Author Topic: John Fund: Trump Is a Lot Like the LBJ Whom Liberals Still Idolize  (Read 510 times)

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John Fund
National Review
February 19, 2017

As president, he cut a grandiose figure. He was a braggart and a frequent liar. He was suspicious of other countries, frequently saying, "Foreigners are not like the folks I am used to." He had a reckless disregard for limits. He belittled and browbeat others to intimidate them and give him what he wanted. Historian Robert Dallek said that he "viewed criticism of his policies as personal attacks" and opponents of his policies "as disloyal to him and the country."

He would bully and insult reporters, saying of one that he "always knew when he was around, because he could smell him." He told whoppers about voter fraud in his elections. But he did get things done, dominating the political scene for good and for ill.

No, we're not talking about Donald Trump. During a visit to the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin, I was struck by just how many parallels there are between Lyndon Johnson and Trump. Liberals knew all about Johnson's faults in the 1960s. But it was a different, more respectful media era, and his faults were underreported. The media were also willing to overlook them until Vietnam became a fiasco, because reporters liked his domestic-policy priorities in civil rights and his new government spending.
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