Author Topic: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex  (Read 4445 times)

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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2017, 10:29:44 pm »
True health is found using all alternatives judiciously, and pharmaceuticals have saved far more lives Fee than they have damaged.

Whole industry's clean off the legal reservation.

They don't even pretend to have any cures for their own opinion based diseases.

But they DO know that their OPINIONS of diseases/illnesses are lifelong incurables.

Except for themselves and their co-workers.

Due Process and Equal Protection do not apply.

'They' can be 'Cured' based upon condition of employment. 
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In Vol 2 the weapons come out in a winner take all war on two fronts.

Vol 3 opens with the rigged murder trial of the villain in a Viking Court under Viking law to set the stage for the hero's own murder trial.

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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2017, 10:30:29 pm »
You have misread my statement. the ignorance is mentioned in the context of not exploring other viable options which do not carry the associated risks.

My own experience was not like yours. Mine was centered around bucket loads of pills, each causing a reaction which necessitated yet another pill (countering that reaction, while causing others), until I reached an equilibrium which contained twenty separate medicinals per day... which would have been fine in some limited time frame, but it was not... The maintenance of that barely acceptable 'health' was a permanent feature, and cost twice as much per month more than my mortgage...

And it was slowly killing me.

I will rest upon my statement upthread - True health is not found in pharmaceuticals.

@roamer_1 I had the same thing, pharmaceuticals made me loose my kidneys and gave me tarktive dyskinesia

I got better but both experiences were heck.
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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2017, 11:09:38 pm »
True health is found using all alternatives judiciously,

I would differ with you in this. Fundamentally. I will use what is necessary today, but I will seek to change the conditions which are causal, rather than focusing upon the symptoms. This is the downfall of western medicine, and medicine in general, and can only be considered by those who have been down a long road of exposure.

The best cases I can point to tell me this: health is found more in lifestyle than in medicine (preventive or otherwise), and in consideration of the fact that when your number is up, one meets that occasion with a full realization thereof, with an effort to exit this mortal coil in a stately manner. 

[...] and pharmaceuticals have saved far more lives Fee than they have damaged.

That much can be categorically denied. I would encourage you to research deaths by prescription... and the more vague death by secondary symptoms of prescriptions. Death by doctor is a very real thing.

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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2017, 11:20:25 pm »
@roamer_1 I had the same thing, pharmaceuticals made me loose my kidneys and gave me tarktive dyskinesia

I got better but both experiences were heck.


There is a reason why the Father said to stay away from pharmakopia. My return to health is hallmarked by going more and more natural. Both in food and lifestyle. both in vigor and peace.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 11:21:14 pm by roamer_1 »

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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2017, 09:44:02 pm »
I would differ with you in this. Fundamentally. I will use what is necessary today, but I will seek to change the conditions which are causal, rather than focusing upon the symptoms. This is the downfall of western medicine, and medicine in general, and can only be considered by those who have been down a long road of exposure.

The best cases I can point to tell me this: health is found more in lifestyle than in medicine (preventive or otherwise), and in consideration of the fact that when your number is up, one meets that occasion with a full realization thereof, with an effort to exit this mortal coil in a stately manner. 

That much can be categorically denied. I would encourage you to research deaths by prescription... and the more vague death by secondary symptoms of prescriptions. Death by doctor is a very real thing.

How right you are.

Death By Medicine

Contact with the mental health system almost invariably insures diagnosis, treatment, and further contact/entanglement with that system.

Psychiatry's schtick for decades is that moods, thoughts and behaviors are a product of biological causation, either a brain chemical imbalance or a combination of genetic factors.

Current science has yet to establish a base line normal of the brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. It is therefore categorically impossible to determine any postulated imbalance of those chemicals.

Psychiatry's Manufacture of Consent, The Chemical Imbalance Theory And The Antidepressant Explosion.

With the Following Results

Antidepressants Do More Harm Than Good

Antidepressants Double Risk Of Agitation And Violence In Healthy Volunteers: Systematic Review

Largest Meta Analysis To Date of Antidepressants Finds Doubled Risk of Suicide

Antidepressants Increase Violence And Suicide Risk In All Ages

The 2nd Biological Based Fraud is Genetic Causation

Dr Jay Joseph Publications

Here's a shorter, more easily digestible piece of Dr Joseph's Take Down of that lie.

Five Decades of Gene Finding Failure In Psychiatry

Since this piece concerns Abilify, an Atypical Antipsychotic, here's what Those Neurotoxins do.

