Author Topic: The Liberal Media War on Thomas Jefferson  (Read 306 times)

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The Liberal Media War on Thomas Jefferson
« on: March 16, 2017, 12:02:58 pm »
March 16, 2017
The Liberal Media War on Thomas Jefferson
By Don Fisher, Jr.


The Lying and Corrupt News Media never lets the truth get in the way of a good character assassination hit piece.


On Tuesday, March 7, the CBS Evening News, anchored by news reader Scott Pelly, continued the liberal lie that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with slave Sally Hemings.  Even though DNA evidence has proven that Jefferson was not the father of her children, it’s too salacious a story for the liberal media to leave alone.  In the CBS story, reporter Chip Reed claimed that the Jefferson/Hemings liaison is “…widely accepted by historians…,” which is just code for “we don’t have proof of this, but we want to run with it anyway.”

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