Author Topic: The hidden agenda behind war on U.S. flag  (Read 263 times)

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The hidden agenda behind war on U.S. flag
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:44:30 pm »
The hidden agenda behind war on U.S. flag
'Spirit of divisiveness driven by one-world dream of globalist left'
Published: 14 hours ago. Updated: 03/15/2017 at 8:44 AM

Valley High School students were forced to apologize for dressing in the colors of Old Glory at a recent basketball game with Des Moines North High School in Iowa.

The USA-themed apparel of students in the stands was deemed “offensive” to the opposing North team, whose players included several refugees.

After being berated by the North coach and several parents on Facebook, the Valley High Student Council hand-delivered a letter of apology to the principal of Des Moines North, assuring him they did not intend any slight toward the refugees.