Author Topic: DNC Expels Chairman Candidate From Race for ‘Disgusting’ Criticism of Islam  (Read 13822 times)

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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Reminds me of that Howard Stern video bit where he had Daniel "The KKK Guy" Carver rank the races as he saw it.

Strangely my eyes are drawn. as if by some unseen, yet compelling force, rightward...

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Which they do.

And yet you still call for mass murder, in the range of a few million.
There are no murders in a war.

You are making up all sorts of dreams in your stupor.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

Offline Jazzhead

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War, especially religious war, may not be "mass murder", but it is lunacy.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline Norm Lenhart

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War, especially religious war, may not be "mass murder", but it is lunacy.

And sometimes required.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Personally I want to know how we 'have to fight' 1.5 billion anyone to begin with. AFAIK, we are on the opposite side of the planet as 1.5 billion Muslims. The only ones we HAVE to fight are the ones already here when they go Jihadi.

Now the only way that number increases if, say, some bleeding heart liberal works to import more of them. Since they have no navy capable of transporting multiple Normandy level invasions, they have to rely on cruise ships and commercial airlines.

And those require passport/Visas.

Seems to me, as usual, the biggest threat to America comes from within. Leftist enablers. Simple math really.

It isn't the 1.5 billion we have to worry about,   it is more like the  80 million in Iran,  and the 190 million in Pakistan that will be the most serious threat.   

Iran is just on the cusp of getting Nuke ICBMs.   A significant segment of the Iranian Leadership belong to a particular sub cult of Islam.   They are like the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam.   

They believe that it is their duty to assist in the return of the Mahdi.   They believe that the Mahdi is destined to return in the Islamic version of  the final conflict between good and evil,  and they believe that the Mahdi will lead a heavenly host and sweep away all the infidels with fire,  and that a total Islamic peace will descend upon the Earth,  to be enjoyed by the now totally Islamic world,  forever and ever.   

They also believe that if they trigger this massive cataclysmic by fire,  *that*  will bring the return of the Mahdi.   In other words,   start a world wide nuclear war,  and Allah will bless and reward them.   

The Soviets were power hungry oligarchs,  but they didn't want to die.   These people are bat-sh*t crazy religious fanatics,  and they absolutely want to die if they can burn the great Satan with fire.   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Which they do.

And yet you still call for mass murder, in the range of a few million.

You do seem prone to a bit of histrionics. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline Norm Lenhart

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It isn't the 1.5 billion we have to worry about,   it is more like the  80 million in Iran,  and the 190 million in Pakistan that will be the most serious threat.   

Iran is just on the cusp of getting Nuke ICBMs.   A significant segment of the Iranian Leadership belong to a particular sub cult of Islam.   They are like the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam.   

They believe that it is their duty to assist in the return of the Mahdi.   They believe that the Mahdi is destined to return in the Islamic version of  the final conflict between good and evil,  and they believe that the Mahdi will lead a heavenly host and sweep away all the infidels with fire,  and that a total Islamic peace will descend upon the Earth,  to be enjoyed by the now totally Islamic world,  forever and ever.   

They also believe that if they trigger this massive cataclysmic by fire,  *that*  will bring the return of the Mahdi.   In other words,   start a world wide nuclear war,  and Allah will bless and reward them.   

The Soviets were power hungry oligarchs,  but they didn't want to die.   These people are bat-sh*t crazy religious fanatics,  and they absolutely want to die if they can burn the great Satan with fire.

I'm up on that.

But fear not. Ryan the RINO just caved on dealing with it. Toothpaste out of the tube ya know...

Offline Norm Lenhart

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You do seem prone to a bit of histrionics.

Only February and already the understatement of they year.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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   great points @DiogenesLamp  but you failed to mention another historical fact that will go down in 'infamy', also laid at the feet of the colossal stupid President we had at the time, NOT supporting the 'Green Revolution'.

Absolutely right.   The Iranian people were ripe for revolt,   and if Odumbo had supported them,  they might have toppled that regime of Islamic fanatics.   I have always believed Obama didn't support the green revolution because he thinks the answer is always more Islam.   He was on the side of the more extremist Islamic religious nutjobs.   

