Author Topic: Will Someone Ask Pelosi About the Original Cost Projections of Obamacare?  (Read 435 times)

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March 8, 2017
Will Someone Ask Pelosi About the Original Cost Projections of Obamacare?
By Jack Hellner

Remember when Nancy Pelosi said we must pass Obama Care to see what was in it? We also remember that she and hers said Obamacare would lower the deficit and everyone would be able to keep their doctors and policies if they liked them and the whole thing would lower premiums. Those were all obvious and known lies when they were told, and the media just went along. (The media still reports CBO numbers as if they are gospel). Anyone who disagreed with Democrats in 2009 was told by the media that they didn’t know what they were talking about.

When President Obama signed the ACA on March 23, 2010, he said it would cost $940 billion over its first ten years (FY2010- FY 2019). The CBO made that estimate in its analysis completed March 18, 2010. A few days later the CBO lowered its cost projection to $938 billion based on a more detailed analysis. (CBO was so good they could adjust by $2 billion over 10 years.)

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