Whether by design or as an 'acceptable sacrifice', these internal insurgents have made current methods of SIGINT on Russia obsolete.
American SIGINT was "burned", as it is called.
Russia along with several other nations will now certainly revamp their telecom systems and replace all their current mobile communications technology.
This was a MAJOR espionage coup for our enemies, done only for a minor, petty, short-term gain by the anti-Trump insurgency within the American government.
How can any President or administration as a whole function, if they never know if everything they say, or do, or plan, no matter how classified, is going to wind up being published in the NYT the very next day?
An investigation and massive purge is not only called for, it is absolutely mandatory. It is absolutely necessary in every possible way for the sake of the country. Otherwise, the fifth column will have everyone, including the President, paralysed. And that is the most likely goal of all of this in the first place.