Author Topic: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)  (Read 7041 times)

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2017, 01:19:18 am »

Let me put it this way . . .
The government chosen Pope Carl Sagan decreed that
1. UNLESS the evidence was extra-ordinary about UFO's it was useless, totally worthless, needed to be 100% thrown in the trash because there was no benefit from any evidence less than his bench-mark criteria.
2. He decreed such KNOWING that there would NEVER BE such 'extra-ordinary evidence' ALLOWED by the oligarchy into the public domain--even if it required--as it has 100's of times--theft from law-abiding citizens--and even the murder of many dozens of law abiding citizens merely because they happened to see something not allowed to be seen by the serfs and slaves.
3. Therefore, the citizens of the Republic could be safely (except for them) kept behind the RIDICULE wall of hostility courtesy of the MSM and all officialdom.
4. The tyrannical tech secrets would be safe from the taxpayers paying for it.
5. The non-polluting 'free' energy could be withheld indefinitely from the citizens--insuring the !!!!CONTROL!!!! schemes of the energy industry and the oligarchy.
6. Nothing exotic would be allowed into the public domain for at least 100 years, if not longer--probably well after the depopulation plans of the oligarchy.
7. All the faithful acolytes worshiping at the altar of Pope Sagan and 'extra-ordinary evidence' would be expected, demanded to fall in line and not explore anything embarrassing to or threatening to the oligarchy and their death grip on the exotic tech stuff.
8. And given all the givens . . . the story was expected to dead-end there. Trouble is, SOME FOLKS are more dedicated to critical thinking skills than others. And propagandized lobotomies just haven't worked with everyone.
9. Of course, that doesn't prevent folks from being faithful acolytes to Pope Sagan and the farcical propagandized narrative of the oligarchy about the critters and the craft.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2017, 01:20:54 am »
Either that or they'd never run out of interior decorators and hairdressers.


They might have to resort back to sheep and little Muslim boys.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #52 on: March 06, 2017, 01:26:19 am »
Absolutely. You seem to have swallowed the propagandizing MSM and government narrative for the last 60 years hook line and sinker with hardly a rational, fair-minded nod even in the direction of the other massive amount of evidence--much of it fairly high quality.

Ahhhh . . . another cute insult.
No. au contraire.
It is a glib, facile, logical SOUNDING seeming truism devoid of some key critical thinking.
It virtually totally neglects the FACT THAT given a certain level of black project secrecy, such "extra-ordinary evidence" will NOT be forthcoming for a VERY LONG TIME.
THEREFORE, WHAT are citizens deprived of solid evidence and facts of an extra-ordinary level going to do to determine the truth about black projects? Suck their thumbs? Stick their heads back in the sand or up their rears? Meekly bleat in unison with the government propagandists?
All the while . . . the oligarchy is making life/death decisions and taking  life/death actions ultimately and even in the present influencing significant numbers of the citizens--often in devastating, even deadly ways.
And because of the infallible doctrine of Pope Carl Sagan, the citizens can do nothing but bow meekly at the altar of 'extra-ordinary evidence' and shuffle quietly off into the caverns of the Morlachs to their demise.
How wonderful.
They must ignore the rooms full of evidence by several hundred military, scientist and government experts and pretend that said testimony is utterly meaningless and of absolutely no value regarding the life and death implications of the realities involved.
Personally, that does NOT make much rational sense, to me. I don't think it takes studying the topic for more than 50 years to realize that's not very healthy or sensible.
No, there's no craft in a declassified public laboratory where citizen scientists can examine it and report weekly to the populace unfettered by the secret keepers.
But there ARE tons of quality data that's quite useful for research and from which some tentative hypotheses can be deduced.
There's rooms full of quality WITNESS TESTIMONIES by high level witnesses--even key personnel involved with such projects.
Of course, folks CAN IGNORE said evidence as failing to meet THEIR ridiculously narrow and rigid criteria for "extra-ordinary evidence," if they wish.
It just LOGICALLY seems to be terminally unwise and lacking in critical thinking robustness, imho.
Many hundreds of murderers have been convicted and sentenced to execution based on a lot less testimonial evidence.
But that's OK. Just toss the witness testimonies in the trash based on personal sensibilities.  The great god Carl Sagan has spoken, shill that he was.
That's not REMOTELY LOGICAL, to me.
Oh, and Ocham's razor . . . . GIVEN all the testimony . . . his razor is far on the side of something exotic going on = the simplest explanation to match the evidence.

Oh, really?
You KNOW this how?
That's one of the things that's angered me for a long time. The whole Apollo and Challenger thing . . . needless risk and a waste of a lot of resources as well as personnel--all for a smoke screen, a charade. . . . as some have testified, too.
And how do you know that we have something better?  Have you seen these things first-hand - in person - and do you have the theoretical knowledge necessary to know how they work?  Or are you just taking the unsubstantiated, self-serving words of other people, words that simply happen to confirm your own biases?

1. I've studied the topic since 1962. How long have you seriously studied it?
2. I've talked face to face with the highest level researchers multiple times--e.g. Timothy Good, Stanton Friedman, Paola (forget her last name--Italian close to Vatican experts on the topic), Linda Moulton Howe, Japan's top UFO expert, etc. etc. etc.
3. My own close relative with a Q clearance working at S-4.
4. Thousands of pages of evidence of varying qualities--including high quality.
etc. etc. etc.
5. It appears to me you have only your biases to cling to.
6. I didn't start out with biases. I had an interest in Sci-Fi which naturally transferred to the UFO topic.
7. I quickly learned enough that I early on saw that the phenomenon was real AND it was going to end up playing a part in the Bible prophecies of the end times.
8. I began studying globalism and the oligarchy in 1965 in my job as acting Director of the University Library Special Collections Dept. We had everything from the extreme left to the extreme right in our archives. It was my duty to prepare the materials for the researchers' access etc.
9. I quickly realized that the two topics--UFO'S AND THE GLOBALIST OLIGARCHY HAD to end up as a combined body of data and a combined strategy, combined set of facts contributive toward an END GAME set of scenarios as depicted in the Bible.
10. It didn't take but several years to discover I was absolutely correct in that anticipated, personally predicted reality.
11. The increasing data points proving that have piled on higher and higher. At this point, the exhaustively researched EXO-VATICANA has conclusively proven the merger of the two sphere's of reality/knowledge.
12. The DVD that comes with the print copy of that contains 10's of THOUSANDS pages of documentation.
13. But hey . . . a few hundred high level military and other government experts testifying about the topics simply cannot be accurate because of . . .
. . .
. . .
drum roll . . .
. . .
Carl Sagan's infallible doctrines and your own biases?
Sorry but I don't find that the least bit impressive.

Thanks for demonstrating that you are essentially nothing more than a mindless sheep, preferring to follow lies that confirm your own biases rather than your own lying eyes.

And yes, that is intended as an insult, because quite honestly, most of the tripe you post is an insult to even the sort of reptilian intelligence possessed by liberals.

Good bye.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 01:27:36 am by Oceander »

Offline Quix

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2017, 04:19:20 am »
They think they're going to "solve" human nature.

That is certainly one of their largest delusions, alright.
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2017, 04:24:42 am »
That is certainly one of their largest delusions, alright.

Given that I rarely say what specifics I really believe to be true . . .
Thanks for demonstrating that you are essentially nothing more than a mindless sheep, preferring to follow lies that confirm your own biases rather than your own lying eyes.

And yes, that is intended as an insult, because quite honestly, most of the tripe you post is an insult to even the sort of reptilian intelligence possessed by liberals.

Good bye.

Given that I rarely share any specifics about what I believe and don't believe in a very complex and often mystifying collection of puzzle pieces . . . I find it difficult to impossible as to how you could conclude that I was a mindless sheep.

Evidently you are convinced that you have the only reliable sorter to sort the noise from the signal; the true from the false; the disinformation from the facts etc.

Must be nice to be so clever.

I haven't arrived at a fool-proof filter of such things, yet . . . except to know that the Bible is totally true and the carp from the oligarchy and the critters is mostly false.

BTW, congrats on so tenaciously avoiding dealing with the logical points I've made.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 04:26:36 am by Quix »
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2017, 06:02:21 am »
All these worlds are yours but Europa. Attempt no landing there.

Great reference, @Freya!

