Author Topic: "It's Over Folks" The Neocons & The "Deep State" Have Neutered The Trump Presidency  (Read 11434 times)

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Offline LateForLunch

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hah hah  Slick trickery by the photographer fooled us all! Notice that there is nothing to compare to it to in size except a page of typed lettering (which is actually the size of a Post-It note) - in reality the whole burger is only about three inches high. You could eat the whole thing in one bite.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 04:44:57 pm by LateForLunch »
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

Offline Night Hides Not

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Yep, it is everybody elses fault.

Don't get me started on that. True leaders take responsibility for whatever their organization/unit does, or fails to do.

I'm not perfect, but that's how I've tried to live my life for the past 40 years. Doing 18 months as a Platoon Leader will do that to you.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

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Then we must by all means, give it to the SSOBs...

Yowza.  I can feel my arteries tightening just by looking at the picture. 

Offline Cyber Liberty

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How many times have we heard, "This is the end of Trump, for sure?"  I wouldn't be quick to color him gone.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Offline TomSea

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The way the campaign in Libya was conducted, made me think there really might be that shadow government directing some matters.

Obama did not seem that enthused about going in there, France and England acted first and the whole intervention could be called a Nato action. I have some serious questions about how that whole thing went down and I'm not tin foil nor usually a second-guesser.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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Yowza.  I can feel my arteries tightening just by looking at the picture.

Makes me sad the Heart Attack Grill moved from my city to Las Vegas a couple years back.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Makes me sad the Heart Attack Grill moved from my city to Las Vegas a couple years back.

The owner had an actual heart attack didn't he?

Offline Cyber Liberty

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The way the campaign in Libya was conducted, made me think there really might be that shadow government directing some matters.

Obama did not seem that enthused about going in there, France and England acted first and the whole intervention could be called a Nato action. I have some serious questions about how that whole thing went down and I'm not tin foil nor usually a second-guesser.

Occam's Razor tells me Libya went down the way it did because Obama spent eight years sleepwalking through the foreign policy.  He only had one ambition, and that was to take the USA down a couple of notches.  He could not have possibly cared less about anything else but his golf score.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

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I see. I suppose that DJT is also responsible for the leaks of information which resulted in Flynn's actions being brought to light, from top secret, privileged communications between agencies and officials in the executive branch?

IMO a greater insanity may be looking at such an event as this (espionage by a person or persons with access to top secret communications) with the attitude that the indiscretions of Flynn (almost certainly not illegal) were more serious than the fact that there may well be a mole within the executive branch or peripheral bureaucracy who is acting as a spy.

I guess you would take that approach if you didn't think a government with strings to Putin was not cause for alarm.  I don't like Trumps secrets and I am sure that whatever was done to tap was legally done.
AG William Barr: "I'm recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm that I subsequently joined for a period of time."

Alexander Acosta Labor Secretary resigned under pressure concerning his "sweetheart deal" with Jeffrey Epstein.  He was under consideration for AG after Sessions was removed, but was forced to resign instead.

Offline Cyber Liberty

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The owner had an actual heart attack didn't he?

Wasn't the owner.  They had a spokesman that weighed about 350 pounds, and he did die, but I don't think it was a coronary.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:


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Makes me sad the Heart Attack Grill moved from my city to Las Vegas a couple years back.

That way tourists can't sue, cause after all, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?

Offline TomSea

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Occam's Razor tells me Libya went down the way it did because Obama spent eight years sleepwalking through the foreign policy.  He only had one ambition, and that was to take the USA down a couple of notches.  He could not have possibly cared less about anything else but his golf score.

If one went with that theory, Hillary is the one I'd be looking at more.

Offline alicewonders

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Hope everyone stocked up on extra tinfoil.

I'm good "O" - but thanks!
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline alicewonders

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Hope this article is wrong because if it is over for the Trump admin then it is over for the USA as we know it. The globalists can not be allowed to win.

I share your conclusion.  In my heart - I know it's over.  Trump couldn't get the support of his own G-damned party - they are complicit in this.

Proceed with your silly jokes - hope your families are prepared for what is to come.  Dumbasses.
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Online libertybele

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I guess you would take that approach if you didn't think a government with strings to Putin was not cause for alarm.  I don't like Trumps secrets and I am sure that whatever was done to tap was legally done.

