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Trump's tax returns

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--- Quote from: AbaraXas on February 17, 2017, 01:36:54 am ---Take the poll for what its worth, but Rasmussen has been one of the better companies historically. During the last election, 67% polled wanted to see both his and Hillary's tax returns, 73% polled wanting to see candidate's tax returns the prior year. Not exactly 'nobody cares'.


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It really doesn't matter anymore.  The point is moot.
His returns will not be released.

Frank Cannon:

--- Quote from: AbaraXas on February 17, 2017, 01:36:54 am ---Take the poll for what its worth, but Rasmussen has been one of the better companies historically. During the last election, 67% polled wanted to see both his and Hillary's tax returns, 73% polled wanting to see candidate's tax returns the prior year. Not exactly 'nobody cares'.

ABC/Washington Post did a similar poll and found 74%.

Business Insider/Morning Consult, which leans right had it at 67%.

Even Newsmax, very right leaning pro-Trump, found 60% of Republicans wanted him to release them and only 20% didn't. That's coming from his base, not the general public.

At that, I couldn't find a legitimate poll where releasing them was in the minority. (there are always unscientific web polls one can refer to but I never use those).

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Fairly irrelevant considering that wasn't even on the radar for concerns of voters this year. This whole tax return thing is a fraud started by a pissing match between George Romney and a reporter 50 years ago. Prior to that no one released them and after that there is a sporadic history of them being released. It wasn't until Harry Reid saw an opportunity to cause trouble with Mitt Romney that this even became an issue.

You show large margins wanting to know this information. I would bet that the same margins would like to know what sexual proclivities candidates have because people are nosy.

I vote no.  At this point what difference does it make?  He's our President.  The left would only have a field day regardless of what was reported. When the IRS and the Federal Reserve are audited then maybe we can revisit this issue.

Slide Rule:

--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on February 15, 2017, 08:25:13 pm ---Voted yes, he should have released them. He said he would do so after the "audit", lied about it.

His supporters don't care either.

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I voted that he should not release them. At any time.

Perhaps he will release them, as he leaves public service. To make
the SnowFlakes melt.



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