We see it over and over again in all his policies,  whichever side is the most Islamic,  that is the side he will support. 

Obama and Jimmy Carter are exactly alike in one regard.   Both of them utterly wasted a golden opportunity to make the world a better place.   Both of them empowered the religious nutjobs that have caused so much bloodshed so far.  (1 million dead because Jimmy Carter was President.)   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Should go down as the most collosal blunder ever!

There is no guarantee that the Green Revolution could have won,  even with our support.  (Unless we actually launched a Military invasion.)   

The bigger blunder was Idiot Jimmy Carter  not supporting the Shah of Iran back in 1979.   Mr "Human rights"  followed a course of action that maximized the  level of murders and human rights abuses.   

Had Jimmy Carter supported the Shah,  the World would not now be facing the prospect of Nuclear Armed Islamic fanatics. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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I'm up on that.

But fear not. Ryan the RINO just caved on dealing with it. Toothpaste out of the tube ya know...

I absolutely do not comprehend how other people fail to see the nature of this problem.   Iranian fanatics with Nuke ICBMs represent a threat to the rest of the world that Hitler could only dream about. 

This is far worse than Hitler in the Sudetenland,  this is more obvious,  and far more deadly. 

Yet most of our "leadership"  don't act like they are even aware of the situation,  let alone alarmed enough about it to do something. 

Why on God's green earth would we ever tolerate Iran getting their hands on Nuke missiles?    What is wrong with people that they can't see this for the threat that it is? 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline Norm Lenhart

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I absolutely do not comprehend how other people fail to see the nature of this problem.   Iranian fanatics with Nuke ICBMs represent a threat to the rest of the world that Hitler could only dream about. 

This is far worse than Hitler in the Sudetenland,  this is more obvious,  and far more deadly. 

Yet most of our "leadership"  don't act like they are even aware of the situation,  let alone alarmed enough about it to do something. 

Why on God's green earth would we ever tolerate Iran getting their hands on Nuke missiles?    What is wrong with people that they can't see this for the threat that it is?

Simple. Liberalism.

When people take liberal positions, use liberal justifications and further liberal causes, they are liberals. I don't care whose site they are on, who they CLAIM to have voted/not voted for or what color their cat is. Words, and actions mean things. The problem is as I have said for years. People don't want to admit to themselves that their online buddies/real life buddies/families are genuine, real, actually liberal.

Anyone objectively looking at Islam can see the death it brings to EVERYTHING, EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE it goes. The only people who want it are muslims themselves...and liberals. Conservatives don't. Bhuddists don't. Motorcyclists don't. Poker players don't. In fact when you check off the boxes, only one group on earth WANTS the carnage of the mullahs in their own country.


They REFUSE to lift a finger to prevent it. they fight everyone on the planet so they can import it and they virtue signal their 'goodness' for doing it.

Offline skeeter

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There is no guarantee that the Green Revolution could have won,  even with our support.  (Unless we actually launched a Military invasion.)   

The bigger blunder was Idiot Jimmy Carter  not supporting the Shah of Iran back in 1979.   Mr "Human rights"  followed a course of action that maximized the  level of murders and human rights abuses.   

Had Jimmy Carter supported the Shah,  the World would not now be facing the prospect of Nuclear Armed Islamic fanatics.

Jimmy Carter doesn't get nearly enough credit in his key role in the mess the ME is today.

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Simple. Liberalism.

When people take liberal positions, use liberal justifications and further liberal causes, they are liberals. I don't care whose site they are on, who they CLAIM to have voted/not voted for or what color their cat is. Words, and actions mean things. The problem is as I have said for years. People don't want to admit to themselves that their online buddies/real life buddies/families are genuine, real, actually liberal.

Anyone objectively looking at Islam can see the death it brings to EVERYTHING, EVERYONE and EVERYWHERE it goes. The only people who want it are muslims themselves...and liberals. Conservatives don't. Bhuddists don't. Motorcyclists don't. Poker players don't. In fact when you check off the boxes, only one group on earth WANTS the carnage of the mullahs in their own country.


They REFUSE to lift a finger to prevent it. they fight everyone on the planet so they can import it and they virtue signal their 'goodness' for doing it.

