Author Topic: {*ALERT*} Mass Evac of Antarctica as Special Ops & Military Moving in {Godlike Productions}  (Read 2954 times)

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Offline Quix

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From the WHO KNOWS dept . . . HOWEVER, there's been sooooo many recent flags on the Antarctica 'play,' that it might be wise to keep one's head up and paying attention:
If I HAD to guess, I'd be guessing more in the alarmist direction, than not.
1. There's been tooooo much confirmation of toooo many curious (as in strange they'd be involved), very high level world leaders making trips to Antarctica in recent months.
imho, clearly SOMETHING unusual is going on.
2. Various Christian researchers . . . Quayle, L.A. Marzulli, et al . . . have been signaling from their sources for some weeks that SOMETHING VERY unusual and super major is on the brink of coming down the Pike.
3. Now this. The short video basically says that this defense sort of contractor source can't say much but does say that
3.1 all civilians are being EVACUATED from the continent (evidently ASAP)
3.2 the Russian Navy is heading that way in a big way.
3.3 Major state-of-the-art--off-the-factory-floor scalar etc exotic weapons systems are being rushed there (That also implies it is all somehow dealing with ET's).
3.4 Major military high ranking brass uncommonly seen there are there in very uncommon (larger) numbers.
4. imho, all this comes against a backdrop of increasing numbers and qualities of 'puzzle pieces' signaling a major paradigm shift--i.e. such puzzle pieces have increasingly surfaced even in the main stream media and CERTAINLY in the alternative media--relative to the UFO stuff and geopolitics.
5. The crack-downs and forced removal of some sorts of alt media whistleblower topics from youtube, and other social media have been much more instant and emphatic than I can recall it being routine before.
6. It is conceivable that this will blow over and turn out to be either nothing much or overblown. I just do NOT believe that will be the case, this time. I HOPE I'm WRONG.
7. imho, Prayer is highly in order.
8. IF what's looming really is as major as it sort of sounds like and feels like, imho, it is God's mercy that Trump is in office. Whatever it is, Shrillery would have been MUCH MORE literally satanic in her responses to whatever it is, than Trump ever thought of being in his worst nightmares.
9. People who are still convinced that life will go on roughly as it always has . . . need to WAKE UP. Time is running out. They do not likely have much more time to  prepare their hearts and minds for some major changes in our planet and in our daily lives, imho.
10. I believe that strongly enough that I have been gradually ramping up my brazenness about talking to people about such "fringe" topics and in talking about people making their heart right with God via a Salvation Relationship with Jesus The Christ--Yeshua--the Messiah. Time is just increasingly tooooo short to bleep fool around about such issues any longer.
11. I recently told a very bright and creative close college administrator who has a 20+ year old son working in Asia. The son had said he's not returning to the USA as long as Trump is in office. Anyway, the Dad is one of the most responsible people I know. But recently, over lunch, his son came up in the conversation and I told the Dad something I've been waiting years to tell him. I said:
11.1  "{Name}, you're one of the most responsible people I know. Yet, you have been very irresponsible with {Son}. You have not  prepared him to live and you have not prepared him to die {and meet God}." The Dad protested that his son was living quite successfully. I said: "Not according to God's priorities."
12. People are on the brink of learning, WHETHER THEY WANT TO, OR NOT, that

