Author Topic: Dems may be ready to surrender and confirm Gorsuch without a filibuster  (Read 180 times)

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March 21, 2017
Dems may be ready to surrender and confirm Gorsuch without a filibuster
By Thomas Lifson

It became clear in yesterday's first day of hearings on Judge Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court that filibustering him will be futile and self-destructive.  The words "Central Casting" were used to describe him by multiple pundits, for he comes across as the ideal type of a good judge: from his gray hair and handsome face to his measured words and judicial record.  It is almost impossible to make the case that he is out of the mainstream when his 2,700 appeals court votes have been in the majority 99% of the time.

Yet the lunatic left base of the party demands savaging him.  In one of the most pathetic displays, Jennifer Sisk, a 2016 graduate of the University of Colorado Law School, where Judge Gorsuch lectured part-time, tried to go for Sandra Fluke status by making ridiculous charges.  Kelsey Harkness of The Daily Signal summarizes:

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