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Offline EasyAce

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Abolish Presidents' Day
« on: February 18, 2017, 05:31:44 am »
It's time to roll back the imperial cult
By Kevin D. Williamson

Monday is Presidents’ Day, a.k.a. Washington’s Birthday (federally), a.k.a. Washington and Lincoln Day (Colorado, Ohio, Utah),
a.k.a. Washington and Jefferson’s Birthday (Alabama), a.k.a. Washington and Daisy Gatson Bates Day (seriously, Arkansas?), a.k.a.
another excuse for the sort of underemployed worthless miscreants who get federal holidays off to enjoy another three-day weekend
while contemplating the absolute historical and epoch-defining splendor of an august office held by the likes of Andrew Johnson,
Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson’s wife, William Jefferson Clinton’s humidor, and Donald J. Trump.

Worst. Holiday. Ever.

Oh, it started off with the best of intentions: a national commemoration of George Washington’s life on his birthday. George Washington
was a natural aristocrat, a man of impeccable probity and great personal courage, whose dignity and humility after kicking King George
in the pants set a new standard not for American political leaders but for political leaders per se. When Washington said he intended to
return to his farm rather than establish himself as a lord in the new dominion he had wrested away from the British Empire, King George
famously declared: “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.” He did just that, resigning as commander in chief and
going home to Virginia. The new republic was not yet done with him, though, and he returned to serve as president before returning
to the farm for good.

Washington was, as David Boaz put it in his excellent essay of that title, “the man who would not be king.” He would not accept a title
or an honorific, and established the excellent republican practice of referring to the chief executive simply as “Mr. President.” George
Washington did not need the presidency — the presidency needed him.

There have been some great men and some good men (and a few who were both) in the White House since then: Jefferson, Lincoln,
Coolidge, Eisenhower, Reagan. Some of them took Washington’s example to heart: Lincoln was incapable of personal grandiosity, Coolidge
eschewed pomp and ceremony, and Eisenhower insisted that he be laid out in the plain pine box of an ordinary soldier, wearing a field
jacket with no medals or ribbons on it. Reagan had a touch too much Hollywood in him — perhaps he was only overcompensating for the
gloom of the Johnson-Nixon-(Ford)-Carter years — and elevated the showmanship of the office to an unwelcome level. Among other things,
he popularized the lamentable practice of having the president, who is a civilian rather than a uniformed military officer, returning salutes.
(Ike, who knew better, did it, too.) But in many ways the ceremonial aspect of the modern presidency stems from the horribly abbreviated
career of John Kennedy, whose political martyrdom invited a more Catholic approach to the public rites.

The presidency today is a grotesquerie. It is a temporary kingship without the benefit of blood or honor or antiquity, which is to say a
combination of the worst aspects of monarchy with the worst aspects of democracy, a kind of inverted Norway. (King Olav V, the “folkekonge,”
was famous for using public transit.) It is steeped in imperial ceremony, from the risible and unworthy monkey show that is the State of the
Union address
to the motorcades and Air Force One to the elevation of the first lady (or, increasingly, “First Lady”) to the position of royal
consort; our chief magistracy gives the impression of being about five minutes away from purple robes, if not togas. (There is in Philadelphia
a wonderful statue of Ben Franklin in a toga, which one can sort of imagine so long as one also imagines him chugging beer with the wild
boys in Tau Delta Chi.) And what kind of god-emperor does not have a national day set aside for worshiping him and his kind?

This is nuts.

The president of the United States is the chief officer of the federal bureaucracy, the head of one branch of a government that has three co-
equal branches. Strictly speaking, it is not given to him even to make law, but only to see to the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress
(and maybe to veto one here and there) and to appoint appropriate people, like the former CEO of Carl’s Jr., to high federal offices. In the
legislative branch, the House of Representatives is the accelerator and the Senate is the brake; the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and the
Bill of Rights are pretty much all brake; the presidency is a kind of hybrid, sometimes pressing for needful reform and action, sometimes
standing in Congress’s way when it is rash or overly ambitious. The architecture of our constitutional order is a complicated and delicate

But the president is not the tribune of the plebs. He is not a sacred person or the holder of a sacred office. He is neither pontifex nor
imperator. He is not the spiritual distillation of the republic or the personification of our national ideals and values. (Thank God Almighty.)
He is not even primus inter pares like the chief justice of the Supreme Court or the Patriarch of Constantinople. He is the commander in
chief in time of war (which, since we have abandoned the advice of Washington and Eisenhower, is all of the time, now) and the chief
administrator of the federal bureaucracy. That is it.

He is not a ruler.

But men demand to be ruled, and they will find themselves a king even when there is none. (Consider all of the hilarious and self-abasing
celebration of Donald Trump as an “alpha male” among his admirers, an exercise in chimpanzee sociology if ever there were one.) But
they must convince themselves that they are being ruled by a special sort of man; in ancient times, that was the function of the hereditary
character of monarchies. In our times, it is reinforced through civic religion, including the dopey annual exercise that is Presidents’ Day.

Abolish it. Mondays are for working.