13. People need to get their house in order whether it's prepping or AT LEAST upgrading things within them and between them spiritually and mentally.
14. People can complain about Quix crying "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" a la Chicken Little, if they wish. I have been researching this stuff since 1962 and 1965. I have had a rather mostly reliable gestalt about the trend lines, significant changes in such spheres for at least the last 30+ years.
15. There is soooooo much smoke and mirrors and disinformation and misinformation and deliberate MSM manipulation and distractions, it has been hard to discern even basics like which end is up. Nevertheless, distilling the masses of information down to the most plausible essentials has been a pretty good strategy. And at this point, doing so indicates to me that things ARE on the brink, certainly the near horizon, of changing wholesale in some major daily-life-impacting ways.
16. I believe this strongly enough that I'm more than a little wary about a planned trip to the Dallas area in April. I'd rather not be away from home when major dramas erupt on the world stage. But, I still feel good in my spirit about it so unless closer to that time, things look overtly and obviously contrary to my going, I still plan to go. But it's near a 50/50 decision point.
17. I'm not greatly concerned if readers think I've gone full bore bonkers. I've lived with such attitudes toward me most of my life for one reason or another. Nevertheless, ALMOST ALWAYS, the brightest, most educated, most awake and alert folks I've ran into of various philosophical perspectives have tended to seriously respect what I've had to say.
17.1 Sometimes that has shocked me because I didn't expect folks of this or that perspective to find what I had to say THAT perceptive, apt or useful. But they did. They already knew enough before meeting me that I added puzzle pieces to their construction on reality that made things significantly clearer to them.
18. In terms of the OP video above . . . it is but one puzzle piece. Godlike Productions is often derided as being a very flakey site. I caution people again . . . it was the FLAKIEST groups that earliest and most accurately identified who Hitler was and what he would do.
19. IF the above video was merely one puzzle piece on an empty table, I'd take it with a larger gain of salt. It isn't. There's probably 1-2 DOZEN puzzle pieces on the table in the critical direction about that sphere. That Probably means something. Might not. Probably does.
20. THEREFORE WHAT? That's a lot harder to answer.
21. At a minimum, folks need to get their spiritual houses in order. And Prepping is still possible and crucial--virtually regardless.

22. People NEED to learn to walk close enough to God that they have learned how to hear HIS VOICE and obey it. . . . how to filter out their own mental noise and the voice of the enemy in their heads and through the media.


Avoiding Truth
There is a principle
__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

@Cyber Liberty
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@Liberty Tree Dr
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@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 08:21:55 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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I give up in the OP window.

Here's the rest of it:
= = =
23. When things begin to dramatically change from life as mankind has more or less known it for millennia to something with a list of unprecedented contingencies, boundaries, facts, realities . . . and a list of unknown factors being awash in all that . . . . the Biblical time when men's hearts fail them for fear will be at or near upon us increasingly wholesale.
 24. For one, the light will continue to get brighter and the dark darker. The lines between them--FOR THE DISCERNING--will become clearer.
 24.1 The clueless will likely become MORE clueless.
 25. LIFE vs DEATH will become more starkly real and more commonly at hand, on the brink, more instantly effected in a longer list of situations.
 26. WISDOM will be increasingly in short supply. And, far more often, wisdom will mean the difference between life or death.
 27. For folks who fail to believe in the God of the Bible--sorry, you're simply ignorant, terminally uninformed and worse. Your time and chances to adjust your constructions on reality and get your act together is getting shorter and shorter, faster and faster.
 28. As Chuck Missler (youtube . . . see HIDDEN TREASURES of The Bible, etc) has demonstrated, the Bible  is provably and emphatically true and clearly from beyond our space and time.
 29. For the T-Factor adrenaline junkies . . . brace yourselves . . . you may be far more routinely 'orgasmic' than you can handle. You may pray for dull and boring and quiet and out-of-the-way.
 30. Enough blathering, for now. I'm happy to dialogue about the above for folks who are willing to demonstrate mutual respect and reasonableness.
31. May God have mercy on all of good heart toward Him and others.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 03:37:08 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Online DCPatriot

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6. It is conceivable that this will blow over and turn out to be either nothing much or overblown. I just do NOT believe that will be the case, this time. I HOPE I'm WRONG.

My've been spending your entire life searching for "proof" of intelligent alien life.     :whistle:

Why would you say, "....HOPE I'm WRONG."?
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Quix

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My've been spending your entire life searching for "proof" of intelligent alien life.     :whistle:

Why would you say, "....HOPE I'm WRONG."?

I have NO DOUBT about the existence of the fallen angels pretending to be ET's . . . nor of their involvement with the top of the oligarchy toward establishing more overtly the one world government and one world religion.

I have absolutely 0.0% doubt about that.

What I hope I'm wrong about is that it's as close on the near horizon as it's beginning to appear it is . . . that the global tyranny will far too soon begin to be manifested in all our countries and neighborhoods with horrific enslavements, limitations and suffering.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 10:41:34 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Gefn

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This is scary stuff.