I don't think that is actually fair within the context of this discussion.   I believe I understand where Jazzhead is coming from.   The world looks a lot different when the people we are discussing as "enemies"  are in close proximity to you.   

When you see these people as friends and acquaintances,   you really want to follow a "let this cup pass before me"  perspective on the issue.   

He points out that not all Muslims are of the Jihadist type,  and for the most part,  the Malaysians and Indonesians are relatively moderate compared to the Arab/Persian  Muslims.    If judged solely on their behavior,  it would appear we can live in peace with the Malaysians and the Indonesians,   but what always causes misgivings in my mind is the fact that those instructions to kill us are still in their holy books.   They don't act on them now,  but is there a chance they might in the future?  Don't know,  but I wouldn't bet against it. 

I don't think Jazzhead is a liberal,  I think he leans more Libertarian,  and I also think he is in an environment where he will be dealing direct and face to face with some of the people whom we are talking about.    Having to deal first hand and personally with people tends to encourage a more diplomatic stance.   

I think he is expressing these misgivings precisely because he is a lot closer to the potential conflict than we are. 

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline DiogenesLamp

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Jimmy Carter doesn't get nearly enough credit in his key role in the mess the ME is today.

Until we got Obama,   Jimmy Carter was the stupidest President in History.   I keep telling people that the Carter Presidency is responsible for the death of a million people.   

Had he backed the Shah,  there never would have been an Iran/Iraq war.  (Saddam Hussein would never have attacked Iran while it was an American ally.)   

‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —

Offline Norm Lenhart

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I don't think that is actually fair within the context of this discussion.   I believe I understand where Jazzhead is coming from.   The world looks a lot different when the people we are discussing as "enemies"  are in close proximity to you.   

When you see these people as friends and acquaintances,   you really want to follow a "let this cup pass before me"  perspective on the issue.   

He points out that not all Muslims are of the Jihadist type,  and for the most part,  the Malaysians and Indonesians are relatively moderate compared to the Arab/Persian  Muslims.    If judged solely on their behavior,  it would appear we can live in peace with the Malaysians and the Indonesians,   but what always causes misgivings in my mind is the fact that those instructions to kill us are still in their holy books.   They don't act on them now,  but is there a chance they might in the future?  Don't know,  but I wouldn't bet against it. 

I don't think Jazzhead is a liberal,  I think he leans more Libertarian,  and I also think he is in an environment where he will be dealing direct and face to face with some of the people whom we are talking about.    Having to deal first hand and personally with people tends to encourage a more diplomatic stance.   

I think he is expressing these misgivings precisely because he is a lot closer to the potential conflict than we are.

Maybe. Maybe not. Ultimately Muhammhead doesn't give much care either way. And supporting Muhamhead because your next door neighbor seems to not be ready to strap the C4 on is a gamble that some and to be fair, MANY, have taken and lost. Take the San Bernadino shooters or any of the terrorists that were real good buddies and close to SOMEONE in America of the non Muz variety.

They went Jihadi. Thanks to the Koran's teachings, all 'good' muslims MUST lie to the infidel if it advances Islam. So People making excuses for them are every bit as dangerous as the Jihadis. If they just offed their enablers, that would be one thing. But they don't.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Until we got Obama,   Jimmy Carter was the stupidest President in History.   I keep telling people that the Carter Presidency is responsible for the death of a million people.   

Had he backed the Shah,  there never would have been an Iran/Iraq war.  (Saddam Hussein would never have attacked Iran while it was an American ally.)

Just as a side note, My daughter did a tour in the sandbox under GWB. Gate duty with no bullets allowed in the gun...thanks George for caving in to liberal Democrats.

Anyway, one of the locals that had been vetted and allowed on base a significant while before, a merchant who was well liked, mellow, pro American and generally a nice guy, stopped coming around. When people started asking around, it turned out that he'd been captured by Spec Ops guy, along with his fellows, before he went Jihadi, which had been their plan. He was AQ.

Vetted, normal. well liked. Just the kind of good Muslim we were there to liberate from ....himself apparently. Here, he could have fit right in from what she told me. Just another immigrant seeking the American dream. He was just working for the enemy and got caught before he detonated on base.

