Author Topic: The Muslim Brotherhood Is – and Must be Designated as – a Terrorist Organization  (Read 290 times)

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The Muslim Brotherhood Is – and Must be Designated as – a Terrorist Organization
February 12, 2017

Secure Freedom Minute fsm logo

The next, necessary step in the national security course-correction President Donald Trump has promised requires the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as what it is - a terrorist organization.

For years, presidents of both parties have labored under the illusion that the Brothers were actually useful and reliable "partners" in countering what was euphemistically known as "violent extremism." Among other things, that epic strategic mistake prompted President Obama to work with the Muslim Brotherhood to supplant friendly governments across the Middle East.

President Trump's predecessors also legitimated and enabled the Brotherhood's operatives here. Yet, they are Sharia-supremacists, who share completely the ideology and agenda of terrorist organizations like al Qaeda, the Islamic State and Boko Haram.

Mr. Trump's oath of office requires him to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. To do so, he must designate the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

Read more: Family Security Matters
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