Author Topic: ON FIRE! Mark Levin RIPS hysterical Left, pathetic Repubs who oppose Trump’s immigration ban  (Read 4248 times)

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Offline LonestarDream

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Actually I do

I just listen to ALL of his varied positions. Which change. A lot.

I was not happy with the way Trump treated Cruz.  Now Cruz is Donalds biggest supporter in the Senate.  Compare with Corkhead or Sasse or Schumer or Graham or McCain.....
(?) Trump Realist    (*) Trump believer   (?) Never Trump,   Which are you ?

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Sorry guys, but I don't buy it.  I think you're both honest guys, and if you did (recently) you wouldn't have made those statements.

I have paid pretty close attention to Levin's positions since the Romney era. My statements are based on what I have seen/heard him do. And if you take the time to do searches on it, you too will see that he says different things at different times. there is zero doubt he slammed Trump for months, only to reverse position, just as he slammed Romney for months only to reverse position, just as he slammed Mitch for months, only to reverse position.

I'm sorry if you disagree. But the facts are what they are. Why he reverses does not matter. Just the fact I'd never trust him in light of his actions. Because they do not match his words when it matters most.

Offline LonestarDream

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In other news.....

Statement on the Appointment of Dana Boente as Acting Attorney General

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.

Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.

"I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected," said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.

(?) Trump Realist    (*) Trump believer   (?) Never Trump,   Which are you ?

Offline don-o

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In other news.....

Statement on the Appointment of Dana Boente as Acting Attorney General

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.


Su-weet! BOOM!

Offline LonestarDream

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Su-weet! BOOM!

This stuff rivals PATCO when Ronny came in.
(?) Trump Realist    (*) Trump believer   (?) Never Trump,   Which are you ?

Offline Sanguine

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I have paid pretty close attention to Levin's positions since the Romney era. My statements are based on what I have seen/heard him do. And if you take the time to do searches on it, you too will see that he says different things at different times. there is zero doubt he slammed Trump for months, only to reverse position, just as he slammed Romney for months only to reverse position, just as he slammed Mitch for months, only to reverse position.

I'm sorry if you disagree. But the facts are what they are. Why he reverses does not matter. Just the fact I'd never trust him in light of his actions. Because they do not match his words when it matters most.

He didn't reverse his position.  He said he would vote for Trump because the idea of HRC winning was not tolerable.  He still knocks Trump when he thinks Trump is doing something boneheaded and/or unconstitutional.  Not sure how that's a reversal.

Offline Sanguine

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In other news.....

Statement on the Appointment of Dana Boente as Acting Attorney General

The acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

Ms. Yates is an Obama Administration appointee who is weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.

It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals travelling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.

Tonight, President Trump relieved Ms. Yates of her duties and subsequently named Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, to serve as Acting Attorney General until Senator Jeff Sessions is finally confirmed by the Senate, where he is being wrongly held up by Democrat senators for strictly political reasons.

"I am honored to serve President Trump in this role until Senator Sessions is confirmed. I will defend and enforce the laws of our country to ensure that our people and our nation are protected," said Dana Boente, Acting Attorney General.

Great move!

Offline Norm Lenhart

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He didn't reverse his position.  He said he would vote for Trump because the idea of HRC winning was not tolerable.  He still knocks Trump when he thinks Trump is doing something boneheaded and/or unconstitutional.  Not sure how that's a reversal.
From The Hill:
Radio host Levin reverses: ‘I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump’

After once declaring he could never support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee, Mark Levin changed his mind with a big announcement on his radio program Tuesday.

“I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump. I’m gonna wind up voting for Donald Trump on Election Day," the talk radio host said after reiterating his perspective that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was a far better choice for conservatives.

"I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say," he added of the GOP nominee and his campaign.

Levin's endorsement comes five months after unequivocally stating, "I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period.”

Thats a reversal by any definition. "Period" is a word with a definitive meaning.

Online libertybele

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He called Trump everything but a white man for MONTHS, trashed almost everything he said and then SUDDENLY hopped on board once Trump was WH bound. Which is his documented pattern. He beats his chest about 'conservatism' then ALWAYS goes with the nominee, no matter HOW long he spent on his show saying what a bad guy/liberal/idiot/whatever that person was. And like he'd been the biggest fan all along. Because WIN NO MATTER WHAT is what drives him. Not principle.

If you doubt it, you need to look up and learn the history involved.

Let's back up a minute for a second  ... Levin got on board in order to help ensure that Hillary was defeated.  The defeat of Hillary Clinton meant one thing and for many, one thing only; the chance to appoint a conservative Supreme Court Justice.  That Supreme Court Justice Trump promised would be taken from a list of conservative justices.  Tonight will tell all; either Trump is going to keep is word or he will dump on all that voted for him.
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Offline driftdiver

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From The Hill:
Radio host Levin reverses: ‘I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump’

After once declaring he could never support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee, Mark Levin changed his mind with a big announcement on his radio program Tuesday.

“I’m gonna vote for Donald Trump. I’m gonna wind up voting for Donald Trump on Election Day," the talk radio host said after reiterating his perspective that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was a far better choice for conservatives.

"I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say," he added of the GOP nominee and his campaign.

Levin's endorsement comes five months after unequivocally stating, "I am not voting for Donald Trump. Period.”

Thats a reversal by any definition. "Period" is a word with a definitive meaning.

@Norm Lenhart

Only a fool doesn't admit when they're wrong.  Levin is not a fool.
Fools mock, tongues wag, babies cry and goats bleat.

Online Weird Tolkienish Figure

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I was not happy with the way Trump treated Cruz.  Now Cruz is Donalds biggest supporter in the Senate.  Compare with Corkhead or Sasse or Schumer or Graham or McCain.....

What's not to respect about Cruz? He supports a guy who said his dad killed kennedy and publically made fun of his wife's looks.

Conservatives are as dumb, and spineless, as can be.

Offline txradioguy

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Sorry guys, but I don't buy it.  I think you're both honest guys, and if you did (recently) you wouldn't have made those statements.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline txradioguy

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I was not happy with the way Trump treated Cruz.  Now Cruz is Donalds biggest supporter in the Senate.  Compare with Corkhead or Sasse or Schumer or Graham or McCain.....

He is?  What evidence do you have to support that?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Here lies in honored glory an American soldier, known but to God


Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!