For the humans and the penguins.
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

Adopt a puppy or kitty from your local shelter
Or an older dog or cat. They're true love❤️

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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Related news or cover story depending on your point of view:

For more than 60 years, British researchers have monitored changes in the world’s atmosphere from a remote lab in Antarctica.

Now, for the first time ever, this facility will close, at least temporarily, to protect the safety of its residents.

The NewsHour’s Julia Griffin explains.

JULIA GRIFFIN: At the bottom of our planet, on top of more than 400 feet of ice, sits a state-of-the-art research station called Halley VI.

DAVID VAUGHAN, Director of Science, British Antarctic Survey: It’s an extraordinary place to be, sitting in this, what feels like a large ship on the ice, looking out across the vast expanse of essentially nothingness.

JULIA GRIFFIN: David Vaughan is director of science for British Antarctic Survey, which runs Halley VI.

DAVID VAUGHAN: The science that we do at Halley isn’t just about exploring. It’s actually making measurements that really inform how we interact with our planet, about the risk of severe space weather storms that might knock out our satellite GPS systems.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline Quix

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This is scary stuff.

For the humans and the penguins.


for the planet!
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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Related news or cover story depending on your point of view:

For more than 60 years, British researchers have monitored changes in the world’s atmosphere from a remote lab in Antarctica.

Now, for the first time ever, this facility will close, at least temporarily, to protect the safety of its residents.

The NewsHour’s Julia Griffin explains.

JULIA GRIFFIN: At the bottom of our planet, on top of more than 400 feet of ice, sits a state-of-the-art research station called Halley VI.

DAVID VAUGHAN, Director of Science, British Antarctic Survey: It’s an extraordinary place to be, sitting in this, what feels like a large ship on the ice, looking out across the vast expanse of essentially nothingness.

JULIA GRIFFIN: David Vaughan is director of science for British Antarctic Survey, which runs Halley VI.

DAVID VAUGHAN: The science that we do at Halley isn’t just about exploring. It’s actually making measurements that really inform how we interact with our planet, about the risk of severe space weather storms that might knock out our satellite GPS systems.

I'd seen another article about that. Evidently they were/are planning to move the station because of the ice shelf splitting off from the rest of the continent.

Sounds like the huge cracks  are incredible.

Nice they can move it on the pod's huge skies.

= = =

In terms of the OP . . . it does seem . . . convenient . . . to say that the personnel are being removed . . . just when there's claims about the continent being evacuated of civilians.

Interesting times.


Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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This is scary stuff.

For the humans and the penguins.

There are persistent reports . . . from Afghanistan . . . about conflicts with  huge  giants.

i.e. human like creatures 15 FEET TALL

1. One who skewered the USA patrol person on the giant's huge spear--the spear point was 3' long or so.

2. The wounds of the giant appeared to heal very quickly but not instantly.

3. Because of 2, it was essential that the giant's head be cut off, in order to kill it and stop it from regenerating the rest of its body.

4. That giant was discovered at the mouth of a cave by a patrol that went looking in the region where another patrol had gone entirely missing.

5. The stench was evidently quite powerful, akin to the stench of a skunk in some respects.

6. There was another case where a group of such giants confronted a patrol.

7. These reports are from seemingly quite reliable multiple sources. I think L.A. Marzulli and Steve Quayle have reports on such goings on.

8. The first giant mentioned above was coptered out and all told to never talk about it.

9. Their weapons didn't seem to have any effect unless they shot at the giants face, IIRC.

10. IF what's purportedly in Antarctica has any relationship to such giants . . . an evacuation sounds wise, to me.

11. Oh, the giants, IIRC had 6 finger and 6 toes. The old Native American tradition of raising the hand, palm outward, in greeting strangers was related to that--as the natives had to battle cannibalistic giants of a similar stature.  And raising the hand when greeting a stranger was to insure that neither was part of the family of giants with 6 toes and 6 fingers on each appendage.

