Author Topic: Ed Klein: What Is Huma Up To — And Why Should We Care?  (Read 337 times)

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Ed Klein: What Is Huma Up To — And Why Should We Care?
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:54:57 pm »
Source: AP via NewsMax

The gossip sphere was atwitter recently when Huma Abedin, the estranged wife of scandal-scarred Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton's longtime confidante, met for lunch with Vogue editor Anna Wintour.

The two women were spotted enjoying a private tete-a-tete at Il Cantinori, a favorite celebrity hangout in Greenwich Village. They're good friends — Wintour held fundraisers for Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign and she profiled Abedin in the pages of Vogue.

Beyond their mutual admiration for Hillary, Abedin and Wintour share a passion for fashion, and sources tell me that among the things they discussed over lunch was Wintour's offer to help Abedin find a job in the fashion business.

Now that Abedin is a single mother and her soon-to-be-ex-husband is in sex-addiction rehab and out of work, she needs a steady, well-paying job.


When Abedin informed Hillary of her desire to seek a career in fashion, Hillary vetoed the idea.

Hillary told Abedin that she was utterly serious about running again for the White House. She intends to fight for control of the Democratic Party apparatus and ultimately launch a "listening tour" as a prelude to another try for the presidency.

We may yet see more of the Clintons.  Personally I think she's done whether she knows it or not.  Just have to wait and find out.
If all I want is a warm feeling, I should just wet my pants.