Author Topic: Terror expert: 'If terrorists kill us, will left still howl about rudeness?'  (Read 397 times)

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Terror expert: 'If terrorists kill us, will left still howl about rudeness?'
Aussies sending 1,300 unwanted Muslim refugees to U.S.
Published: 11 hours ago. Updated: 02/02/2017 at 10:27 PM

President Trump is getting pounded by Democrats, media pundits and some Republicans for speaking “roughly” to a staunch U.S. ally, Australia, in a phone conversation about refugees.

At issue is a refugee swap negotiated by the Obama administration in which Australia agreed to take Catholic refugees from Central America while the U.S. agreed to take up to 1,300 Muslim refugees that have been rejected by Australia.

Trump called the deal “dumb” and “the worst deal ever” and reportedly cut short a phone conversation with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.


Silver Pines

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Sure they will.  I think we learned that a long time ago.