Author Topic: The Blood Libels of the Left  (Read 266 times)

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The Blood Libels of the Left
« on: February 07, 2017, 01:37:55 pm »
February 7, 2017
The Blood Libels of the Left
By Sally Zelikovsky

Contrary to assertions by useful idiots like Robert Reich that the Berkeley riots were the work of paramilitary right-wingers, it has become increasingly evident that black-clad Antifa anarchists  coordinated with Bay Area community activists and UC Berkeley student groups to orchestrate the violent protests against Milo Yiannapolous.  The Antifa rioters are the same mask-wearing, black-outfitted, Molotov cocktail-throwing, fire-burning, stick-carrying pugilist punks featured in The Occupation Manifesto and The Occupation Devolution videos chronicling Occupy Oakland in 2011.

Although some of us sounded the alarm, too few paid attention.

Antifa is short for “anti-fascist” and is pronounced an-TEE-fah.  According to left-leaning tech magazine Wired, they are “militant anti-fascist” and “anarchists prone to property destruction and online abuse.they double down on political polarization, driving the national narrative even further from center.”  For a deeper explanation into its historical roots, see The Washington Post, Wired Magazine, and USA Today.

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