Author Topic: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?  (Read 5300 times)

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Offline Cripplecreek

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2017, 01:19:21 pm »
The thing that strikes me as that all administrations, left and right, and even Obama included, felt that the press treated them unfairly.
I think it is obvious to us that they go after the right harder than they do the left.
However, their job is to inform us of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
I think we have reached this saturation point where everything is now a "crisis" whether it is or not, and the leads to people just getting tired of it and ignoring it all, and that could be dangerous.
Is there bad journalism? Absolutely, but there are still a few good ones.
News and editorials mix far to often.
Like Joe Friday said, "just the facts, Ma'am", would be a great place to start.

The press has always been biased one way or the other. In the days of the town crier they spread the news the king wanted to be spread. The press was brutal in the days of our founders as well. This pro colonial political cartoon from right before the revolution is pretty brutal in its opposition to Britain.

Cartoon shows Lord North, with the "Boston Port Bill" extending from a pocket, forcing tea (the Intolerable Acts) down the throat of a partially draped Native female figure representing "America" whose arms are restrained by Lord Mansfield, while Lord Sandwich, a notorious womanizer, restrains her feet and peeks up her skirt. Britannia, standing behind "America", turns away and shields her face with her left hand.

William Randolph Hearst proudly proclaimed that the media controls the flow of information and therefore controls opinion.

The Wilson era Creel commission (Committee on public information) was led by newspaper editor and publisher George Creel. Their primary goal was to propagandize Americans into supporting a war that Woodrow Wilson falsely claimed to oppose. To make matters worse, they actively propagandized Americans to spy on each other and turn each other in if they weren't sufficiently supportive of Wilson and the war. (American protective league) or worse 'Anti Yellow Dog League' who were children encouraged to keep an eye out for "disloyal" people.

On balance, I have to say that a media in opposition is far superior to one that works for a president. The idea that Donald Trump is going to defeat a media 500 years in the making is more than a little foolish. It truly is tilting at windmills only these windmills will fight back.

As far as "fixing" the media is concerned, that requires looking at journalism education. Places like Hillsdale college where critical thinking is still taught is a good start.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 01:21:58 pm by Cripplecreek »


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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2017, 01:59:43 pm »
Not her job or business to be thinking about such things. The government trying to control the media should scare people.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #52 on: January 30, 2017, 07:26:57 pm »
Not her job or business to be thinking about such things. The government trying to control the media should scare people.

Politically defeating an ideologically corrupt media is not the same thing as exercising "government control over the media." 

I think a POTUS ought to be able to call lying media groups what they are--i.e, lying media groups. In fact, I think the leading politician of our Body Politic, whether we like him or not--and whether we all trust him or not-- should not be merely able to call out the media--and he certainly is able to so under the Constitution--but he must do so. 

As I have said on several threads, when the enemies of the Republic are liars, we need to respond with the Truth.  In the present case, the pivotally important truths are that

