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Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« on: February 07, 2017, 02:02:30 am »

NOTE: Please first respond to my queries in keeping with my stated assumptions. If you then wish to state your assumptions and add your commentary to that on this or another thread--great. I'd just like to see folks respond within my assumptions parameters, first.

= = =

Been pondering . . .

Have long wondered how the globalist oligarchy may be setting Trump up and/or planning to use him to trigger WW3.


1. That the oligarchy must be setting him up in keeping with their long term globalist goals of creating chaos, death, mayhem, ashes on which to rear--Phoenix-like--their NWO on top of the resulting ashes--with the bonus of achieving a fair amount of their depopulation goals.

2. I doubt (though it's very possible), that they have enlisted him toward such goals with his full knowledge--any more than they told Shrillery she'd be slated to lose the SElection.

3. I do believe the allegations Trump was selected 2 years ago.

4. I do believe the many dreams and visions that WW3 will begin with sneak/surprise attacks from China, Russia, IRAN, NK, etc. (essentially nations listed in the Bible re the Ezekiel 38 war with Israel plus a few others).

= = =

In my ponderings, this idea came up . . .

A) That given Iran's prickly, arrogant brittleness and trigger-happy inclinations . . . and Trump's 'walk softly and carry a big stick' . . . or not so softly . . . as the case may be . . . it would not take much of an Iranian probing INCIDENT in the waters surrounding Iran for Trump to have a fierce response followed by a fierce Iranian counter-response etc. escalating to the lighting off of WW3.

B) Given Iran's missile and nuke advancements . . . Israel would likely be keenly looking for an early best chance to neutralize Iran's growing threat to their existence.

C) Certainly, it would not take much of an exchange for Russia, China et al to decide--OK--let-her-rip!

D) And, IF . . . as seems certain . . . the oligarchy is micro-managing such WW3 triggering, they could have already ordered Chinese, Russian and NK subs to move to close off our shores.

E) Given my assumptions . . . How likely do you think such a scenario is?

F) Given my assumptions . . . Is there a more likely scenario?

G) Given my assumptions . . . Is there any major reason such a scenario would be UNlikely?

H) If you have different assumptions, what are they and what scenarios would you predict, instead?

= = = =

FYI, J D Farag's 5 Feb 2017 Prophecy update is here:

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Offline Quix

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 02:05:11 am »
Alt R ping list ping
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__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
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@Texas Yellow Rose
= = = =


BTW, O, I got that error msg again when I first tried to post this. I back-arrowed and pasted in the copy of it I had in my buffer. Then I clickes Post again and it went through fine. FWIW.

And, Oceander, I was going to put a poll with this--I've forgotten how and can't find anything to click to achieve that.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 02:20:34 am by Quix »
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Online bigheadfred

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 02:33:15 am »
I think either a trump POTUS or a hillary POTUS is a win for the oligarchy.

Trump through his braggadacio.

Hillary through her abandonment of Israel.

With plans for pretty much the same chaos using proponents of each for whichever one became POTUS.

Somewhere there was something about hillary saying she thought the Iran deal would lead to nuclear war. And there isn't anything trump will do to lessen that, but indeed, as he is showing, he is hastening it.

I think trump is such a knee-jerk it won't take much for him to fly off on a really bad tangent. Easily led to the slaughter, as it were.

One thing I keep in mind is that the trigger may not involve Iran directly, but something between India and Pakistan. Lots of bad blood there. And something that could easily involve the key players--including Great Britain.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 04:25:31 am »
I think either a trump POTUS or a hillary POTUS is a win for the oligarchy.

Trump through his braggadacio.

Hillary through her abandonment of Israel.

With plans for pretty much the same chaos using proponents of each for whichever one became POTUS.

Somewhere there was something about hillary saying she thought the Iran deal would lead to nuclear war. And there isn't anything trump will do to lessen that, but indeed, as he is showing, he is hastening it.

I think trump is such a knee-jerk it won't take much for him to fly off on a really bad tangent. Easily led to the slaughter, as it were.

One thing I keep in mind is that the trigger may not involve Iran directly, but something between India and Pakistan. Lots of bad blood there. And something that could easily involve the key players--including Great Britain.

Reasonable points, imho.

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Offline Victoria33

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 05:17:01 am »
NOTE: Please first respond to my queries in keeping with my stated assumptions.
Have long wondered how the globalist oligarchy may be setting Trump up and/or planning to use him to trigger WW3.