12. Purportedly, when David cut off Goliath's head--that was essential to insure his death. And supposedly, the habit of Muslims cutting off the heads of their victims was fostered by such evil, satanic, fallen angel related forces as a type of retaliation for giants' heads being severed.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Did Martian Refugees Settle in Antarctica over a Million Years Ago?
. . .
Goode has said that major announcements about discoveries in Antarctica are forthcoming which are expected to release some but not all of the truth about the discovered flash frozen civilization. His claim is supported by internet mining expert Cliff High whose “predictive linguistics” model led him to conclude in January that major announcements about Antarctic discoveries are forthcoming.
. . .


Time will tell . . . seems more than a little far fetched . . . but stranger things have turned out to be true.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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"IMPENDING ANNOUNCEMENT of Ruins from Futuristic Civilization Found in Antarctica"
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Online DCPatriot

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"IMPENDING ANNOUNCEMENT of Ruins from Futuristic Civilization Found in Antarctica"

That's exactly what I was thinking they 'found' down there.

The earth's land masses have been tilled numerous times over the eons.  It's a violent rock.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Quix

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That's exactly what I was thinking they 'found' down there.

The earth's land masses have been tilled numerous times over the eons.  It's a violent rock.

Wellllllllllllllll, I'd guesstimate there's 8-12 sources saying such things about the area. Time will tell.

I don't  know how many sources there were  originally. I'm just  talking  about the published sources.

Their individual whistleblower sources could number 1-several each, imho.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Someone remarked on a thread on ATS that on ATS Antarctica threads have been being removed rapidly--as well as on other websites.

Is anyone aware of such going on with other websites?

Here's some more curious links re Antarctica:
Google Earth reveals strange Antarctic entrances--evidence of secret UFO bases?
{I'm not convinced that's what Google earth shows but anyway}
= = = =
Ruins of Ancient City Found In Antarctica?
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{Horrible background "music"}
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New Evidence: Secret Past of Antarctica and Buried City Is True After All (Video)
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VIA Secrets of the Fed
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. . .
He refers to their plan as a “Hail Mary effort”; a Hail Mary is a pass is what a football team tries to use in the last seconds of the game, throwing the ball to the end zone as a final effort to score point to take the win. With the Pizzagate scandal shining light on their nefarious activities, multiple countries around the world electing anti-establishment leaders, and the rising of revolutions around the world, the elite Cabal need to pull something to save their skin, and their end zone Hail Mary pass may be going to Antarctica.
. . .
This article, also from the Express agency dated August 17th, discusses a “Mysterious 14 mile structure ‘buried’ in Antarctica found on Google”. In the article they reference a YouTube video from the user “Wowforreel” where he spots a large protrusion on the Antarctic surface on Google Maps. It is quite peculiar to note that his video was release in 2012, but they only decided to post a story on it within the last few months.
. . .
Partial disclosure is a term referring to a slow and carefully coordinated releases of information that allow certain power players to maintain control under the guise of revealing the truth. It would involve the acknowledgement of UFOs, hidden aspects of human history, and a release of some advanced technology—but only those things which satisfy curiosity at a shallow level. The Cabal would still be in control of this post partial disclosure world, and as such, it can be likened to a psychological warfare tactic.
. . .
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7 May 2016
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FROM: GODLIKE PRODUCTIONS . . . so consider accordingly.
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Project Avalon Forum
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also listed elsewhere
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27 FEB 2017
same link:
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By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
By Greg Hunter On January 22, 2017 In Political Analysis 328 Comments

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Time will tell. Some curious stuff talked about in the above links.
= = = =

 Avoiding Truth
There is a principle
__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 09:30:20 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Victoria33

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Quix, I don't think you are considering the conditions at the south pole - how difficult it is for anything to live on the ice.  This is not Florida.  My documentary film director son spent three months on the ice going to the north pole.  The film he made there was reconstructing the race to the south pole by Norway's Amundsen and Britain's Scott.  These people on the reconstructed two teams of explorers wore the same type clothes and ate the same type food as those explorer's did.  My son had different food to eat so he would not get sick - if he couldn't function, no film would be made.  They would have made this film at the south pole except that sledge dogs are not allowed at the south pole now.