One thing that bothers me about this is that, without Lucifer heating up the Europan sky, it seems there's little energy available in the system to drive creation of life or the reactions required to boost likelihood of life. Am I wrong?
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2017, 06:20:14 am »
Great reference, @Freya!

One thing that bothers me about this is that, without Lucifer heating up the Europan sky, it seems there's little energy available in the system to drive creation of life or the reactions required to boost likelihood of life. Am I wrong?

They believe the oceans there are 50 to 105 miles deep, some of which is liquid water. If that's the case there's plenty of heat for life.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2017, 07:36:56 am »
They believe the oceans there are 50 to 105 miles deep, some of which is liquid water. If that's the case there's plenty of heat for life.

Heat for life to exist, yes, but what are the thermodynamics of getting compounds together to create life. I think it all depends on whether there's a magma connection to the oceans.  And then whether life will be detected away from those vents.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 07:40:25 am by Suppressed »
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Offline Cripplecreek

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2017, 09:51:44 am »
Great reference, @Freya!

One thing that bothers me about this is that, without Lucifer heating up the Europan sky, it seems there's little energy available in the system to drive creation of life or the reactions required to boost likelihood of life. Am I wrong?

There is energy there produced by gravitational flexing. Kind of like bending a wire back and forth causing it to heat up.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2017, 10:19:34 am »
There is energy there produced by gravitational flexing. Kind of like bending a wire back and forth causing it to heat up.

Agreed, the tidal energy is there, but in relative terms, at only a 150 Kelvin or so, it's not a lot of energy.
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #60 on: March 06, 2017, 12:09:02 pm »
Agreed, the tidal energy is there, but in relative terms, at only a 150 Kelvin or so, it's not a lot of energy.

At the surface, no; however, theory, based on available data, suggest a liquid ocean at some depth below the surface, which implies significantly more energy.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #61 on: March 06, 2017, 12:59:50 pm »

  Someone needs to invent the Epstein Drive.


Maybe Travolta is still in touch with him?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #62 on: March 06, 2017, 01:00:14 pm »
Heat for life to exist, yes, but what are the thermodynamics of getting compounds together to create life. I think it all depends on whether there's a magma connection to the oceans.  And then whether life will be detected away from those vents.
Miller and Urey had electrical discharges (to mimic lightning) in their experiment. Would magma be enough to create the building blocks without destroying them?
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2017, 01:05:51 pm »
At the surface, no; however, theory, based on available data, suggest a liquid ocean at some depth below the surface, which implies significantly more energy.

A miles deep ocean under miles of ice would probably hold a considerable amount of heat.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #64 on: March 06, 2017, 01:35:51 pm »

Maybe Travolta is still in touch with him?


(I know Horseschack died recently) :(
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #65 on: March 06, 2017, 01:39:59 pm »
Miller and Urey had electrical discharges (to mimic lightning) in their experiment. Would magma be enough to create the building blocks without destroying them?
Quite a bit of radiation in the Jovian system - I'm sure that would be a factor.
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #66 on: March 06, 2017, 04:29:44 pm »
So you don't believe the retiring head of Lockheed Skunk Works' Ben Rich when he said we have the means to take ET home, now? He wasn't really joking.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Him saying this does not mean it's true. Show me the working hardware.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #67 on: March 06, 2017, 04:33:58 pm »
Quite a bit of radiation in the Jovian system - I'm sure that would be a factor.

Radiation levels so high that the surfaces of all 4 Galilean moons are uninhabitable on that alone.

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2017, 05:04:51 pm »
Then you MUST think that you know more about such technologies and advancements than he did. He was probably one of a relatively small group that knew more than our Presidents about such things.

THAT seems rather irrational, to me.

BTW, IIRC, there's a video of him saying it. Certainly there are transcripts.
If we have it. NASA sure doesn't seem to know about it.
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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #69 on: March 06, 2017, 05:13:36 pm »
If we have it. NASA sure doesn't seem to know about it.

NASA always hides the things that would lead to massive expansions of their budget.  :silly:

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #70 on: March 06, 2017, 08:28:04 pm »
I didn't even know lettuce was growing on the moon!
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: NASA thinks there might be aliens on Jupiter’s moon (Europa)
« Reply #71 on: March 06, 2017, 11:10:10 pm »

Maybe Travolta is still in touch with him?

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