Author Topic: Dear GOP: Gird Your Loins over the Supreme Court  (Read 282 times)

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Dear GOP: Gird Your Loins over the Supreme Court
« on: February 09, 2017, 02:31:01 pm »
February 9, 2017
Dear GOP: Gird Your Loins over the Supreme Court
By Trevor Thomas

If you think the riots and marches are bad now, wait until President Trump gets a chance at filling a second or even third vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States.  The "nastiness," vulgarities, property damage, and violence we see now are nothing compared to what we will witness if the American left see the legality of their perverse sexual agenda threatened.

With the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch to fill the seat vacated as a result of the death of Antonin Scalia, liberals at every level of political involvement are already throwing a hissy-fit.  After Trump chose Gorsuch, radical left-winger Michael Moore threatened Senate Democrats via his Twitter account, declaring, "This Supreme Court pick was Obama's to make and it was stolen by Republicans. Democrats had better block this and demand a nom we approve."  Moore continued, "Senate Dems, let's be very clear: You will filibuster & block this SC nom or we will find a true progressive and primary u in next election."

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