Author Topic: Hypocritical Hillary offers advice to Trump she won't take herself  (Read 321 times)

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February 22, 2017
Hypocritical Hillary offers advice to Trump she won't take herself
By Ethel C. Fenig


She's ba-a-a-a-ck!  Just when you thought Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)  was finally planning to make good on her promises and distribute some of that Clinton Foundation money to Haiti to help the residents recover from the devastating earthquake that struck the poor country seven years ago she does something else!  She discovers that some people are anti-Jewish, i.e., they really don't like Jews, they are commonly called anti-Semites.  (Jews are from the Middle East  where some of the people are known as Semites.)  After reports of numerous anonymous threatening calls  to Jewish community centers (commonly knoown as Js) around the country, overturned tombstones in a St. Louis Jewish cemetery, and other similar incidents, the usual suspects decided the problem could be solved if President Donald J. Trump (R) would say anti-Semitism is not nice.  Yeah, that should do it. 

Never mind that Binyamin (Benjamin in English) Netanyahu,  prime minister of the only Jewish country in the world, the beleaguered Israel, just visited the U.S. where he had a very friendly meeting with Trump.  Upon his departure, Netanyahu praised Trump and the U.S. as great friends of Israel.  In contrast, Netanyahu and Obama had a famously difficult relationship, including, but not limited to Obama keeping Netanyahu waiting for over an hour and sending his guest out the back door,. But there were never calls for Obama to prove he was not anti-Jewish.  (And no, I don't think he is.)

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