1. That the oligarchy must be setting him up in keeping with their long term globalist goals of creating chaos, death, mayhem, ashes on which to rear--Phoenix-like--their NWO on top of the resulting ashes--with the bonus of achieving a fair amount of their depopulation goals.

I have read about/studied NWO/Illuminati/Skull and Bones/The Freemasons/Bilderberg Group/Council on Foreign Relations, etc.. all my life.  I am 83 and so far none of these groups have taken over the world and they won't. 

2. I doubt (though it's very possible), that they have enlisted him toward such goals with his full knowledge--any more than they told Shrillery she'd be slated to lose the SElection.

I don't believe any of this.  Trump does what he wants and trusts no one but himself and his family.

3. I do believe the allegations Trump was selected 2 years ago.

Trump selected himself; he didn't need any help.  He is totally self centered and believes no one but himself.

4. I do believe the many dreams and visions that WW3 will begin with sneak/surprise attacks from China, Russia, IRAN, NK, etc. (essentially nations listed in the Bible re the Ezekiel 38 war with Israel plus a few others).

I don't believe in any visions or dreams about attacks/war.  There are enough actual facts to figure out how war may start.

   In my opinion, Trump has a mental disorder and that guides his every decision.  In my opinion, he has felt inferior all his life and must keep proving to himself he is better than any person on earth.  If there is any opposition to what he does or says, no matter how small, he will strike back and keep striking back for years against that person/entity as that has been his behavioral history.  The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.  That is what will cause war as he will strike back against any country's leader (so far the Prime Minister of Australia and President of Mexico).  Eventually, he will cause a war unless he has a mental breakdown or physical breakdown (heart attack/stroke), first.

No outside group has any influence on him - he wouldn't give them the time of day unless he could use them to further what his own goal is and that is self aggrandizement to be called the greatest man on earth.

The above is my own opinion.  Your mileage may vary.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 05:19:19 am by Victoria33 »


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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2017, 06:53:17 am »
Trump and Mattis basically said they'd be willing to set off WW3 over uninhabited Japanese islands.

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2017, 03:39:56 pm »
Trump and Mattis basically said they'd be willing to set off WW3 over uninhabited Japanese islands.

I read a post of yours where you said Trump was illiterate.  I believe he does have a learning disability -  dyslexia.  In his business, he had his people make one page reports, then tell him what it said.  He said he doesn't have time to read.  I think he can read and write simple words, he can do twitter, but reading is a problem for him.  He wants to investigate whether childhood preventive shots cause a child to have functioning problems.  He may think that about himself or the young son he has.  As time goes on, we will eventually know whether this is true.  I recall Trump saying, "I know words - I know lots of good words."  It was strange he said that - it was an infantile sentence revealing he has trouble with words.

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2017, 05:05:51 pm »
 1. That the oligarchy must be setting him up in keeping with their long term globalist goals of creating chaos, death, mayhem, ashes on which to rear--Phoenix-like--their NWO on top of the resulting ashes--with the bonus of achieving a fair amount of their depopulation goals.
 I have read about/studied NWO/Illuminati/Skull and Bones/The Freemasons/Bilderberg Group/Council on Foreign Relations, etc.. all my life.  I am 83 and so far none of these groups have taken over the world and they won't. 
  Sorry . . . I've studied them since 1965.
 It is utterly mystifying to me how someone as brilliant and studied as you clearly are
 could have missed the massive progress they've made toward their one world government and one world religion goals.
 My main conclusion is that somehow your biases or maybe generic normalcy bias are blinding you to such frog-in-the-bucket progress.
The enemy is not likely to blow their millennia long project near the finish line by overly rushing the final stages. However, I do pray that they sabotage as much as might be doable by their being overly 'barn-sour' so close to their finish line. There are some faint signs some of them are prone to do that.

 But satan has been working on this project from before even Babylon and certainly since. He knows that the frog-in-the-bucket strategy is more or less unbeatable with humans.

 And, ACTUALLY, they HAVE taken over the world and have been in vast functional, effective  !!!CONTROL!!! of most institutions, economics and militaries for at least 50 years--below the radar--to the weakly informed and relatively unobservant.
 The Oligarchy's progress in just the last 10-15 years has been staggering on many fronts.
 They are keenly aware that if they push it toooo massively toooo fast, the whole plan will unravel uncontrollably.
 They are masters at conditioning the sheeple/lemmings/Eloi to look at distracting fluff vs at the substantive, foundational, massive undermining of our way of life and of life in general.
 In the last 15 years:
 1. The Pope and particularly his Vatican Observatory offices--but also his own pronouncements have come out brazenly making statements in support of a one world economic system as well as lauding the ETs/fallen angels that will be front and center in forcing a one world religion and government.
 2. The moves toward a cashless society have reached a new horrific level in even the Main Stream Lobotomizing Media. A number of countries have achieved and nearly mandated the abolition of cash or some levels of cash. And, the 'natural' fading of cash use has massively occurred in the developed world.
 3. The Orwellian reach of observer technologies on the part of BIG BROTHER have become all pervasive--particularly in the cities of developed countries.
 3.1 Face-recognition software and massively present cameras on almost every street corner--in addition to in every monitor, tablet and phone--insure that WHEN (not IF) Big Brother wants to watch what a citizen is doing, they have--usually--several options for multiple layers of such surveillance.
 3.2 The Orwellian meme of the TV watching the citizens and compelling them to conform is technologically more or less already available to the Oligarchy.
 3.3 George Orwell was a member of the Oligarchy--warning citizens well ahead of time--as is their thing--they think of it as sporting--to give the serfs and slaves a 'heads-up' that citizens have been extensively conditioned to utterly ignore, deride, and dismiss as nothing to be concerned about--thereby facilitating the sheeple/lemming/Eloi shuffle on down deeper and deeper into the maws of the Morlachs.
 4. People often deride the depopulation goals of the Oligarchy because the global population continues to increase. imho, that's stupidly short-sighted. They have been moving very potent puzzle pieces into place to massively force the population wholesale down by 100's of millions at a whack. They don't want to spring it all on the planet MORE overtly lest the slaves and serfs revolt too effectively.
 4.1 They have advanced such depopulating puzzle pieces and strategies on several fronts:
 4.1.1 Prepping for massively destructive WW3.
 4.1.2 Increasing an arsenal of bio-engineered plagues from bird-flu, ebola, Zika etc. to many not yet known publicly about.
 4.1.3 Insuring that the poor and underdeveloped as well as increasingly developed cities are incredibly vulnerable to disasters like Fukushima (which many believe was deliberately set and triggered by exotic technologies. The radiation hazards continuing to result from Fukushima have been kept from significant exposure and publishing in the Main Stream Lobotomizing Media.
 4.1.4 My Navy colleague working in a place and position he ought to have known what he was talking about noted that we have ELEVEN DIFFERENT weapons systems/technologies much more deadly than nuclear bombs.
 4.1.5 Such puzzle pieces continue to be readied for implementation at the precise point of lighting off a layered, massively comprehensive set of PERFECT STORMS AGAINST LIFE--not only as we have known it--but life generally.
 4.1.6 The arrogant idiots are smugly confident that they will be sufficiently safe in their huge deep underground cities while the serfs and slaves are ravaged by the plagues and other wholesale deadly strategies. I believe God will crush thousands of them in their DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bunkers).
 4.1.7 The utter glorification of death, horror, suffering memes is unprecedented in our era. The populace is even paying money to wear such crap exultantly, proudly. THAT was far from the case 50 years ago or even 15-25 years ago (at least anywhere remotely near the degree it is true, now).
 5. There are significant reports that some of the exotic technologies are also being readied to destroy individual lives on an unprecedented scale. There are stories of beam/wave technologies that when aimed at individuals or a group of individuals will disintegrate them to a tiny pile of ash-like particles virtually instantly--in a flash.
 6. The degree of POLITICAL CONTROL over certainly the developed countries--but more or less all significantly sized and/or strategic countries--has become incredible to observe. Witness the charade of the last USA SElection, for just one example. They can clearly increasingly and more overtly pull whatever political strings they wish in all the developed countries around the world--much more so than 20 years ago
 7. The degree of propaganda/mass psychology/media control was written about by globalist Bertrand Russel more than 50 years ago. His prediction has largely come true. I first realized it was in serious play with JFK's SElection. And then with the cover-up of his assassination. Then with a lot of the Nixon and Kissinger stuff. Bertrand Russell exalted in the presumed fact (now realized) that the sheeple would be massively controlled while they were oblivious to that fact and even enjoyed the control mechanisms.
 7.1 Witness the massive numbers of sheeple adults and particularly youth shuffling a round their daily lives with their heads buried in their screens engaging in a pretense of dialogue and relationship without any real impactful connectedness, as merely one case in point. This was not true 15-20 years ago, even.
 8.1 The use of mass entertainment/propaganda to direct and !!!CONTROL!!! the masses has greatly increased from the days of globalist Walt Disney's use of IT'S A SMALL SMALL WORLD.
 8.2 movies, TV shows, computer games have extensively conditioned the sheeple--and increasingly so the youth--to fear what the oligarchy wants feared; to exalt in death, blood, gore, sex; to relish chaos, anarchy, mayhem, destruction etc. etc. etc. This was not even on the radar of many even a mere 30-50 years ago.
 8.3 Such conditioning is already beginning to bear manipulatable fruit as the violence of the left against Trump and Trump's supporters bloodily demonstrates. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They are merely warming up . . . stretching a few of their muscles a little bit in such regards. They are testing the waters to see which levers they have in their arsenal to pull will have the most or the most desired effects. George Soros is obviously a major point man in funding and training the useful idiots in such regards.
 9. I've never before observed more than a scattered few inconsequential individuals daring to support the oligarchy and their goals--until the last 10 or so years. Now, it's not hard to find folks cheering on such strategies and forces--many of them opinion  makers in government, academia, and entertainment.
 9.1 Now, we have major oligarchy supported "stars" proudly demonstrating, pushing oligarchy symbols, memes, values.
 10. The degree of corruption of national cultural values has never been near this great until the last 15-25 years--and particularly the last 5-10 years. Pizza-gate demonstrates a pervasive flooding of satanic horror into all the upper levels of the military, political and entertainment institutions and halls of power to an unprecedented level. If you think that is not a major degree of sea change, then I think you might consider doing some more homework.
 10.1 Never before have there been allegations by someone as significant as a major NYC Police official of the complicit (video-taped) participation of a main party Presidential candidate in young child sex abuse--I'm speaking of Shrillery. Yes, filth has been with us since Babylon--but never so pervasively and so comprehensively at such levels of power.
 11. Even the long warned about Mark of the Beast chip implant is much nearer wholesale implementation than it was even 5-10 years ago. Now we are beginning to see ads heralding how wonderous it is for feeble oldsters and wayward, wandering children.
 12. The academic institutions are now soooo saturated with the Oligarchy's values, goals, strategies and minions that it is extremely hazardous for conservatives therein to allow themselves to be outed at all, if they wish to keep their jobs. This was not true even 20-30 years ago. The Berkeley Milo Y riots did not occur in a vacuum.
 I could go on and on about the massive progress of the oligarchy toward their goals over the last even  50 years . . . but I think these points are illustrative.
 They are artists at using the frog-in-the-bucket strategy to increasingly immerse the sheeple/lemmings/Eloi into their cesspool of evil plans, strategies, values and goals. It appears to have worked grandly--even with you.
. . . none of these groups have taken over the world
and they won't.


The Major Reason
They WILL consume
more or less
the whole  planet,
God's Word
it will be.
. . .
. . .
in the era
in which
Israel becomes/became
a nation again
in the land
gave them.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 08:11:33 pm by Quix »
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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2017, 05:10:16 pm »

I read a post of yours where you said Trump was illiterate.  I believe he does have a learning disability -  dyslexia.  In his business, he had his people make one page reports, then tell him what it said.  He said he doesn't have time to read.  I think he can read and write simple words, he can do twitter, but reading is a problem for him.  He wants to investigate whether childhood preventive shots cause a child to have functioning problems.  He may think that about himself or the young son he has.  As time goes on, we will eventually know whether this is true.  I recall Trump saying, "I know words - I know lots of good words."  It was strange he said that - it was an infantile sentence revealing he has trouble with words.

I think you are right about his having dyslexia.

I think you are only partially right about the degree of his mental/emotional dysfunction.

I watched some videos of a master at body language interpretation. She insisted  he's very confident. In many respects and most levels, I believe she is quite accurate. His kids would agree.

Yes, he has some excessive brittleness etc. about his image, about being seen as RIGHT etc. That has to come  from RAD with  his father. However, his father evidently succeeded in injecting  into him a fierce value in behalf of family. I think you are still underestimating how intense that value is for him. imho, he's NOT merely an off the scale egotist at the expense of all else in his life. Shrillery was and is much worse.

And, his honorable values extend well beyond his family. People of all ranks who have worked close with characterize him as very caring, protective and supportive. That's quite different from how you characterize him.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 05:14:09 pm by Quix »
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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2017, 12:05:57 am »
3.3 George Orwell was a member of the Oligarchy--warning citizens well ahead of time--as is their thing--they think of it as sporting--to give the serfs and slaves a 'heads-up' that citizens have been extensively conditioned to utterly ignore, deride, and dismiss as nothing to be concerned about--thereby facilitating the sheeple/lemming/Eloi shuffle on down deeper and deeper into the maws of the Morlachs.

H G Wells was also a member of the oligarchy serving the warning function. And The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine were both warnings of what was coming. The War of the Worlds was actually also an overt experiment for the oligarchy in how the populace would be likely to act in such a context--engineered or otherwise. This has been documented. Orson Wells radio show was also a calculated, central part of that experiment.

Grand slam home run.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 10:17:35 am by Quix »
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2017, 04:12:17 am »
3.3 George Orwell was a member of the Oligarchy--warning citizens well ahead of time--as is their thing--they think of it as sporting--to give the serfs and slaves a 'heads-up' that citizens have been extensively conditioned to utterly ignore, deride, and dismiss as nothing to be concerned about--thereby facilitating the sheeple/lemming/Eloi shuffle on down deeper and deeper into the maws of the Morlachs.

Grand slam home run.

Thanks for your kind affirmation.


Can you help me?

I still have trouble understanding the mental disconnect . . .

The oligarchy individuals have stated in 100's of writings and speeches what they would do for more than 100 years.

Then, they have gone out and done VERY gradually, over many decades more than 80-85% of what they declared they would do toward a global government and one world religion.

And people STILL do NOT believe them???!!!!???? What will it take?

It appears to me that the masses and even supposedly well educated people will NOT believe the truths of how far globalism will turn out to have been at this point

UNTIL they are shoved in the execution chambers and the gas starts coming out of the shower heads--a repeat of the incredulity of some Jews in history.

It's just still incredible to me after all my psychology and sociology training . . .

I understand the conditioning.
I understand normalcy bias.
I understand wishful thinking.
I understand denial.

I understand on the part of many utter propaganda lobotomized cluelessness.

I understand choosing to pretend life is rosy and will continue more or less as it always has because facing the truth is tooooooooooo immobilizing to the point of catatonia.

Still, at some point, when the evidence is practically on every other billboard . . . how on earth do folks still manage to stick their heads in the sand and function even minimally in our culture?*


*@Victoria33, I'm not actually talking that much about you in this passage.

As I wrote it, I had pictured in my mind the masses of people such as I ran into in my university teaching experiences--the totally clueless liberals who think they are doing wondrous positive things to support such idiotic tyrannies--e.g. by wearing vagina hats and costumes and implementing on cue violence, anarchy, destruction and mayhem.

I strongly believe that you are MUCH more aware, alert and prepared than you may even realize you are about such things. Whether it is because of your years of reading about such or what, I don't know. But I think you are more on board with your understanding and the true realities than your statements below indicate.

I think you are weary--exceedingly weary--of the very long drawn-out process to get to the Biblical one world government; one world religion overtly on the surface of global cultural and political realities. I think that's true for millions of people.

Or, maybe you are more weary about all the blather discussing such issues and forces

And, yes, I'd give you a gold medal for rising to the challenge of dialoguing with me about such things. LOL. I realize this thread's replies are a good example of how such a brave task can be . . . less wonderful than a walk in the park easy.

I just try to tell it as I see it; have observed it and experienced it.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 05:02:16 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 11:53:33 am »

There are 3 ways to look at the oligarchs and the masses.

1. You come here (to this life) as a teacher, a student, or a tourist. We have a lot of damn tourists running around right now.

2. The masses care more about their new bright shiny beads they traded their souls for than the disease-laden blankets they were given for free.

3. The oligarchs and the heedless masses are cut from the exact same cloth. They are the same thing. Minions all.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2017, 12:03:30 pm »

There are 3 ways to look at the oligarchs and the masses.

1. You come here (to this life) as a teacher, a student, or a tourist. We have a lot of damn tourists running around right now.

2. The masses care more about their new bright shiny beads they traded their souls for than the disease-laden blankets they were given for free.

3. The oligarchs and the heedless masses are cut from the exact same cloth. They are the same thing. Minions all.


And none of them know their left hand from their right . . . more or less.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2017, 12:56:27 pm »

And none of them know their left hand from their right . . . more or less.

