Author Topic: Truly Offensive: Illegal Alien Advocates Sink to New Lows  (Read 358 times)

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Truly Offensive: Illegal Alien Advocates Sink to New Lows
« on: March 03, 2017, 11:42:28 am »

    Truly Offensive: Illegal Alien Advocates Sink to New Lows

    Mar 1, 2017

    The illegal alien advocacy network is in a dismal place. After eight years of calling the shots on immigration policy, they are now in the political wilderness. Under the circumstances, a bit of desperation, even a little hyperbole is to be expected. But Reform Immigration for America (RIFA), has, as Michelle Obama might say, opted to go low. In fact, their response to the Trump administration’s enforcement of U.S. immigration laws is downright offensive.

    Their campaign asking those on their mailing list (Yes, I am on their mailing list) to sign a petition to House Speaker Paul Ryan demanding an end to ICE enforcement actions, includes a photo of a mom, a dad, and two young daughters huddled together on a bed reading The Diary of Anne Frank.

    The inference could not be more blatant: Carrying out enforcement against people who violate U.S. immigration laws is the modern day equivalent of the Nazis hunting down Jewish families and sending them to their deaths in extermination camps.