Briefing Room Polls (Guests Welcome!) > The Briefingroom Polls


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So many wines missing, those from the days of my youth, Ripple, Thunderbird, Spanada, sadly my dad's favorite Cold Duck and more to date Two Buck Chuck!

Weird Tolkienish Figure:
I like wine but cannot drink it without searing heartburn pain, unfortunately. Beer and alcohol does not give me the same effect.   **nononono*


--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on February 03, 2017, 11:37:55 am ---I like wine but cannot drink it without searing heartburn pain, unfortunately. Beer and alcohol does not give me the same effect.   **nononono*

--- End quote ---

Try drinking your vino with a product called "Prelief" -- it takes the acid out of foods and liquids.

The cheese poll has 91 responses.

This whine thread...only 10

Bunch of losers!

Okay: either there are no voting buttons on this poll, or I'm drunk. Or both.


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