Author Topic: Why Evangelicals want refugees--hint: not altruism - Rev. Austin Miles  (Read 347 times)

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Why Evangelicals want refugees--hint: not altruism
By Rev. Austin Miles

We live in an era of fake news which meddles with our minds. But worse, we also have fake preachers who meddle with our very souls. That is Satan's most dedicated tactic. To destroy the soul is to destroy the man. This is why the evil one has managed to infiltrate our churches, precisely to turn people off to church, ministers and especially....God.

A full page ad in The Washington Post, Wednesday a week ago, included the signatures of over 500 evangelical pastors urging President Donald Trump to reverse his ban on refugee resettlement. A couple of the signers on that list shocked me. You will see the entire list below. Those 'evangelicals' seem to be suffering a deplorable lack of reasoning.

Here is their statement: "As Christian pastors and leaders, we are deeply concerned by the recently announced moratorium on refugee resettlement. We have a historic call expressed over 2,000 years to serve the suffering. We cannot abandon this call now."

So bring them all in. Let them change our culture to theirs and give them full access to our wives and daughters, especially the very young ones.

The organizer of the group letter is (another shock) the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), and one of the nine agencies that, now get this, resettle refugees in America. Notice that last part of the sentence....that resettle refugees in America. Doesn't that sound like a line from a grant proposal? You bet it does. And that is precisely what this is all about.


Activist preachers and probably a clear minority of Evangelicals. Miles' editorial links to:

Why Tim Keller, Max Lucado, and Hundreds of Evangelical Leaders Oppose Trump’s Refugee Ban -