Author Topic: Democratic Obstruction on Trump Cabinet Reaches Historic Levels  (Read 477 times)

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 Democratic Obstruction on Trump Cabinet Reaches Historic Levels
Posted By Brent Scher On February 11, 2017 @ 5:00 am In Politics | No Comments

Not since President George Washington's initial formation of a cabinet in 1789 has an American president's cabinet picks been approved as slowly as the Senate is approving President Donald Trump's nominees.

Trump has now been president for a full three weeks, and the number of approved members in his cabinet stands at seven—a number that was boosted by three contested confirmations last week that were opposed by almost the entire Democratic caucus.

Senate Democrats, vowing to use "everything" they can to stop Trump's nominees, have used procedural tricks like boycotting committee meetings to slow the confirmation process to a historically slow pace.

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Offline RetBobbyMI

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Re: Democratic Obstruction on Trump Cabinet Reaches Historic Levels
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2017, 03:57:05 pm »
Well...23 of them are up for reelection in 20 months. Too bad we have to wait that long.

23 Dems, 8 Repubs and 2 Independents, plus Sessions (now held by appointed Luther Strange) seat are in the 2018 election.

State      2014 PVI   Incumbent         2012 result   as of Jan 13 2017 (Roth)
Arizona      R+7.         Jeff Flake (R)         49% R   Likely R
California      D+9      Dianne Feinstein (D)      63% D   Safe D
Connecticut   D+7      Chris Murphy (D)      55% D   Safe D
Delaware      D+8      Tom Carper (D)         66% D   Safe D
Florida      R+2      Bill Nelson (D)         55% D   Tilt D
Hawaii      D+20   Mazie Hirono (D)      63% D   Safe D
Indiana      R+5      Joe Donnelly (D)      50% D   Tossup
Maine      D+6      Angus King (I)         53% I   Safe D
Maryland      D+10   Ben Cardin (D)         55% D   Safe D
Massachusetts   D+10   Elizabeth Warren (D)      54% D   Safe D
Michigan      D+4      Debbie Stabenow (D)      59% D   Safe D
Minnesota      D+2      Amy Klobuchar (D)      65% D   Safe D
Mississippi      R+9      Roger Wicker (R)      57% R   Safe R
Missouri      R+5      Claire McCaskill (D)      55% D   Tossup
Montana      R+7      Jon Tester (D)         49% D   Tilt D
Nebraska      R+12   Deb Fisher (R)         56% R   Safe R
Nevada      D+2      Dean Heller (R)         46% R   Lean R
New Jersey   D+6      Bob Menendez (D)      59% D   Safe D
New Mexico   D+4      Martin Heinrich (D)      51% D   Safe D
New York      D+11   Kirsten Gillibrand (D)      72% D   Safe D
North Dakota   R+10   Heidi Heitkamp (D)      50% D   Tossup
Ohio         R+1      Sherrod Brown (D)      51% D   Lean D
Pennsylvania   D+1      Bob Casey (D)         54% D   Lean D
Rhode Island   D+11   Sheldon Whitehouse (D)   64% D   Safe D
Tennessee      R+12   Bob Corker (R)         65% R    Safe R
Texas      R+10   Ted Cruz (R)         57% R   Safe R
Utah         R+22   Orrin Hatch (R)         65% R   Safe R
Vermont      D+16   Bernie Sanders (I)      71% I   Safe D
Virginia      Even      Tim Kaine (D)         53% D   Likely D
Washington   D+5      Maria Cantwell (D)      61% D   Safe D
West Virginia   R+13   Joe Manchin (D)         61% D   Tossup
Wisconsin      D+2      Tammy Baldwin (D)      51% D   Tilt D
Wyoming      R+22   John Barrasso (R)      76% R   Safe R

From above possible 7 seat pickup by the Rs, making it a 59 seat majority. Needs a couple more to make it filibuster proof.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 04:21:07 pm by RetBobbyMI »
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"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.� ? Euripides, The Bacchae
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.� ? Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle
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