1)  The Global Socialists do dominate the MSM.  George Soros is a major financial contributor to the MSM, in fact. 
2)  The Global Socialists are ideological enemies of our Constitutional Republic--i.e., they amount to a disloyal opposition.   
3)  The Global Socialists are using the standard Socialist stratagem of lying incessantly about their sociopolitical opponents.
4)  The Global Socialists of our MSM are so determined to ruin our Republic that they have given every indication that they will not stop the vicious lying (which is Conway's bottom-line complaint).
5)  The reason why the Global Socialists of the MSM have no intention of stopping their lying is because lying is their most important weapon against our Constitutional Republic--and, in fact, the only significant weapon that our deranged MSM has in their field of professed journalism.  Lying is their job in the larger mess of Global Socialism.  (And they are team players [sometimes without even realizing this, I suspect].)
6)  We are in a sociopolitical war.  The election of Trump will probably escalate it even more than we have seen recently.  The fact that the MSM regard themselves as the "good guys" in our sociopolitical war is irrelevant.  The MSM guys are self-deceived by their elitist arrogance as social justice warriors.  They are self-righteous liars--i.e., fools.
7)  The lying MSM is downright dangerous to the Republic.  We, the People of the United States, give the MSM a very important First Amendment protection, but we must not be so stupid as to think that true Constitutional patriots are paralyzed in our present situation by that very Amendment.  We cannot compel the MSM by government edict to cease their lying, but we can crush them politically by telling the truth about them.  That includes broadcasting the decidedly inflammatory truth that the MSM liars are unrepentant liars.  And since the POTUS does have a bully pulpit, he and his aides are the best political leaders to mobilize all patriotic truth-tellers against the liars.  The POTUS's available option of fighting back with the truth is by no means a violation of the MSM's First Amendment rights.  (My goodness, isn't this obvious?)
8)  The reason why the Global Socialists of the MSM are so dangerous is related to the reason why they have given no indication that they are backing off in their lying.  They believe they can get away with their lying by Alinsky-style intimidation--accusing our POTUS of  being a Hitler, for example, even accusing him of trampling on the First Amendment.  These accusations WILL resonate with fools (and maybe even alarm some of us NeverTrumpers to a certain degree, alas!).   
9)  In other words, the Global Socialists think they can keep a huge percentage of the hoi polloi dumbed down.  Their confidence is not without foundation, because their track record has been stunningly successful in keeping our spiritually challenged hoi polloi woefully dumbed down.  (After all, the ideologically corrupt, dishonest MSM got Obama elected, not once, but twice in a row.  And if had not been for the eleventh-hour revelations by Comey and Assange, they would have finally succeeded in destroying our Republic--likely forever--by getting HRC elected.)
10)  Perhaps the most disgusting thing about all of this is that the ideologically crooked MSM is guilty of unfathomably egregious violations of journalistic ethics.  There zeal for vehemently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic activism has replaced real journalism.  They are not shining the light of truth, not trying to keep the public informed.  They are elitists who are trying to keep our citizenry in the darkness of hatred and un-American stupidity long enough for the Global Socialists to crush us once and for all.

Many journalism schools have as their motto "The Truth Shall Make You Free."  Many, many mush-brained young people who have graduated from these very schools never notice that their own sub rosa contempt for America and America's God has wickedly disabled their discernment--i.e., has made them despise the Truth.  We need to help these poor folks by exposing them in public as self-deceived phonies.  We need to shine the Light on them--not say, Oh, well, the First Amendment says that we cannot call them out.

As Lincoln said, "The Truth keeps us safe."  The MSM's incessant, Socialistic lying therefore poses extraordinary dangers to the Republic.  We must respect and genuinely uphold the First Amendment, but we must not handle the Bill of Rights in the mindless PC way that turns our Bill of Rights into a national suicide pact.


President Trump will have to be careful if he doubles down against the MSM any further.  I wish we could trust him to do what he should do under the Constitutional defense of the Republic--and to do no more than that.  We will have to wait and see how everything pans out. 

I definitely think Trump  think he should still grant press passes to his rankest MSM enemies.  But if I were him, I would wait until the end of every presser to call on the worst of the lying media types.  And I would use most of my responses to their questions to point out their longstanding and continuing hypocrisies.  In other words, I would find a way to calmly call them liars ever time they opened their mouths.

President Bush never did this--which is mainly why we wound up with Obama in the White House.   


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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2017, 07:50:38 pm »
Politically defeating an ideologically corrupt media is not the same thing as exercising "government control over the media." 

When the alt-facts government officials want to control which journalists should be hired and fired, yes, that is control.

They need to stop whining about the press and do their jobs.

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2017, 08:00:07 pm »
Politically defeating an ideologically corrupt media is not the same thing as exercising "government control over the media." 
Well, she's not doing a particularly good job of "politically defeating" anything; all it is doing is making a fool of herself.

It'd be one thing for her to call them out on blatant lies, but this is whining. There is a difference.
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Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2017, 08:01:21 pm »
All I can say is (speaking as a former Journo) that I wish everyone could spend time in a newsroom. Then they would fully understand how much of their 'news' at even the most mundane level, is completely fabricated/twisted/agenda. From local to international.