My son wore a suit made by NASA for him, to keep him able to function well enough to make the film.  He said it looked like suits astronauts wore in space.  He had special coverings for his film camera so it wouldn't freeze.  He saw nothing but white for that three months.  To begin, he and and the two explorer groups, plus their sledge dogs, and sledges, and equipment, were dropped on the ice by helicopters.  A present day explorer who had been on the ice numerous times, stayed with my son to keep him out of danger.  Everything is white and one can't see splits in the ice.  Son was filming, wanted to get a certain shot, couldn't see an ice split, and fell, hanging onto a ledge of ice and the present day explorer got him out. 

As an example of how difficult it is to stay alive in those temperatures, they were given instructions how to keep from freezing their bodies.  When they had to urinate, the rule was only expose a penis to the air for "x" seconds.   One of the men urinated, and there were two zippers that must be zipped after those seconds.  He did a short cut and didn't zip the inner zipper.  His penis froze and a helicopter came to get him off the ice. 

After those three months, helicopters came to get them.  Son said after seeing white for three months, when they saw color again, their eyes/actually their brains, were overwhelmed by color.

He has made two other films on the ice, one was taking three present day explorers, one with experience on water, another a war correspondent, another with experience on ice, going from land Alaska, onto the ice.  Sure enough, one of them left his penis out too long, and it froze and a helicopter came to get him.

The other one was in Russia's Siberia, the coldest place on earth is in that area.  Again he wore his NASA suit and filmed the nomad Russians who follow reindeer.  He stayed with them as they traveled the land following the reindeer. 

Extreme cold freezes whatever is there.  Everything freezes in the north pole and south pole in seconds.  Trying to place people, aliens from outer space, whatever, on the ice for an extended period of time, actually living there, without extreme life saving construction of living space, and body protections, and food and water, medicines, and expect it to live, is not believable. 

Now, if you say aliens from outer space can do this, they can't unless they come from a frozen place in space, already knowing how to survive in extreme cold and bring those life saving preps with them and manage to build something before they freeze.  They may not look like us in any way, but whatever they are made of, is going to freeze.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 04:05:15 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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Quix, I don't think you are considering the conditions at the south pole - how difficult it is for anything to live on the ice.  This is not Florida.  My documentary film director son spent three months on the ice going to the north pole.  The film he made there was reconstructing the race to the south pole by Norway's Amundsen and Britain's Scott.  These people on the reconstructed two teams of explorers wore the same type clothes and ate the same type food as those explorer's did.  My son had different food to eat so he would not get sick - if he couldn't function, no film would be made.  They would have made this film at the south pole except that sledge dogs are not allowed at the south pole now.

My son wore a suit made by NASA for him, to keep him able to function well enough to make the film.  He said it looked like suits astronauts wore in space.  He had special coverings for his film camera so it wouldn't freeze.  He saw nothing but white for that three months.  To begin, he and and the two explorer groups, plus their sledge dogs, and sledges, and equipment, were dropped on the ice by helicopters.  A present day explorer who had been on the ice numerous times, stayed with my son to keep him out of danger.  Everything is white and one can't see splits in the ice.  Son was filming, wanted to get a certain shot, couldn't see an ice split, and fell, hanging onto a ledge of ice and the present day explorer got him out. 

As an example of how difficult it is to stay alive in those temperatures, they were given instructions how to keep from freezing their bodies.  When they had to urinate, the rule was only expose a penis to the air for "x" seconds.   One of the men urinated, and there were two zippers that must be zipped after those seconds.  He did a short cut and didn't zip the inner zipper.  His penis froze and a helicopter came to get him off the ice. 

After those three months, helicopters came to get them.  Son said after seeing white for three months, when they saw color again, their eyes/actually their brains, were overwhelmed by color.

He has made two other films on the ice, one was taking three present day explorers, one with experience on water, another a war correspondent, another with experience on ice, going from land Alaska, onto the ice.  Sure enough, one of them left his penis out too long, and it froze and a helicopter came to get him.

The other one was in Russia's Siberia, the coldest place on earth is in that area.  Again he wore his NASA suit and filmed the nomad Russians who follow reindeer.  He stayed with them as they traveled the land following the reindeer. 