How do we know that the actual ties to Putin aren't to the Bammy administration?  No, I don't like secrets, but chances are Bammy had them as well.  It is no secret that he and his supporters are doing everything to take down this President.  He wants to drain the swamp, cleaning up the D.C. cartel; they don't want that. They are furious and stunned that Hillary isn't still in play.  This back and forth blame game has been going on for quite some time.  The only difference; the left is fighting to stay in control.  This won't stop until one side wins.
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Offline Cyber Liberty

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If one went with that theory, Hillary is the one I'd be looking at more.

I can accept that.  Very believable.  It's a cinch she was in that mess up to her eyeballs.  I also think it was because she was using State to ferry arms to the Syrians.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

Online libertybele

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I share your conclusion.  In my heart - I know it's over.  Trump couldn't get the support of his own G-damned party - they are complicit in this.

Proceed with your silly jokes - hope your families are prepared for what is to come.  Dumbasses.

If that's the case, 'they' know that Pence will be the new sheriff in town. Sure seems now, that was by design?  But then, why did Trump select him?  :shrug:
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Online libertybele

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I can accept that.  Very believable.  It's a cinch she was in that mess up to her eyeballs.  I also think it was because she was using State to ferry arms to the Syrians.

Yes, we all know no that she was up to her eyeballs in corruption.  The DEMS lost; they cannot afford the truth to come out nor will they accept any responsibility for any wrong doing.  They've got to take down President Trump.  What has me concerned is obviously they aren't concerned in the least with his replacement.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline LateForLunch

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I guess you would take that approach if you didn't think a government with strings to Putin was not cause for alarm.  I don't like Trumps secrets and I am sure that whatever was done to tap was legally done.

Do tell. Define "strings". Nations with common interests work together. There is nothing to be gained by getting into a p*ssing contest over who is the least moral state. The U.S. and Russia are not contemplating marriage, like businesses they are examining areas of mutual cooperative interest (such as destroying Salafist terrorist networks). Putin is a brutal pragmatist who does not respect weakness or dissembling. In geopolitics words are meaningless unless backed up by action.

DJT will likely do whatever he believes to be in the best interests of the USA, not of Russia, because he wants to be reelected. Believe whatever you want but to fail to realize that is IMO to drift into the realm of morbid fantasy.

An investigation into the leaks is equally if not more imperative than investigating Flynn. We know almost everything about what Flynn did or may have done already (since the conversation at central issue was apparently recorded) and not even the hack leftist acting AG (since fired for good reason) said that there was any evidence of a crime in Flynn's conduct. 

So by all means, let the investigations begin.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 05:15:13 pm by LateForLunch »
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

Offline Night Hides Not

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I share your conclusion.  In my heart - I know it's over.  Trump couldn't get the support of his own G-damned party - they are complicit in this.

Proceed with your silly jokes - hope your families are prepared for what is to come.  Dumbasses.

Of course he couldn't, so he switched to the Republican side and fooled enough people to get elected.

Look alice, it was just yesterday that @jpsb stated that he "wouldn't bend over for the sake of unity." Yet Trumpsters have been demanding those of us who didn't vote for Trump to "bend over" because he won.

Trump is the same person he was when he took office, a thin-skinned bully.  In that regard, he's not that different from Obama.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 05:16:51 pm by Night Hides Not »
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Offline alicewonders

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If that's the case, 'they' know that Pence will be the new sheriff in town. Sure seems now, that was by design?  But then, why did Trump select him?  :shrug:

Good question liberty - I'm having to rethink my opinion on Pence.  What a terrible time for our country.....Lady Liberty lies on the floor unconscious and bleeding to death......
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline alicewonders

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Quote from: libertybele on Today at 12:02:35 PM
If that's the case, 'they' know that Pence will be the new sheriff in town. Sure seems now, that was by design?  But then, why did Trump select him?  :shrug:

Good question liberty - I'm having to rethink my opinion on Pence.  What a terrible time for our country.....Lady Liberty lies on the floor unconscious and bleeding to death......

On the other hand, I just had a thought - impeach Trump and you get Pence - knock Pence off and you get who?  Paul Ryan?
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline jpsb

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Look alice, it was just yesterday that @jpsb stated that he "wouldn't bend over for the sake of unity." Yet Trumpsters have been demanding those of us who didn't vote for Trump to "bend over" because he won.

No one expects you to "bend over", but it would be nice if you waited until Trump did something very wrong before you attack him 24/7. Just saying.

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On the other hand, I just had a thought - impeach Trump and you get Pence - knock Pence off and you get who?  Paul Ryan?
Pence would appoint a new VP.

Offline Emjay

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Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA.  My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn.  Last night, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation.  Trump accepted it.

Don't believe everything Nancy Pelosi says.  Hint:  she lies
Against stupidity, the Gods themselves contend in vain.