After well over a decade in print/online media, I have ZERO respect for them. They are not a  'free press' as people would like to believe, and as such should be sued out of existence. They are Orwell's Ministry of Truth made manifest.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #56 on: January 30, 2017, 08:11:37 pm »

To be honest, I'm getting sick and tired of media TRUMP bashing..  It is getting old and tiresome.

Had to fix that for ya!    :patriot:
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Offline Cripplecreek

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2017, 08:15:33 pm »
When the alt-facts government officials want to control which journalists should be hired and fired, yes, that is control.

They need to stop whining about the press and do their jobs.

Speaking of corrupt media, the pro trump liars must be getting concerned since they're now blaming congress for Trump ruling by decree.

Actual conservatives/libertarians/federalists know that our founders intentionally designed our legislature as a deliberative body that works at a snails pace for a reason. Even when congress only met for a few months per year and there was no cabinet to speak of, George Washington managed to get through his entire presidency by signing only 8 executive orders. Most of those orders had little legal effect on the average citizen. Things like decreeing a date fir Thanksgiving or setting the boundaries of Washington DC.  Among those that did affect the citizenry were calling up troops for the Whiskey rebellion and warning the citizens that the government intended to honor the treaties made with indians.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #58 on: January 30, 2017, 08:31:04 pm »
When the alt-facts government officials want to control which journalists should be hired and fired, yes, that is control.

They need to stop whining about the press and do their jobs.

But Kellyanne Conway was not doing what you are complaining about.  In the first place, she mentioned no names.  In the second place, what you disparaged as whining was an extraordinarily serious complaint, not mere whining. 

Kellyanne pointed out that the MSM journalism community is not enforcing its own sacred code of ethics--a very serious matter, indeed.  I submit that it is completely proper, even important to point this out--even if (or especially if) the MSM does not remedy the problem she identified.

In the third place, criticizing the press IS a crucial part of Kellyanne Conway's job, of course. ^-^

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #59 on: January 30, 2017, 08:34:01 pm »

Conservatives are turning into just the biggest bunch of whining crybaby snowflakes on the face of the planet.

Good lord.

What's really pathetic is how many of them here want a safe space. Bunch of snowflakes (and flakes).


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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #60 on: January 30, 2017, 08:34:47 pm »
But Kellyanne Conway was not doing what you are complaining about.

I'm not referring to her comment. I am referring to Trump, Spicer, Conway, Bannon et al attitudes toward the freedom of the press, which Trump does not seem to believe in.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #61 on: January 30, 2017, 08:44:04 pm »
I'm not referring to her comment. I am referring to Trump, Spicer, Conway, Bannon et al attitudes toward the freedom of the press, which Trump does not seem to believe in.

There is no freedom of the press. There is a Ministry of Truth.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2017, 08:48:47 pm »
I'm not referring to her comment. I am referring to Trump, Spicer, Conway, Bannon et al attitudes toward the freedom of the press, which Trump does not seem to believe in.

Come on, man......    :whistle:

You must be pretty hard up when you've been reduced to taking this all literally.

They're using absurdity to point out the absurd bullsh*t being peddled by the MSM on a daily basis.   

That it's gotten so ridiculous that one can read or listen to a news report and know with certainty the TOTAL OPPOSITE is true.

If a paid network pundit strutted their stuff and predicted a Trump wipeout, or if they predicted a market crash...and they're still merely draws attention to their circus act.  And that the Republicans are right.

There's not one person in the administration that is anti-free press.   

You look ridiculous suggesting otherwise.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2017, 08:54:21 pm »
Speaking of corrupt media, the pro trump liars must be getting concerned since they're now blaming congress for Trump ruling by decree.

Oh, good grief.

Trump never cared a hoot about taxes or Obamacare, other than saying "the government's going to pay for" the replacement, which he has yet to actually propose. So now, when Trump betrays conservatives by stalling the Obamacare repeal, Drudge and the others will have a scapegoat in Congress.
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Offline the_doc

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #64 on: January 30, 2017, 08:56:08 pm »
I'm not referring to her comment. I am referring to Trump, Spicer, Conway, Bannon et al attitudes toward the freedom of the press, which Trump does not seem to believe in.