People dismay me. I used to think people were worth saving. I don't feel that way so much anymore.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2017, 04:20:19 pm »

Quix, you said I may have "normalcy bias".  Nothing is farther from the truth than that.  I am a prepper and wrote, on Survival Podcast, many articles covering how to prepare for emergencies.  I also wrote about normalcy bias in one of those articles.  I will send you the link to those articles.  There are enough of them to be a book.  Those articles have been read by 117,338 people. 

Due to my preps, I can live comfortably for over a year without any public utilities working, and have plenty of food and can have pure water forever.  During that first emergency year, I know how to grow food from seeds, I have done it, and have important food seeds and seeds for sprouts frozen for that purpose, so I can live well for years past the over one year with already stored food.  I will have power, including power to run fans for cooling and heaters for heating.  I can have running water when there is no running water.  How to do all this is explained in my prep articles.

With my preps, I don't have to worry about any group, real or imagined, or this president, creating havoc, or war, in this country or in the world. 

I know what the Bible says will happen in the last days and I see it happening now.  I can't stop it, and I am prepared for it.

If any of you reading this thread want the link to my prep articles, send me a message.

Offline Quix

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2017, 04:58:18 pm »

Quix, you said I may have "normalcy bias".  Nothing is farther from the truth than that.  I am a prepper and wrote, on Survival Podcast, many articles covering how to prepare for emergencies.  I also wrote about normalcy bias in one of those articles.  I will send you the link to those articles.  There are enough of them to be a book.  Those articles have been read by 117,338 people. 

Due to my preps, I can live comfortably for over a year without any public utilities working, and have plenty of food and can have pure water forever.  During that first emergency year, I know how to grow food from seeds, I have done it, and have important food seeds and seeds for sprouts frozen for that purpose, so I can live well for years past the over one year with already stored food.  I will have power, including power to run fans for cooling and heaters for heating.  I can have running water when there is no running water.  How to do all this is explained in my prep articles.

With my preps, I don't have to worry about any group, real or imagined, or this president, creating havoc, or war, in this country or in the world. 

I know what the Bible says will happen in the last days and I see it happening now.  I can't stop it, and I am prepared for it.

If any of you reading this thread want the link to my prep articles, send me a message.


I'd assumed as much about you and your prepping but am blessed to read it.



Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2017, 05:00:21 pm »
People dismay me. I used to think people were worth saving. I don't feel that way so much anymore.

Given that Christ died that all might 'enter in' to an eternal relationship with Yehovah, The Father . . . I wouldn't go that far.

However, I certainly understand the feeling.

And, there are numbers of folks I won't strive to help much any more.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Silver Pines

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2017, 05:30:06 pm »

Quix, you said I may have "normalcy bias".  Nothing is farther from the truth than that.  I am a prepper and wrote, on Survival Podcast, many articles covering how to prepare for emergencies.  I also wrote about normalcy bias in one of those articles.  I will send you the link to those articles.  There are enough of them to be a book.  Those articles have been read by 117,338 people. 

Due to my preps, I can live comfortably for over a year without any public utilities working, and have plenty of food and can have pure water forever.  During that first emergency year, I know how to grow food from seeds, I have done it, and have important food seeds and seeds for sprouts frozen for that purpose, so I can live well for years past the over one year with already stored food.  I will have power, including power to run fans for cooling and heaters for heating.  I can have running water when there is no running water.  How to do all this is explained in my prep articles.

With my preps, I don't have to worry about any group, real or imagined, or this president, creating havoc, or war, in this country or in the world. 

I know what the Bible says will happen in the last days and I see it happening now.  I can't stop it, and I am prepared for it.

If any of you reading this thread want the link to my prep articles, send me a message.

I'm responding to your ping.  I don't post on these threads because I don't believe in oligarchies or any of the variously related conspiracy theories.

Having known you for years at TOS, I know that everything you've said here is true.  Normalcy bias is something I would never associate with you.

Offline Quix

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Re: Predictive Conjectures RE Trump, Iran, WW3 etc
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2017, 10:43:17 pm »

I'm responding to your ping.  I don't post on these threads because I don't believe in oligarchies or any of the variously related conspiracy theories.

Having known you for years at TOS, I know that everything you've said here is true.  Normalcy bias is something I would never associate with you.


That's why I said "may" . . .  I didn't consider it  probable either but maybe conceivable.

Was  groping for possibilities to deal with the cognitive dissonance of all the variables in the bowl.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/