Author Topic: Trump’s voters have high hopes – even if they don’t expect miracles  (Read 391 times)

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New York Post
Salena Zito
Mar. 8, 2017

MINGO JUNCTION, OHIO — Many people living in this town of used-to-be’s don’t expect their community will ever return to its glory days.

They don’t anticipate the return to a downtown of bustling businesses patronized by a well-paid middle class working at the Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel plant. They want a little fresh paint on the vacant buildings, to cover up the sorrows lining the main business district’s ironically named Commerce Street.

And they’re not expecting magic from President Trump.

“All we need is to invest in ourselves with some small businesses up and down the street, and we’ll be fine,” said Rich Grimm, a retired steel worker. Grimm is aspirational, pragmatic about the return of steel or coal jobs, and determined.


Offline endicom

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It's good to see this after months of incessant blather about 'populism' and 'alt-right' this and that. The Trump voter has been far more pragmatic then would be known from reading the leftist press or some of the more addled people in internet forums.