Extreme cold freezes whatever is there.  Everything freezes in the north pole and south pole in seconds.  Trying to place people, aliens from outer space, whatever, on the ice for an extended period of time, actually living there, without extreme life saving construction of living space, and body protections, and food and water, medicines, and expect it to live, is not believable. 

Now, if you say aliens from outer space can do this, they can't unless they come from a frozen place in space, already knowing how to survive in extreme cold and bring those life saving preps with them and manage to build something before they freeze.  They may not look like us in any way, but whatever they are made of, is going to freeze.
I'm just talking off my top of my hat, but there are a lot of cold planets out there. Maybe the pole is the only place on earth these aliens thrive.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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"...high temperatures at the South Pole in January average at −25.9 °C (−15 °F). As the six-month "day" wears on and the sun gets lower, temperatures drop as well: they reach −45 °C (−49 °F) around sunset (late March) and sunrise (late September). In midwinter, the average temperature remains steady at around −58 °C (−72 °F)."

Extreme cold as above is going to freeze whatever living material is.  Unless aliens are made of a certain type of metal that won't freeze, they are going to freeze.  That is the point of my post above.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 04:57:14 pm by Victoria33 »

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"...high temperatures at the South Pole in January average at −25.9 °C (−15 °F). As the six-month "day" wears on and the sun gets lower, temperatures drop as well: they reach −45 °C (−49 °F) around sunset (late March) and sunrise (late September). In midwinter, the average temperature remains steady at around −58 °C (−72 °F)."

Extreme cold as above is going to freeze whatever living material is.  Unless they are made of a certain type of metal that won't freeze, they are going to freeze.
BRRRR!!! That is cold.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

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Quix, I don't think you are considering the conditions at the south pole - how difficult it is for anything to live on the ice.  This is not Florida.  My documentary film director son spent three months on the ice going to the north pole.  The film he made there was reconstructing the race to the south pole by Norway's Amundsen and Britain's Scott.  These people on the reconstructed two teams of explorers wore the same type clothes and ate the same type food as those explorer's did.  My son had different food to eat so he would not get sick - if he couldn't function, no film would be made.  They would have made this film at the south pole except that sledge dogs are not allowed at the south pole now.

My son wore a suit made by NASA for him, to keep him able to function well enough to make the film.  He said it looked like suits astronauts wore in space.  He had special coverings for his film camera so it wouldn't freeze.  He saw nothing but white for that three months.  To begin, he and and the two explorer groups, plus their sledge dogs, and sledges, and equipment, were dropped on the ice by helicopters.  A present day explorer who had been on the ice numerous times, stayed with my son to keep him out of danger.  Everything is white and one can't see splits in the ice.  Son was filming, wanted to get a certain shot, couldn't see an ice split, and fell, hanging onto a ledge of ice and the present day explorer got him out. 

Extreme cold freezes whatever is there.  Everything freezes in the north pole and south pole in seconds.  Trying to place people, aliens from outer space, whatever, on the ice for an extended period of time, actually living there, without extreme life saving construction of living space, and body protections, and food and water, medicines, and expect it to live, is not believable. 

Now, if you say aliens from outer space can do this, they can't unless they come from a frozen place in space, already knowing how to survive in extreme cold and bring those life saving preps with them and manage to build something before they freeze.  They may not look like us in any way, but whatever they are made of, is going to freeze.

I'm keenly aware of the technical and very deadly hazards. I have long standing family loved ones who live in Alaska and work on the North Slope and/or pipeline.

Congrats on your son surviving and doing such a grand job with those films!

The contention, roughly, is that the critters have vast underground and/or under all that ice vast cities and structures. Some reports seem to indicate that the critters are still operating in their vast under ice cities. Certainly there are reports of such cities, structures being frozen and uninhabited.

The contention is that the Nazi's took vast loads of materiel in huge transport subs directly into the underground cities through a huge tunnel from the sea directly into such a city.

The stories can be reasonably asserted to be preposterous from a list of perspectives.

And, you persistently serve as a wonderful reality-check with rationality and skeptical perspectives.

Nevertheless, this is an era in which many preposterous things have already come true, affirming Biblical prophecy--and many more WILL come true that are even more preposterous than what has come true, so far.

