Author Topic: Aiming for Our Wallets  (Read 1113 times)

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Aiming for Our Wallets
« on: March 01, 2017, 06:35:13 pm »
Never underestimate the resolve of our opponents. Their commitment to infringing on the ability of Americans like you and me to exercise our rights under the Constitution is complete and relentless. They never let failure stop them — or even slow them down. Even after the huge successes of pro-2nd Amendment groups in passing “shall-issue” carry laws across the nation, the “antis” never give up, and never go away.

They just look for new and innovative ways to make owning a gun — any gun — more expensive, more complicated and more difficult. A perfect example is what is happening in Connecticut, where they are attempting to tap gun owners to help close the state’s $1.7 billion budget deficit. According to both FOX and CBS:

“Gov. Dannel Malloy, a Democrat, has proposed increases to pistol permit fees. The 5-year renewal fee for pistol permits would increase from $70 to $300, first-time 5-year permits would increase from $140 to $370 and fees for background checks would increase from $50 to $75.”

The way they look at it, if they can’t ban guns outright, they can at least “price us out of the market.” And excessively high fees and taxes are one way to achieve that. But such cost increases always hit those at the lower end of the income scale the most. This is not an exaggeration. As reported in the Hartford Courant:

“Joan M. Liska, a senior citizen from Middletown, said paying the fee increase will be difficult for her because she is now on a limited income. Liska said she never owned a gun in her younger days, but now carries one every day. ‘I do carry for self-defense,’ Liska said. ‘I’m not as physically capable of defending myself as I was when I was younger. The state of our culture isn’t what it was … if I give up my permit, that leaves me defenseless.’”

Like most financial attacks on gun owners, this one is justified by Governor Malloy as necessary to “help balance the state’s $20 billion budget.” But under the most wildly optimistic projections, the new taxes would generate only $11 million, or about 1/1000th of the state budget.

But let’s not kid ourselves; this is not about revenue. It’s about attacking our rights. “The governor has it out for gun owners,” said Scott Wilson, president of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League. “Only six years ago, the cost for a new 5-year permit was only $35. The increase for an initial permit will increase tenfold to $370.”

To add insult to injury, under the Democrat governor’s proposal, fees for background checks needed to obtain pistol permits also would increase, from $50 to $75. Most states do not charge a separate fee for a background check — it is simply an administrative item included in the permit/license fees, and usually far lower than the current proposal.

But permit/license fees are just one avenue seen by gun-control proponents to increase the cost of gun ownership and use. Taxes are another, especially at the state and local level. Over the last several years, we have seen attempts to tax ammunition at outrageous rates, some of which would quadruple the cost of even target ammunition.

Banning lead in ammunition is yet one more tactic. Most recent efforts at banning lead have failed. But if they ever succeed, look for skyrocketing ammo costs.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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