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Should President Trump give fireside chats?

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Too busy to report to his employers, eh?

Don't care one way or the other.

I don't have to listen to his juvenile insulting crap.

Trump is neither a Roosevelt nor a Reagan.  He's effed up enough with his fireside tweets; a fireside chat would end up being nothing more than a fusillade of stupidity.

Cyber Liberty:
I voted "no."  It would come off as a cheap device.  Obama was always making speeches, and it got to where they lost all import.  I'd like to see a President just shut up and do his job for a while.  And no, I don't much care for the tweeting late at night either.  I don't think it's helping.

Now if I can convince those kids to get off my lawn.....

  I don't care, I'll read about it here.  It would be a fire hazard though with all that hair spray in proximity of fire.


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