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Russia's spy ship off our coast

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Trump called it a submarine.

Too bad those morning bullet points don't give him the details.


--- Quote from: dfwgator on February 17, 2017, 11:04:32 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Let us at least be clear as to what I am saying.

I am not worried that the Russians are "coming."

Rather, I am upset that they are so bold about their spying--and yet we seem complacent, in that regard. 



--- Quote from: pjohns on February 18, 2017, 07:37:49 pm ---Rather, I am upset that they are so bold about their spying--and yet we seem complacent, in that regard.

--- End quote ---

Don't be. We are a little on the blatant side too when it comes to spying on installations. It's policy. Less so, since most of the West's spying on Russia is satellite based, but still obvious.

We know they are watching, they know we are watching. They know we probably have watchers they've not spotted as well, we know they probably have watchers we've not spotted as well.

It's kept the world from blowing up for 70 years, so it seems to work.  :shrug:

Remington Snodgrass:
Our military has yet to be remasculated after eight years of Barak Hussein Quisling Obama. It has been some years since I viewed a military chart of the West Coast. But, I believe the ADIZ went out 200 miles.


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