Kevin D. Williamson is NRO’s roving correspondent.

Once upon a time, the late Sen. Sam Ervin---during the Watergate hearings---delivered a brilliant rejoinder to those in and not in the
Nixon White House who believed the president was and/or should be considered ominpotent. "As long as I have a mind to think, a tongue
to speak, and a heart to love my country, I shall deny that the Constitution confers any autocratic power on the president, or authorizes
him to convert George Washington's America into Gaius Caesar's Rome."

The senator would have appreciated Mr. Willamson's exegesis. Much as I appreciated the senator's expression, then and through
the regimes of every imperial president since, including and especially those of Droopy-Drawers Clinton, President Lips II, and
His Excellency Al-Hashish Field Marshmallow Dr. Barack Obama Dada, COD, RIP, LSMFT, Would-Have-Been Life President of the
Republic Formerly Known as the United States.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 05:36:33 am by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2017, 05:44:27 am »
and to appoint appropriate people, like the former CEO of Carl’s Jr., to high federal offices.

lol, bad example

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2017, 05:53:44 am »
lol, bad example

I'm guessing the writer turned in the piece before Mr. Puzder pulled out.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 05:54:01 am by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2017, 06:19:54 am »
I'm guessing the writer turned in the piece before Mr. Puzder pulled out.

My guess also, I like the rest of it

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2017, 10:46:20 am »
My guess also, I like the rest of it

I generally agree, but think President's day isn't the problem. I like the day off.

Trump will diminish the office IMO and make people realize the folly of putting so much power in the hands of the executive.

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2017, 12:24:32 pm »
Trump will diminish the office IMO and make people realize the folly of putting so much power in the hands of the executive.

If we're unhappy with the presidency we've got . . . we have ourselves to blame.
THe office as we know it is largely the creature of public demands. And like the
transformed presidential role it reflects, the exultant rhetoric of the modern
presidency is as much curse as blessing. It raises expectations for the office---
expectations that were extraordinarily high to begin with. A man who trumpets
his ability to protect Americans from economic dislocation, to shield them from
physical harm and moral decay, and to lead them to national glory---such a man
is bound to disappoint. Yet, having promised much, he'll seek the power to
deliver on his promises . . .

George W. Bush returned to the ranch in January 2009, to the relief of an ever-
increasing majority of Americans. But replacing him will not solve the problem
of presidential power. The pressure for centralisation will remain, enhanced by
the atmosphere of permanent emergency accompanying the War on Terror. And
future presidents will respond to that pressure by enhancing their power,
becoming loved and admired, then hated and feared, in the binge-and-purge
cycle that characterises the American public's dysfunctional relationship with
the presidency.

In an October 2000 "exit interview" with
The New Yorker, Bill Clinton
allowed that his tenure may have served to "demystify the job" of the presiden-
cy, and that, as far as he was concerned, wasn't "such a bad thing." "Demys-
tfying the job" was a wonderful euphemism for alternately amusing and
dismaying Americans with the image of a president with his trousers around
his ankles. But a genuine demystification of the presidency is sorely needed.
A political culture often condemned for its cynicism isn't nearly cynical enough
when it comes to the nation's highest office. That office cannot deliver what
it promises; and in the promising it sets the stage for further concentration
of power . . .

[A] presidency of limited powers and modest goals was what the Framers
gave us in 1787. It was the presidency we enjoyed for most of the first
century under the Constitution. And it is worth fighting to restore.

---Gene Healy, from The Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous
Devotion to Executive Power

Partisan fervor and cults of personality are the enemies of sober judgment. It’s
skepticism, not passion, we need when evaluating potential presidents, lest we get
swept away and wind up ashamed of ourselves in the morning. Nobel laureate James
Buchanan, who helped found the “public choice” school of political economy, termed
his approach “politics without romance.” In this era of limits, we need a presidency
without romance.

The president cannot be the “God of All Things”—he cannot save the national soul,
and he should not be entrusted with the responsibility to try. In the trying, we’ve
made the presidency far too powerful, and we’ve also made it an impossible job. By
demanding what we cannot have, we’ve ensured that we’ll get what we cannot stand.
The office the Framers referred to as our “chief magistrate” was never designed to bear
the weight of all our hopes and dreams.

Recognizing that is the furthest thing from “cynicism.” It’s the recovery of timeless
wisdom: “Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.”
“America’s soul” doesn’t need saving, but our constitutional order is an unholy mess.
Redemption can only begin when we turn away from false idols.

