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Russia's spy ship off our coast

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--- Quote from: Remington Snodgrass on February 19, 2017, 02:02:46 am ---Our military has yet to be remasculated after eight years of Barak Hussein Quisling Obama.

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Care to extrapolate on that a tad more?

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: geronl on February 18, 2017, 12:48:09 am ---Trump called it a submarine.

Too bad those morning bullet points don't give him the details.

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I don't know. Did it 'dive'? Did it come back up?

That said, Russian (Soviet) spy vessels are nothing new, they stay in international waters and commonly look a little like fishing trawlers. No doubt they are not the only other country doing so.


--- Quote from: pjohns on February 18, 2017, 07:37:49 pm ---Let us at least be clear as to what I am saying.

I am not worried that the Russians are "coming."

Rather, I am upset that they are so bold about their spying--and yet we seem complacent, in that regard.

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I'm also upset that republicans seem to have adopted the flower child mentality about Russia starting a new cold war.


--- Quote from: Cripplecreek on February 19, 2017, 11:43:58 am ---I'm also upset that republicans seem to have adopted the flower child mentality about Russia starting a new cold war.

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I am not sure that the "[R]epublicans" in general have done so.

But Donald Trump--who is considerably better as president that Hillary Clinton would have been, in my opinion--may indeed be faulted for this mindset. 


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