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Trump's tax returns

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--- Quote from: Oceander on February 15, 2017, 07:21:42 pm ---They matter even more now if they reveal a conflict of interest.  If Trump ends up - hypothetically speaking - having a huge investment in Gasprom, that would be a problem.

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If there is an investigation by congress or the FBI, the tax returns could be put under subpoena.  Then I would say the POTUS must release to the investigating entity.  But he was elected without releasing them, so apparently the public does not care much about what they might show.   

Joe Wooten:
I say NO. It drives the libs nuts and keeps a few of them from doing things more destructive......

Besides, I like seeing their heads explode every time he refuses...


--- Quote from: massadvj on February 15, 2017, 07:33:01 pm ---If there is an investigation by congress or the FBI, they tax returns could be put under subpoena.  Then I would say the POTUS must release to the investigating entity.  But he was elected without releasing them, so apparently the public does not care much about what they might show.   

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I don't think the benefits are limited solely to criminal matters and so a subpoena doesn't cover other important situations - knowing whether there is a conflict of interest is necessary, even if it's not illegal.  And whether the general public thinks it's a good idea or not is not the touchstone; whether it provides measurable benefits consistent with the burden of disclosure is.  And the fact that he has been elected does not vitiate those concerns. 

Cyber Liberty:
I voted "No" because they would be fodder for the demagogues in the Rat party.  Trump, not being a politician, has always filed taxes as a businessman should, taking every deduction and write-off permitted by law. 

Professional politicians don't do that, they deliberately overpay by not taking deductions they're entitled to, to ward off political attacks.  They release those returns as a matter of course over the years, so they have to do that as a cost of doing business.

Weird Tolkienish Figure:
Voted yes, he should have released them. He said he would do so after the "audit", lied about it.

His supporters don't care either.


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