Author Topic: Sen. Tim Scott Reads Hate Mail on Senate Floor  (Read 284 times)

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Sen. Tim Scott Reads Hate Mail on Senate Floor
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:48:12 pm »
 Sen. Tim Scott Reads Hate Mail on Senate Floor
Posted By Alyssa Canobbio On February 9, 2017 @ 10:25 am In Politics | No Comments

Sen. Tim Scott (R., S.C.), the only African American Republican senator, read the hate mail he has received in a Senate floor speech supporting President Trump's attorney general nominee Jeff Session on Wednesday.

Scott mentioned that his friends and his staff were not used to the level of animosity that comes from what he calls the "liberal left." He said the letters and tweets he received imply that because he is not helpful to the liberal cause, he is therefore not helpful to black America.

Scott read tweets where he was called an "Uncle Tom," and a "disgrace" to his race.


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