Neuroleptics/Antipsychotics Cause Violence

The Intrinsic Suicidal Effects Of Neuroleptics

Both Antidepressants and Antipsychotics Cause Emotional, Perceptual, and Behavioral Upsets/Distortions in the patient.

Those upsets are then Re Diagnosed as further evidence of deeper underlying mental illness which the shrinks didn't know existed, at first.

More Drugs. More 'Treatment', precipitating the situation into a death spiral.

Suicides Rise Dramatically With Increasing Psychiatric Care.

Evidence That More Psychiatry Means More Suicides

My 'Viking Hunter' High Adventure Alternate History Series is FREE, ALL 3 volumes, at most ebook retailers including Ibooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and more.

In Vol 2 the weapons come out in a winner take all war on two fronts.

Vol 3 opens with the rigged murder trial of the villain in a Viking Court under Viking law to set the stage for the hero's own murder trial.

Offline To-Whose-Benefit?

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Re: Abilify drug blamed for compulsive gambling, eating, shopping, sex
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2017, 09:29:36 pm »
There are no benefits.

Antipsychotics (the newer Atypicals and the earlier 1st generation Typicals such as Haldol) are the Industry's front line 1st choice drug to defraud into people accused of having Schizophrenia.

Check the Veteran's Administration page on Schiz.

VA customer base is appx 530,000 people.

Generally accepted incidence of Schiz is 1% to 1.5% of population.

So that's at least 53,000 subjects at any given time.

UPDATE: Feb 24, 2017

My bad, math fail. 53,000 would be 10%, not 1%, HOWEVER, due to the prevalence of PTSD Diagnosis and Most Roads leading to Rome/Antipsychotics (the heavy artillery),

The actual percentage of VA patients hosed with these junk, killer drugs may be Way in excess of a mere 10%

Off-Label Use of Antipsychotic Medications In The Dept of Veterans Affairs Health Care System.


"This study aimed to determine the prevalence of prescribing antipsychotics to adults without schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and to identify factors associated with such off-label use. Patients with at least one prescription for an antipsychotic medication from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) during fiscal year (FY) 2007 were identified in national VA administrative databases. Rates of off-label antipsychotic use were determined along with average doses. Multivariate logistic regression models identified sociodemographic and clinical characteristics associated with off-label use. Of the 279,778 individuals in FY 2007 who received an antipsychotic medication, 168,442 (60.2%) had no record of a diagnosis for which these drugs are approved. The most common mental illness diagnoses among patients given prescriptions for antipsychotics off label were posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD, 41.8%), minor depression (39.5%), major depression (23.4%), and anxiety disorder (20.0%). Among VA patients with mental illness other than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, the proportion who received prescriptions for antipsychotic medications ranged from a low of 9.1% among patients with adjustment reaction; to about 20% for those with depression, dementia, or PTSD; and to a high of 40.7% among patients with other psychoses. Doses were low, with over half of patients who received off-label quetiapine, risperidone, or first-generation antipsychotics receiving doses below those recommended for schizophrenia. In logistic regression models, patients diagnosed as having other psychosis or dementia had the highest odds of receiving an antipsychotic medication off label. Off-label use of antipsychotic medications was common. Given that these drugs are expensive, have potentially severe side effects, and have limited evidence supporting their effectiveness for off-label usage, they should be used with greater caution."

And not 1 single 'Positive Outcome', at least for a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, WHICH THE DRUGS CAUSE . . . Ever.


    A review of existing algorithms, including VA National Guidelines, APA, the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP), and PORT was conducted. After careful consideration, a modified version of TMAP was selected, and named the New Jersey Algorithm.
    The sequence includes two trials of atypical antipsychotics followed by a Clozaril trial. If no favorable response is observed, a third atypical neuroleptic is tried, followed by a typical neuroleptic, followed by a combination of antipsychotic medications. The consensus of the internal advisory committee was to provide a flexible algorithm that will allow for minor modifications as new research is disseminated. Though a positive outcome has not been observed with the NJ Algorithm to date, researchers suspect that a larger sample size might generate significant findings in the future."
My 'Viking Hunter' High Adventure Alternate History Series is FREE, ALL 3 volumes, at most ebook retailers including Ibooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and more.

In Vol 2 the weapons come out in a winner take all war on two fronts.

Vol 3 opens with the rigged murder trial of the villain in a Viking Court under Viking law to set the stage for the hero's own murder trial.