Author Topic: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: March 12, 2017 Edition  (Read 1416 times)

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: March 12, 2017 Edition
« on: March 11, 2017, 12:13:55 am »
Pelosi Warns of an American Holocaust

A Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicating that more than 900,000 have left the ranks of the leisure class and joined the workforce since Trump's inauguration was cast as "the start of an American holocaust" by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif).

"Mr. Trump's repeated threat to put America back to work has insidiously intimidated nearly a million of the 90 million who are currently not in the workforce to take jobs for fear that they would be sent to government labor camps," she contended. "This fear is further proof of the validity of our contention that the Trump Administration is taking its marching orders from the Russians. Government labor camps for the purpose of working political dissidents to death are a Russian invention. That Trump would threaten to institute such an atrocity here is why we need to impeach him before the human cost becomes unbearable."

"The premise that these people want to work is the big lie," Pelosi argued. "Work is a disutility. People only do it if they have no choice. Those who have courageously broken free of the social myth that somehow work is an obligation must not be coerced into conformity. The gains made over the last eight years in liberating millions from wage slavery must not be undone."

In related news, Pelosi mocked Trump's pizza and bowling efforts to build good will with members of Congress as "way below the threshold needed to garner our attention, much less cooperation with his agenda. Millions of dollars from our Party's donors are out-bidding his feeble gestures."

UK Proposal to Send Refugees Home Assailed by UN Official

A United Kingdom proposal to send refugees back to their home countries if conditions there improve was assailed by UN Secretary General António Guterres as "contrary to basic human rights."

"The Earth belongs to all people," Guterres asserted. "No government, no person has the right to block any other person from choosing which portion of our common inheritance he wishes to occupy."

UK Prime Minister Theresa May defended her proposal, saying "we took these people in as a humanitarian gesture because their homelands are wracked by war. Their insistence on maintaining the culture from which they came implies a desire to return rather than adapt to our culture. If the wars they were fleeing are brought to an end and it is safe for them to be repatriated I see no reason why they shouldn't be sent home."

"Humanity began in Africa," Guterres observed. "All the rest of the world is populated by migrants. Ms. May is in no position to assume ownership of the British Isles and has no right to evict anyone against his will. Even if the place the refugees departed is declared safe it may not be an adequate condition from the refugees' perspective. None of their home countries provide the social benefits for which they qualify in the United Kingdom. Forcing them to leave a situation where housing, food, and income are provided at no cost to them robs these migrants of their human entitlements. Every enlightened human being must condemn this planned anti-social and oppressive act."

Guterres was undeterred by a report from the Center for Immigration Studies that found that resettling a refugee from the Middle East in the US costs 12 times as much as housing them in a neighboring Middle Eastern country, saying that it supports his position that "the desire to send these refugees back to their home countries stems from greed. Ousting a person because it would cost too much to keep him is pure selfishness."

In related news, Guterres rejected criticism of Pakistan's treatment of women—93% of Pakistani women have experienced sexual violence—saying that "as I understand it, Islam's Quran instructs men to discipline their wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers, including beating them when necessary. If we are to respect religious freedom we must not judge nor interfere with their beliefs no matter how much they may differ from own own."

FBI Director Declares Privacy Not a Right

Fresh off the Wikileaks revelation that the US Government is spying on everyone and his vow to complete the remaining six years of his ten year term, FBI Director James Comey blandly informed the American people that "privacy is not a right to which citizens are entitled."

"I'm not saying that Americans don't enjoy a considerable degree of privacy," Comey said, "but let's be clear, this is a privilege extended by the government to those who are not under suspicion of criminal or anti-government activities. Government has a moral right and duty to monitor everyone who might represent a threat. To carry out this duty it is imperative that no device have encryption that thwarts government surveillance—as about 40% of devices now do."

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif) cited President Trump's objections to being wire-tapped as "prima facie evidence of his unfitness to hold office. Rather than support the surveillance that Director Comey points out is essential to fighting crime and detecting security threats, Trump is siding with this country's enemies. If, as he says, he is innocent of any wrongdoing he should have no objection to being monitored by the FBI, CIA, NSA, or whoever is trying to keep an eye out for America."

"Let's be clear," Schiff demanded. "Nowhere in the Constitution does it say citizens have a right to privacy. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say government may not spy on the population. That a man elected to the presidency would attempt to argue the opposite is, in my opinion, a cause for concern."

Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), however, disagreed with Schiff, calling Comey's view "a further precarious step on the 'slippery slope' toward totalitarianism. It is shocking that a government official would openly tout a virtually unrestrained invasion of privacy. It is even more shocking that the media are not vociferously opposing such a position. I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but in this case he seems to be on the right side of a critical issue."

In related news, the US Department of Agriculture cracked down on freedom of speech at the West Michigan Beef Company. Owner Don Boon's posting of a newspaper clipping on a break-room bulletin board defending traditional marriage elicited a USDA threat to shut down the meat-packing plant. "We were just following guidelines sent down from Secretary Vilsack," said USDA Section Chief Lance Gooney. "If we want to stamp out prejudice we must confront it in whatever form it appears and use whatever tools we can."

School Censors "Straight Pride" Poster

A high school student in Jasper, Indiana attempted to post a dissenting perspective on the school's persistent indoctrination campaign regarding sexual identity. The unnamed student tacked up several "Straight Pride" posters around the school. The poster's message: "Nobody cares about what you think you are. If you want equality, stop shoving your ideas down our throats! We have nothing against your sexual orientation. We just don't care!"

Greater Jasper School Superintendent Tracy Lorey explained that "we want to provide students opportunities to express themselves, but this doesn't mean that they can say whatever they want. For this one student to ask to be left alone would eviscerate the LGBT community's right to be heard. What use is free speech if people can choose not to listen? Stories relating the difficulties and courage displayed by LGBTs are something that every Jasper student needs to hear."

Lorey contended that "the poster's expressed disinterest in other students' sexual orientations is a manifestation of intolerance. He may think that he's heard enough, that he'd like to just concentrate on his studies, but he is trying to shut himself off from a vital message. Sexual orientation is the civil rights issue of our time. Until everyone acknowledges every other person's right to be accepted as the sex he or she wants to be accepted as at any given moment no one's civil rights are secure."

In other education news, the State of New York is poised to eliminate literacy tests for public school teachers. John D'Agati, deputy commissioner of the state Education Department, called the test "discriminatory and out-dated. Barely half of Hispanic teachers and fewer than half of African-American teachers can pass the test. Continuing to insist that teachers must be literate would embed racism into our standards. In this modern age of videos and non-written forms of communication it seems foolish to require teachers to master skills that likely will prove unnecessary in the future."

Planned Parenthood Rejects Trump's Offer

President Donald Trump's offer to agree to continued federal funding of Planned Parenthood if the organization would stop performing abortions was firmly rejected by Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood's executive vice president and chief brand officer.

"We are the largest single provider of abortions in America," Laguens pointed out. "Abortion is our largest single activity. It is the main thing our clientele knows about us. For us to abandon this service would be like stabbing our customers and supporters in the back. No amount of money will divorce us from our values."

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards echoed Laguens' remarks, emphasizing that "we are proud to provide abortions. We will not be dissuaded from continuing this vital mission. The $500 million that Trump threatens to withhold is tiny compared to the returns we have earned by terminating unwanted pregnancies and recycling the salvaged biomaterial."

In related news, former Democratic National Committee chair and Vermont Governor Howard Dean predicted that "Trump will pay a steep political price for this heavy-handed attempt to besmirch a revered national organization. The voters that oppose abortion are dying off. The younger generation is heavily invested in preserving the right to terminate the undesired offspring of their sexual liaisons. Democrats will beat him over the head with this issue in 2018 and 2020, should he foolishly choose to seek reelection."

Obama AG Encourages Anti-Trump Rioters

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch praised anti-Trump demonstrators for "the courage they have shown by their willingness to bleed and shed blood for the progressive cause. Some have died in this opening phase of the fight against the fascism that has gripped our nation since January 20th."

As if in response, leftist Antifa agitators assaulted pro-Trump demonstrators in Berkeley last weekend—burning a "free speech" sign, stealing MAGA hats, and bloodying noses. Lynch hailed the attacks as "a promising sign that the revolution won't be constrained by bourgeois morality. Instead of cowering in fear, socially aware youths are cracking heads in a way Marx would've approved." Surprisingly, most of these "proud social warriors" wore masks during their criminal rampage.

Lynch's words were re-posted on Facebook on the Senate Democrats page where they were lauded as "words of inspiration" by a commenter that averred "it's time we start killing people if we want to be taken serious."