Author Topic: Aliens That Hate Us All {youtube} Aliens On Earth That Have Been Harming Us For A Very Long Time And Won't Stop  (Read 1004 times)

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Offline Quix

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All done with awareness and cooperation of U.S. Government in order to get exotic alien technology.
. . . Holoman Air Force base contact with Ike . . .
Kennedy wanted to share alien tech with the Soviets and powerful people refused to allow that to happen.
Ford, Carter & Clinton insisted they'd disclosed but changed their minds once in office.
A list of aliens they think we should know about . . .
Computer aided system on earth that allowed their DNA to be merged with ours . . . human women used in the project . . .
--The Annunaki . . .
--to strip earth of gold and other minerals.
--In-vitro fertilization . . . to create human slaves . . .
--inclined toward vengeance and violence . . .
--#2 alpha Draconians . . . oldest reptilian race in the Milky Way galaxy. 14 to 22 feet tall weighing up to 2,000 lbs. They eliminated all others of their kind. Ambitious and expansionist. Egos as massive as their size.
--#3 Native reptilians are believed to be native to earth . . . using us as a resource . . . 8 ft tall . . . green scales . . . a foul body order . . . large eyes & vertical pupils.
--#4 bold and pale tall greys stand 8 ft tall . . . advanced tech . . . genetic engineers of short greys . . . various experiments . . . mind control techniques . . . agreements with shadow government . . . Masterminds behind most abductions . . . malicious human intentions . . .
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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