Author Topic: Sekret Machines: Gods: An official investigation of the UFO phenomenon Peter Levenda & Tom DeLonge; Dr Jacques Vallee wrote foreward  (Read 773 times)

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More quotes are at the ATS link
Peter Levenda's Acknowledgments:
There is a group of about ten individuals we refer to as the "advisors," Most of these gentlemen cannot be identified here due to their standing in their respective agencies and departments. . .

No Disclosure From Government
This project is not intended to convince you of the reality of UFOs. If you need convincing--after all fo the data that has been presented by sober, sane members of world governments, including that of the United States, as well as by military observers around the world who have gone on record concerning alien contact--then there is nothing here for you. We will not burden this narrative with the usual accumulation of dozens or even hundreds of sightings over the years. . . .
Instead, this project is predicated on the understanding--not the belief, the understanding--that the UFO phenomenon is real and that there has been contact between human beings and non-human beings since the beginning of recorded history with results that can be characterized as alternately positive and edifying, and dangerous and terrifying.
This project is predicated on the understanding that there has been an explosion of this contact in the last seventy years, and that disclosure of the nature of this contact is not to be expected from the United States government or from its military or political leaders but that it is nonetheless happening every day, in every country on Earth, to the average man, woman and child.
Another concept is that of disclosure. We do not believe that waiting for disclosure to come from the government is a wise position to take. It implies that the government--any government--controls access to alien contact. That is manifestly absurd. While we understand we cannot fathom the motivations or intentions of an alien intelligence--except by deducing such intentions through the evidence that we collect--we are certain that a human government would not be able to control communications, appearances, or access to alien contact the way they can over human contact, and that human governments have been demonstrably unable to do so. . . .
. . . We are constrained by our worldview: literally, by our view of the world. It is an image, a construct, a fantasy, that has outlived its usefulness.
We dare, in this project, to present an alternative.
Thus, this project is designed to inspire nothing less than a cultural revolution in human consciousness. Once it has been accepted that alien contact is real, has occurred, and is occurring, then an overhaul of our religious, cultural, political, scientific, and military preconceptions is not only required but inevitable. . . .
Sounds like it will be a bit more revealing in some respects, than his first book.
I still think he is being very skillfully deceived by the fallen angel critters as they have deceived the world powers that be--who are evidently his sources and consultants. The critters have an agenda from hell to further and manifest more overtly on the world stage. They will succeed at it. How many will fall for their deception remains to be seen. Christ, imho, indicated that most folks would.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 05:13:09 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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ping to the OP:
 Avoiding Truth
There is a principle
__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/