Author Topic: President Trump, the Travel Ban, & the Malicious Media  (Read 392 times)

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President Trump, the Travel Ban, & the Malicious Media
« on: February 01, 2017, 06:54:04 pm »
President Trump, the Travel Ban, & the Malicious Media

If the mainstream media continue to be deceitful about the travel ban and other presidential orders, Americans who heretofore have sat on the fence in regard to President Trump will start to slip down from that fence and sidle over to him in sympathy…

One assumes that to get a job as a journalist a person must be fairly intelligent, perceptive, and critical. One assumes wrongly. It would seem that the mainstream media journalists have learned nothing from the disastrous defeat of their hero Hillary.

One of the most revealing things about the 2016 election was that the mainstream media was revealed, more than ever, as the propaganda machine of the progressive left. Oh my, how they tried to manipulate the populace with their endless “polls” showing that Mrs. Clinton would win by a landslide. How they whitewashed her crimes, downplayed her corruption, and ignored her lies. In the end their own duplicity and deceit was exposed.

To be blunt, the American people don’t believe them. For decades they gave them the benefit of the doubt, but now there is no benefit—only doubt. Still they lie and twist the truth like a second grader caught in a fib who makes up ever more outrageous lies to cover himself until the principal can’t help smiling with amusement.

Those who have taken any interest in my political opinions will know that I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I am one of those conservatives who happened to think that a thrice-married playboy who runs casinos and strip joints was not exactly the best choice for the highest office in the land. Those who are more enthusiastic about the populist president will forgive me for not being impressed with a candidate who “doesn’t read,” a man who claims to be a Christian yet doesn’t believe he has ever done anything to be sorry for, and a shady billionaire with a penchant for egomania. I can’t help feeling that this man being the standard bearer of the conservative movement and the leader of the free world is a laughable humiliation of our country on a historic scale.

On the other hand, the Lord can use anyone as a tool. It is possible that a proud man may be humbled and a bad man might do some good. Since Mr. Trump’s election I have been willing to watch and wait, hold my breath, hold my fire, and hold my judgement. His moves against abortion have won my admiration, and maybe we can hope for better things to come.

The “Never Trump” conservatives might blame President Trump for being dumb, but the journalists are dumber. The case in point is Mr. Trump’s recent immigration edict.
