress has stated that they will not fund the wall in this year's budget.  His attempts at banning immigration from certain areas failed (twice). He opted to side with Ryan on tweaking Bammycare instead of repealing it. He's made some good cabinet choices, he appointed a conservative to the bench, employment numbers are rising, he took a solid stance in Syria.

Quite honestly, most presidents are judged during the first 100 days ... judging him on 70 days hardly seems fair at all. 


--- Quote from: geronl on April 02, 2017, 12:01:36 am ---F? How about a Z, maybe a Z+

--- End quote ---
Trump did what he said in regard to his supreme court pick and got him on the court.  I have to give him high marks for that.   With Hillary we'd be screwed.

I give Trump a B overall.


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