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There is no guarantee that the Green Revolution could have won,  even with our support.  (Unless we actually launched a Military invasion.)   

The bigger blunder was Idiot Jimmy Carter  not supporting the Shah of Iran back in 1979.   Mr "Human rights"  followed a course of action that maximized the  level of murders and human rights abuses.   

Had Jimmy Carter supported the Shah,  the World would not now be facing the prospect of Nuclear Armed Islamic fanatics.

Amen!  No doubt about that!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline sneakypete

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It isn't the 1.5 billion we have to worry about,   it is more like the  80 million in Iran,  and the 190 million in Pakistan that will be the most serious threat.   

Iran is just on the cusp of getting Nuke ICBMs.   A significant segment of the Iranian Leadership belong to a particular sub cult of Islam.   They are like the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam.   

They believe that it is their duty to assist in the return of the Mahdi.   They believe that the Mahdi is destined to return in the Islamic version of  the final conflict between good and evil,  and they believe that the Mahdi will lead a heavenly host and sweep away all the infidels with fire,  and that a total Islamic peace will descend upon the Earth,  to be enjoyed by the now totally Islamic world,  forever and ever.   

They also believe that if they trigger this massive cataclysmic by fire,  *that*  will bring the return of the Mahdi.   In other words,   start a world wide nuclear war,  and Allah will bless and reward them.   

The Soviets were power hungry oligarchs,  but they didn't want to die.   These people are bat-sh*t crazy religious fanatics,  and they absolutely want to die if they can burn the great Satan with fire.

 :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen: :amen:
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Just as a side note, My daughter did a tour in the sandbox under GWB. Gate duty with no bullets allowed in the gun...thanks George for caving in to liberal Democrats.

Anyway, one of the locals that had been vetted and allowed on base a significant while before, a merchant who was well liked, mellow, pro American and generally a nice guy, stopped coming around. When people started asking around, it turned out that he'd been captured by Spec Ops guy, along with his fellows, before he went Jihadi, which had been their plan. He was AQ.

Vetted, normal. well liked. Just the kind of good Muslim we were there to liberate from ....himself apparently. Here, he could have fit right in from what she told me. Just another immigrant seeking the American dream. He was just working for the enemy and got caught before he detonated on base.
In 1979/80 I had worked with an Iranian fellow. Helped him write his MBA thesis. Drank with him. He was my subordinate for while. 

Then came the hostages, and he turned out to support the Iranians Revolution and the taking of hostages. His coworkers practically ran him of the premises with baseball bats.

At that time I learned to never, never trust them. Taqiyah.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline rodamala

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At that time I learned to never, never trust them. Taqiyah.

I learned a while back to not trust anyone.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Really?  The bolded part *ISN'T* a statement of support by the poster for what the poster, himself, wrote?
Does someone have to acquaint you with the fact that there are ways to die that are not murder?

You are showing some unbelievable ignorance if you think defending yourself in a war equates to murder.

So go your merry way and get your head lopped off.  I choose to defend myself.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington

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what always causes misgivings in my mind is the fact that those instructions to kill us are still in their holy books.   They don't act on them now,  but is there a chance they might in the future?  Don't know,  but I wouldn't bet against it. 

Looking from the outside, similar argument can be made against Jews...look at what's in the Bible.  Stoning someone for working on the Sabbath?

Or Christians... "God can come along and change the rules at any time".

Such an argument was made in this country against Catholics..."They have more allegiance to the Pope than the US".

Culture plays a big part. Let's hope Asian Muslim culture continues down the moderate path.
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Offline the_doc

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I don't think Jazzhead is a liberal,  I think he leans more Libertarian,  and I also think he is in an environment where he will be dealing direct and face to face with some of the people whom we are talking about.    Having to deal first hand and personally with people tends to encourage a more diplomatic stance.   

I think he is expressing these misgivings precisely because he is a lot closer to the potential conflict than we are.
I believe you are generally correct in your assessment.

Offline Sanguine

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I believe you are generally correct in your assessment.

"Close to the general conflict"?  No,  I'm there.