Author Topic: ACLU demands Texas 'pee with LGBT.' Pastors warn about new ad promoting open restrooms in state  (Read 249 times)

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ACLU demands Texas 'pee with LGBT'
Pastors warn about new ad promoting open restrooms in state
Published: 11 hours ago

Texas pastors have begun warning about a new ad campaign from the ACLU of Texas demanding that the state’s residents “pee with LGBT.”

The Texas Pastor Council previously told the National Football League – when it threatened a boycott because of the Texas Legislature’s bill to require men to use men’s restrooms – that if forced to choose, “Don’t let the ticket gate hit you on the way out of Texas.”

These are the same pastors who fought back in 2014 when Houston Mayor Annise Parker rammed through the city council a pro-transgender city ordinance. WND broke the story when Parker subpoenaed the sermons of several pastors, and the resulting outrage forced her to back down. Her city’s voters, after the state Supreme Court ordered the city to allow a vote, trashed her plan.