Author Topic: Rubio: I’m not going to hold a town hall just to be heckled by liberal activists  (Read 330 times)

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Offline endicom

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Hot Air
Feb. 27, 2017

‘Member when the Times touted Rubio in 2010 as “The First Senator from the Tea Party,” a movement that rose to public prominence in part by confronting the opposing party at town halls a year earlier? I ‘member.

He has firsthand experience with liberal activists trying to put him on the spot this month even without having held a town hall. They’ve staked him out at a few places around Miami to confront him on camera about why he hasn’t held an event yet. He’s not wrong either about liberals cribbing from the “Indivisible” pamphlet, a protest guide “full of pointers on how to bird dog their members of Congress in the language of Capitol insiders.” The authors of the pamphlet claim it’s been downloaded more than a million times since December. A few key bits from the section on protesting at town halls:
