The PBS tv show "Frontline" recently ran a "Independent Lens" series titled "Divided States of America" that I recorded,and just got around to viewing. This is a VERY balanced piece of video journalism that covers and explains the events that came about as a result of Obama being elected President with the apparent help of what passes for a Republican Party.
It starts with the lame alleged (MY word) attempt of McLunatic to run against him,and shows lots of examples of McLunatic sounding more like a Obama supporter than opponent. At times it sounds like he is actually campaigning for Obomber.
It also takes a VERY fair and unbiased look at the emergence of Palin and how this came as a surprise and horror for McLunatic and his backers,as she became more popular than him.
To ME,one big highlight,and one I had forgotten,is that Palin was probably the one person most responsible for the desertion of the rank and file conservative Republicans from the Party of Bush and McLunatic,and the creation of the Tea Party. This happened IMHO because so many of her supporters were disgusted by the way she was treated and her conservative messages were demeaned as being idiotic by the political leadership of both parties,as well as the media political "intellectuals".
It also takes a VERY fair look at how the Party People of both the DNC and the RNC panicked at her popularity,and how they worked with the media to destroy her credibility via Kommie Katie and SNL skits. Palin had the northeastern and left coast elites terrified.
McLunatic certainly played a role in demonizing Palin,also. He spoke more harshly about her on the campaign trail than he did Obama,and more often.
Yeah,she did herself no favors by playing to the stereotype created by Tina Fey on SNL after the election was over,but I remain convinced to this very day that if SHE had been the presidential candidate and McLunatic had been the VP candidate,that Obomber would have never been elected.
Then they go into what a colossal failure both Obama terms were,and how if was rife with black racism and how destructive Obama Care was to the typical working-class American. The Rev-Rund Jerry Wright is given a prominent place in this segment.
It takes 3 hours to watch all the episodes,but I found it all to be very informative as well as entertaining.