The critters evidently have 3-4 DIFFERENT technologies with which to take energy from the quantum structure of the multi-verse. Of that I have very little to no doubt. The reports have been to emphatic over too many decades.

In some respects, all it takes to deal with cold is plenty of energy producing sufficient heat. Certainly they have the energy tech to do that. The only other helpful thing would be sufficient insulation, in most respects. But even Eskimos' ice igloos are amazingly protective from the raw external cold with minimal inner heat.

IIRC, we are talking about structures and cities at least a mile under the ice.

Early in the cold war, we had a Thule, Greenland base that was buried under the snow and ice, with only the technology of that era. But it included an atomic reactor for power and thereby heat. It functioned quite well for a number of years.

We are talking about critters that have spiritual and technological capacities that are well beyond normal human capacities and technologies. They routinely travel between our multiverse/sphere and other dimensions. I don't really think it's such a huge challenge for them to deal with even outrageously cold temperatures under a mile or more of ice.

Evidently, even we have some plasma and/or other technologies with which to build vast tunnels etc. through rock as well as ice relatively quickly.

It is part of my Watchman's job . . .
It is part of my personality . . .
It is part of my nature . . .
It is part of my habit . . .
It is part of my necessary strategies . . .

--to think very much outside the box.

It is almost impossible for me not to.

Of course, reality is still reality.

However, it is demonstrable that "reality" is hardly what even the best scientists 100-200 years ago THOUGHT it was. One brilliant physicist (I forget the name) declared more than 100 years ago that physics had nothing new to learn. That they then knew all there was to ever know about reality and its constructions. Boy did he turn out to be !!!WRONG!!!

Solid, very brilliant scientists seriously contend that all that we experience and perceive as reality is "merely" a vast extremely complex simulation--as in an artificial computer simulation. I think even Chuck Missler has become mostly convinced of that.

Suffice it to say, mankind is STILL not nearly as smart as he thinks he is in a list of respects.

There remain MANY unknowns that will be increasingly confronting us in this era. Some of them will be well beyond the line of "OFF THE WALL" in terms of strangeness, preposterousness, . . . even "impossibility."

Part of me is sad for you that you have the challenging role of giving me pause for thought. But most of me is thrilled that it is you as you are the most capable, courageous, thoughtful and caring in such a troublesome, tedious task, or 'thrownness." THANK YOU. Now if we could just work out who could supply you with a steady supply of well-earned medals for your yeoman's work at such duties! . . . :LOL:

I think, in terms of the Antarctica reports . . . IF there is NOTHING there, it is MORE strange and preposterous than that the reports have at least a core reality to them.

How do we explain such persistent reports from such a diversity of sources?
Why would they come up with such a purportedly 'invented' set of realities as even fiction?

Why do the reports from such diverse sources fit so well together?
Why do the government and military officials relate to such issues in VERY TYPICAL black ops ways?

Why were the scientists picked up from one such site sooooooooo obviously and immovably utterly off-the-scale-TERRIFIED in their eyes and countenance?

Why are there so many persistent reports over the decades of it REQUIRING a certain constitution of human personality and maybe even DNA to be able to even see (much more so to interact with) some types of the critters WITHOUT GOING fairly instantly STARK RAVING MAD/INSANE--seriously?

Why has there been soooo much fairly successful and rigid secrecy in Antarctica for so many decades? . . . particularly if it's all merely, as purported, a vast "benign" scientific data collection research effort?

Why are there so many reports of incredible, preposterous buried structures and tunnels in Europe, Russia, Alaska and other places--somewhat similar to the reports of the cities under the ice and obviously related to 'other' type critters?

Certainly the cold is a huge challenge. It's just not an insurmountable challenge, as our spacecraft have demonstrated.

And an inexhaustible energy source would deal with the worst of the cold rather decisively.


« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 05:19:51 pm by Quix »
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BRRRR!!! That is cold.