Oh, I agree that Trump and his team should worry us;  I even expressed my concern about Trump in my post.   (I do not have a lot of confidence in Trump based on what I have seen thus far.  For example, I don't think he will drain the swamp as promised.   [Worse still, I believe that our Constitutional Republic could collapse on Trump's watch--mainly through factors beyond his control.])

All I was saying in my lengthy post was that our Political Standard Bearer, crummy though I think he is, should engage the press with considerable vigor.  The corruption of the press represents a necessary front in our political war.   (I just don't worry so much about Kellyanne Conway--whose comments were the topic of the thread.)

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #65 on: January 30, 2017, 08:56:33 pm »

That it's gotten so ridiculous that one can read or listen to a news report and know with certainty the TOTAL OPPOSITE is true.

There's not one person in the administration that is anti-free press.   

Opposites: Thats a certainty.

Free Press: There is part category error and part Stockholm Syndrome at work. People have one 'press'out there because it is now

edit 100% liberal 'press'. The error is they think somewhere in it there are pockets of the romanticized notion of 'free press'.

There is not. Facts in evidence show a propaganda operation. No more, no less.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 08:57:45 pm by Norm Lenhart »

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2017, 08:57:13 pm »
I guess if it comes down to it...Conway could just punch the ones she doesn't like in the face. :shrug:
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline the_doc

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #67 on: January 30, 2017, 09:05:01 pm »
I guess if it comes down to it...Conway could just punch the ones she doesn't like in the face. :shrug:

Aha, a great idea!  (Oh, has she already thought of that one?) 

Offline Norm Lenhart

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2017, 09:08:03 pm »
Aha, a great idea!  (Oh, has she already thought of that one?)

Yup. Inaug night IIRC.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2017, 09:08:51 pm »
   I see no difference in Conway's rant than Gibbs, Carney or Earnest calling out Rush or Drudge for that matter about the same damn thing, it's another ACT in this ongoing play we call 'political relations with the press'.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.


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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #70 on: January 30, 2017, 09:14:46 pm »
Politically defeating an ideologically corrupt media is not the same thing as exercising "government control over the media." 

I think a POTUS ought to be able to call lying media groups what they are--i.e, lying media groups. In fact, I think the leading politician of our Body Politic, whether we like him or not--and whether we all trust him or not-- should not be merely able to call out the media--and he certainly is able to so under the Constitution--but he must do so. 

As I have said on several threads, when the enemies of the Republic are liars, we need to respond with the Truth.  In the present case, the pivotally important truths are that