---Healy, from False Idol: Barack Obama and the Continuing Cult of the

People didn't realise the folly with Droopy-Drawers Clinton, President Lips II,
and His Excellency Al-Hashish Field Marshmallow Dr. Barack Obama Dada, COD,
RIP, LSMFT, Would-Have-Been Life President of the Republic Formerly Known
as the United States, men under whom the metastasis of the imperial presidency
and predator government continued apace, with no letup and a perpetual
air about them that, whatever their individual differences, they were the nation's
father/commanders. What extremely few of Donaldus Minimus's critics, and
perhaps fewer of his supporters, deign to allow for discussion is the fact that
he's likelier to abet that metastasis even further than he is to arrest it, regardless
of how pronounced a crude, vulgar philistine he shows himself to be.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 12:31:27 pm by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2017, 01:23:08 pm »
If we're unhappy with the presidency we've got . . . we have ourselves to blame.
THe office as we know it is largely the creature of public demands. And like the
transformed presidential role it reflects, the exultant rhetoric of the modern
presidency is as much curse as blessing. It raises expectations for the office---
expectations that were extraordinarily high to begin with. A man who trumpets
his ability to protect Americans from economic dislocation, to shield them from
physical harm and moral decay, and to lead them to national glory---such a man
is bound to disappoint. Yet, having promised much, he'll seek the power to
deliver on his promises . . .

George W. Bush returned to the ranch in January 2009, to the relief of an ever-
increasing majority of Americans. But replacing him will not solve the problem
of presidential power. The pressure for centralisation will remain, enhanced by
the atmosphere of permanent emergency accompanying the War on Terror. And
future presidents will respond to that pressure by enhancing their power,
becoming loved and admired, then hated and feared, in the binge-and-purge
cycle that characterises the American public's dysfunctional relationship with
the presidency.

In an October 2000 "exit interview" with
The New Yorker, Bill Clinton
allowed that his tenure may have served to "demystify the job" of the presiden-
cy, and that, as far as he was concerned, wasn't "such a bad thing." "Demys-
tfying the job" was a wonderful euphemism for alternately amusing and
dismaying Americans with the image of a president with his trousers around
his ankles. But a genuine demystification of the presidency is sorely needed.
A political culture often condemned for its cynicism isn't nearly cynical enough
when it comes to the nation's highest office. That office cannot deliver what
it promises; and in the promising it sets the stage for further concentration
of power . . .

[A] presidency of limited powers and modest goals was what the Framers
gave us in 1787. It was the presidency we enjoyed for most of the first
century under the Constitution. And it is worth fighting to restore.

---Gene Healy, from The Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous
Devotion to Executive Power

Partisan fervor and cults of personality are the enemies of sober judgment. It’s
skepticism, not passion, we need when evaluating potential presidents, lest we get
swept away and wind up ashamed of ourselves in the morning. Nobel laureate James
Buchanan, who helped found the “public choice” school of political economy, termed
his approach “politics without romance.” In this era of limits, we need a presidency
without romance.

The president cannot be the “God of All Things”—he cannot save the national soul,
and he should not be entrusted with the responsibility to try. In the trying, we’ve
made the presidency far too powerful, and we’ve also made it an impossible job. By
demanding what we cannot have, we’ve ensured that we’ll get what we cannot stand.
The office the Framers referred to as our “chief magistrate” was never designed to bear
the weight of all our hopes and dreams.

Recognizing that is the furthest thing from “cynicism.” It’s the recovery of timeless
wisdom: “Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.”
“America’s soul” doesn’t need saving, but our constitutional order is an unholy mess.
Redemption can only begin when we turn away from false idols.

---Healy, from False Idol: Barack Obama and the Continuing Cult of the

People didn't realise the folly with Droopy-Drawers Clinton, President Lips II,
and His Excellency Al-Hashish Field Marshmallow Dr. Barack Obama Dada, COD,
RIP, LSMFT, Would-Have-Been Life President of the Republic Formerly Known
as the United States, men under whom the metastasis of the imperial presidency
and predator government continued apace, with no letup and a perpetual
air about them that, whatever their individual differences, they were the nation's
father/commanders. What extremely few of Donaldus Minimus's critics, and
perhaps fewer of his supporters, deign to allow for discussion is the fact that
he's likelier to abet that metastasis even further than he is to arrest it, regardless
of how pronounced a crude, vulgar philistine he shows himself to be.

Maybe I have a Pollyannish viewpoint, but I think if Donald is a terrible President, and I think that's the direction he's headed unless he makes big changes, it will demystify the office.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 01:26:50 pm by Weird Tolkienish Figure »

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2017, 01:28:16 pm »

I'm quoting this again, because it's so excellent and well written and right on!

I wish only that more people---here and elsewhere---would read the books I cited, not to mention Michael D.
Tanner's Leviathan on the Right: How Big Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican
. If ideas have consequences, ignoring them has major consequences. (I'd love to think
that making those three books required reading for anyone planning to vote in the last couple of
presidential primaries and elections would have helped us avoid the desiccation that brought us last year's
race between Robespierre and Queen Athaliah, but . . . )

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline EasyAce

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Re: Abolish Presidents' Day
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2017, 01:30:47 pm »

Maybe I have a Pollyannish viewpoint, but I think if Donald is a terrible President, and I think that's the direction he's headed unless he makes big changes, it will demystify the office.
Well, the floutings of the Constitution and other mischiefs perpetrated by Droopy-Drawers Clinton, President Lips
II, and His Excellency still didn't do it. Maybe it will take a Donaldus Minimus to do it.

And maybe I'll be the next commissioner of baseball, too . . . (translation: daring to dream) . . .

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.