Author Topic: Liberal Hysteria Won't Derail the Trump Train  (Read 392 times)

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Offline ckinv368

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Liberal Hysteria Won't Derail the Trump Train
« on: February 16, 2017, 09:43:53 pm »
We’re not even a month into the Trump Administration, and liberal thoughts have irrationally moved from hoping and planning for Hillary Clinton’s third run for President to just plain silliness—President Trump’s resignation or impeachment. To me, this signals good things. I haven’t seen liberals this upset and powerless for decades. While I believe liberal tears will keep me young, I just can’t understand how such smart people could be so seriously delusional.
I recently read a Hoover Institution article by the “classically liberal” NYU law professor Richard Epstein, who suggested that President Trump should immediately resign.  Not because of Trump’s anti-regulation stance, which Epstein praised. Not because of Trump’s Supreme Court pick, who he is a fan of.  But, mainly, because President Trump wasn’t the “nice guy” that Prof. Epstein has gotten used to in the White House. He thinks Trump is acting too quickly, covering too much ground, hitting back at too many critics, using the power of the Presidency to break decades-old gridlock and get things done. He's changing the status quo, and that's . . .

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