Author Topic: Indian athlete who got high-level help for U.S. visa now accused of sexual assault  (Read 577 times)

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    Indian athlete who got high-level help for U.S. visa now accused of sexual assault

    Indian snowshoe racer Tanveer Hussain displays a trophy. (Courtesy of Hussain family)

    By Annie Gowen
    March 3 at 8:40 PM

    CHANDIGARH, India — It was a long journey for Indian snowshoe champion Tanveer Hussain and his team manager to the World Snowshoe Championships in Saranac Lake, N.Y., last weekend.

    The two men were initially denied visas to travel to the United States in the chaotic days following the Trump administration’s travel ban. The reasons for the rejections remain unclear — India is not among the seven countries named in Trump’s executive order — but after the intervention of Saranac Lake’s mayor and the office of Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi reversed its decision.

    Hussain and team manager Abid Khan arrived Feb. 23 in the bucolic Adirondacks town, which had been following their visa ordeal and extended them a hero’s welcome. Locals offered congratulations and free lodging at an inn that in the snow looked like a “fairy tale scene from a movie,” Khan said in a Facebook post.