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What grade do you give President Trump for his first 70 days in office?

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What grade do you give President Trump for his first 70 days in office?

I myself have been very impressed with his performance. I give him a solid B.

FYI: Trump supporters grade his performance (CNN video - 7:45). For those of you who don't wish to sit through the whole thing, CNN's Alisyn Camerota interviewed six enthusiastic and articulate Trump supporters. Five gave him an A and one gave him a B.

SC justice nomination, cabinet nominations, most conservative budget in memory, finally addressing illegal immigration boldly, and kicking off complex process of righting the health care debacle foisted upon the nation by democrats.

It depends on what list you are grading from.

Gave him a B, though B- would be closer.

The phrase "President Trump" still makes me giggle when I hear it.


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