Author Topic: Turns out the tolerant French aren’t exactly wild about Islam  (Read 377 times)

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Jazz Shaw
Mar. 29, 2017

The globalism loving, open borders crowd in France who support the European Union and “cultural integration” might not be as much of a dominant force as they thought they were. The Daily Caller picked up the results of an Ipsos poll over there which produced at least one eye opening statistic. When asked if they thought that the religion of Islam was “compatible” with French society and culture, the answer came back with a resounding Non!


Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Turns out the tolerant French aren’t exactly wild about Islam
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 05:40:59 pm »
Hot Air
Jazz Shaw
Mar. 29, 2017

The globalism loving, open borders crowd in France who support the European Union and “cultural integration” might not be as much of a dominant force as they thought they were. The Daily Caller picked up the results of an Ipsos poll over there which produced at least one eye opening statistic. When asked if they thought that the religion of Islam was “compatible” with French society and culture, the answer came back with a resounding Non!


Yeah, the French voters are notoriously irrational and inconsistent.Though they often strongly object to the policies their government administrates, they still often vote for governments who disregard their wishes. 

The term "feckless" comes to mind in regard to French politics, because they are one of those nations who use "coalition governments' to govern. What frequently happens in coalition government is that power is so fragmented and diffused by the process of power-sharing between competing factions, that almost nothing ever gets done while the majority party is in power.

What is more common is for French governments to swing wildly from one extreme to the other rather than electing leaders who understand and respond to the needs and desires of the greater factions of the nation. One administration goes too far in one direction, then the voters panic and vote for someone who goes too far in the other direction.

Germany is also subject to this system. Currently, the leading candidates for high office in Germany are leading only because they represent themselves as a means to stop strong conservatives and separately, far right (alt right, white supremacist) candidates from ascending.
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)