Thanks. Please see my response to @Victoria33, above/below.
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From one of the links listed below in the long list of links:
There is an awful lot of information out on the Internet about a lost city under a sheet of ice in Antarctica, but so much of the information is totally bogus, so it’s often hard discern the true from the false. To date, I’ve done two posts dealing with what may or may not be located on the icy continent, and both posts have been wildly popular. Perhaps the reason for their popularity is the approach I take towards these types of subjects. I try to stick what IS known, and draw what conclusions I can from there. Provided whatever story we’re talking about doesn’t contradict what is already known for certain, then it stands to reason that the story could be possible, right?

First, let’s determine what information IS known about Antarctica that is independent of the story below that shines a new light on the possibility of a lost arctic civilization. When it comes to the Antarctic, the truth could very well be far more interesting than any of the silly stories made up anyway. This post will be laid out as follows:

1. Is there any existing evidence we already know about that shows there was once something living on modern day Antarctica?


2. If evidence DOES exist, or there is something to suggest the Antarctic was once inhabited, put the evidence into context

3. What previously rumored stories or hypothesis align with these new findings?

4. What is the new evidence that was recently discovered?

"Antarctica: NASA Images Reveal Traces of Ancient Human Settlement Underneath 2.3 km of Ice" {Captain to a pair of pics}
. . .
Here ’s what we know: Either humans had some means to fly in 1513, and whatever they were flying had ground penetrating radar, or something about earth and mankind’s history we’ve been taught is NOT correct. So, if mankind wasn’t here to make the original version of the map, who or what was, and why don’t we know more about it? Or do we? You might want to check out: Everything We Have Been Taught About Human Origins Is a Lie.

. . .

In Genesis Chapter 6 of the Holy Bible, it talks about a race of mighty giants who walked the earth in those days. According to the Bible, the giants were the offspring of fallen angels that came down to earth and mated with what were then human women. Because God did not intend for fallen angels to mate with humans, it is said that is why God sent the flood, to wipe everything out and start again with just Noah and the arc. Genesis Chapter 6:4 reads:
. . .

etc. etc. etc.

There's 3 long web pages to that article.
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Our planet has gone through eons of changes, and it is certainly possible the north and south pole could have been different, warmer, to support life.  I don't have a problem with that, there could have been people/towns of sorts, living in both poles which would be under ice now.  At one time, Texas was under water and that is a proven fact.  My long post was to show, in today's time, bringing it down to just one statement, a penis will freeze in seconds which means so will every living thing freeze without extraordinary means of keeping cold at bay every single day.  So, there may be a town under the ice, but it was not cold like it is now for that to happen. 

Also, about giants, they would freeze, too - any living form will freeze.  You could go with "spirits" living in those temps, if you want, as they have no type of flesh to freeze. 

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Our planet has gone through eons of changes, and it is certainly possible the north and south pole could have been different, warmer, to support life.  I don't have a problem with that, there could have been people/towns of sorts, living in both poles which would be under ice now.  At one time, Texas was under water and that is a proven fact.  My long post was to show, in today's time, bringing it down to just one statement, a penis will freeze in seconds which means so will every living thing freeze without extraordinary means of keeping cold at bay every single day.  So, there may be a town under the ice, but it was not cold like it is now for that to happen. 

Also, about giants, they would freeze, too - any living form will freeze.  You could go with "spirits" living in those temps, if you want, as they have no type of flesh to freeze. 

Of course, the giants would freeze, unprotected, too.

I do believe that with sufficient energy and tech . . . it would be possible to create & maintain a vast city 2 km under the ice.

IIRC, there's also some very limited reports of volcanic heat under parts of the ice--that may have been used.

I understand about the pole shifting and Antarctica being warm at one or more times. That may have been a factor in the creation of one or more of the deeply buried cities. I don't believe it was the case for all such buried cities.

I'm rather skeptical that Antarctica is Atlantis. But what do I know.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2017, 06:02:35 pm by Quix »
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In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, and at least one follow-up expedition.
 That is fact. It is undeniable. But… the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in “official” circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion.
. . .

[/size]These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.
[/size]He was hospitalized and was not allowed to hold any more press conferences. Still, in March 1955, he was placed in charge of
Operation Deepfreeze
which was part of the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, exploration of the Antarctic. He died, shortly thereafter… in 1957… many have suggested he was murdered…

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