Author Topic: Control of Education is the Left’s Ace in the Hole  (Read 252 times)

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Control of Education is the Left’s Ace in the Hole
« on: January 27, 2017, 05:46:58 pm »
Control of Education is the Left’s Ace in the Hole
David Risselada — January 27, 2017

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Finally, after eight years of governance by a left-wing radical intent on turning our nation upside down, a new President is at the helm. We can only hope that Donald Trump proves himself to be the conservative we are expecting him to be. If he demonstrates otherwise, we have a responsibility to hold him accountable in the same manner we attempted to hold the previous White House occupant accountable. As an author who offered up some pretty harsh criticisms of The Donald, it must be admitted that some of his cabinet picks are outstanding. For instance, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is a staunch constitutionalist and climate change denier, which makes him the perfect choice for the EPA, if that unconstitutional monstrosity is to be reigned in. Marine Corps General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense has liberal heads spinning, as he is not likely to play politically correct games designed to protect people's feelings while putting the nation at risk. Other picks have created a bit of a controversy - Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State for instance, or Elaine Chao, wife of an establishment Republican who did little to stop Obama’s agenda, Mitch McConnell. Truthfully, if something isn’t done about education, it won't matter who Trump nominates because the next generation will simply be brought up being taught that they are all racist, warmongering, sexist islamophobes that don’t care about the planet. Trumps pick for Education Secretary, Betsy Devos, vows to be a force for change in our education system. She is a strong advocate for school choice who vociferously stated her opposition to common core standards. These are good signs; however, until someone acknowledges that our school systems have become a breeding ground for behavior-based psychology and behavior modification techniques, which indoctrinate children into the tenants of progressivism, nothing will change.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 05:47:34 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Control of Education is the Left’s Ace in the Hole
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2017, 06:10:14 pm »
The main thing that needs to be done to fix K-12 education in this country is for each of the several states that have given monopolies on producing certified (or qualified, or whatever adjective the local solons used) teachers to colleges of education, which typically are (1) the most left-leaning part of any university leaving aside programs with names of the form [Affirmative-action-beneficiary-group] Studies and Offices of Student Life and (2) have been a drag on the quality of American education from even before the New Left's ascent in academe in the 1960's thanks to the baleful ideas of John Dewey.  At least to teach high school an advanced degree in the subject taught should suffice.  My father's small town public high school in the late 1930's had a faculty consisting entirely of teachers with masters degrees or doctorates in the subjects they taught, not an ed major among them.  Quite frankly I think the same applies to middle school.  The only thing I can see needing a degree in education for is the mass teaching of reading, and whether it helps or hurts to have one depends on what the enthusiasm in colleges of ed was when you got your degree.
And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know what this was all about.