1)  The Global Socialists do dominate the MSM.  George Soros is a major financial contributor to the MSM, in fact. 
2)  The Global Socialists are ideological enemies of our Constitutional Republic--i.e., they amount to a disloyal opposition.   
3)  The Global Socialists are using the standard Socialist stratagem of lying incessantly about their sociopolitical opponents.
4)  The Global Socialists of our MSM are so determined to ruin our Republic that they have given every indication that they will not stop the vicious lying (which is Conway's bottom-line complaint).
5)  The reason why the Global Socialists of the MSM have no intention of stopping their lying is because lying is their most important weapon against our Constitutional Republic--and, in fact, the only significant weapon that our deranged MSM has in their field of professed journalism.  Lying is their job in the larger mess of Global Socialism.  (And they are team players [sometimes without even realizing this, I suspect].)
6)  We are in a sociopolitical war.  The election of Trump will probably escalate it even more than we have seen recently.  The fact that the MSM regard themselves as the "good guys" in our sociopolitical war is irrelevant.  The MSM guys are self-deceived by their elitist arrogance as social justice warriors.  They are self-righteous liars--i.e., fools.
7)  The lying MSM is downright dangerous to the Republic.  We, the People of the United States, give the MSM a very important First Amendment protection, but we must not be so stupid as to think that true Constitutional patriots are paralyzed in our present situation by that very Amendment.  We cannot compel the MSM by government edict to cease their lying, but we can crush them politically by telling the truth about them.  That includes broadcasting the decidedly inflammatory truth that the MSM liars are unrepentant liars.  And since the POTUS does have a bully pulpit, he and his aides are the best political leaders to mobilize all patriotic truth-tellers against the liars.  The POTUS's available option of fighting back with the truth is by no means a violation of the MSM's First Amendment rights.  (My goodness, isn't this obvious?)
8)  The reason why the Global Socialists of the MSM are so dangerous is related to the reason why they have given no indication that they are backing off in their lying.  They believe they can get away with their lying by Alinsky-style intimidation--accusing our POTUS of  being a Hitler, for example, even accusing him of trampling on the First Amendment.  These accusations WILL resonate with fools (and maybe even alarm some of us NeverTrumpers to a certain degree, alas!).   
9)  In other words, the Global Socialists think they can keep a huge percentage of the hoi polloi dumbed down.  Their confidence is not without foundation, because their track record has been stunningly successful in keeping our spiritually challenged hoi polloi woefully dumbed down.  (After all, the ideologically corrupt, dishonest MSM got Obama elected, not once, but twice in a row.  And if had not been for the eleventh-hour revelations by Comey and Assange, they would have finally succeeded in destroying our Republic--likely forever--by getting HRC elected.)
10)  Perhaps the most disgusting thing about all of this is that the ideologically crooked MSM is guilty of unfathomably egregious violations of journalistic ethics.  There zeal for vehemently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic activism has replaced real journalism.  They are not shining the light of truth, not trying to keep the public informed.  They are elitists who are trying to keep our citizenry in the darkness of hatred and un-American stupidity long enough for the Global Socialists to crush us once and for all.

Many journalism schools have as their motto "The Truth Shall Make You Free."  Many, many mush-brained young people who have graduated from these very schools never notice that their own sub rosa contempt for America and America's God has wickedly disabled their discernment--i.e., has made them despise the Truth.  We need to help these poor folks by exposing them in public as self-deceived phonies.  We need to shine the Light on them--not say, Oh, well, the First Amendment says that we cannot call them out.

As Lincoln said, "The Truth keeps us safe."  The MSM's incessant, Socialistic lying therefore poses extraordinary dangers to the Republic.  We must respect and genuinely uphold the First Amendment, but we must not handle the Bill of Rights in the mindless PC way that turns our Bill of Rights into a national suicide pact.


President Trump will have to be careful if he doubles down against the MSM any further.  I wish we could trust him to do what he should do under the Constitutional defense of the Republic--and to do no more than that.  We will have to wait and see how everything pans out. 

I definitely think Trump  think he should still grant press passes to his rankest MSM enemies.  But if I were him, I would wait until the end of every presser to call on the worst of the lying media types.  And I would use most of my responses to their questions to point out their longstanding and continuing hypocrisies.  In other words, I would find a way to calmly call them liars ever time they opened their mouths.

President Bush never did this--which is mainly why we wound up with Obama in the White House.

Nice screed, but no sources to prove your assertions.

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #71 on: January 30, 2017, 09:18:10 pm »
   I see no difference in Conway's rant than Gibbs, Carney or Earnest calling out Rush or Drudge for that matter about the same damn thing, it's another ACT in this ongoing play we call 'political relations with the press'.

I agree with you.  (On the other hand, when Rush and Matt talked smack, the libs definitely deserved it...but on the other-other hand, Trump may very well earn some of the smack talk from the libs.  What a mess.  Let's wait and see what happens.)

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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #72 on: January 30, 2017, 09:21:29 pm »
   I see no difference in Conway's rant than Gibbs, Carney or Earnest calling out Rush or Drudge for that matter about the same damn thing, it's another ACT in this ongoing play we call 'political relations with the press'.


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Re: Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired?
« Reply #74 on: January 30, 2017, 09:28:48 pm »
Nice screed, but no sources to prove your assertions.

Thanks for reposting my entire screed!  (Now go fish, friend.)