Author Topic: Steffon of Starbonn a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novel written by Bender2 AKA Danny Clay Lee  (Read 5270 times)

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  • Never a dull moment, eh?
Steffon of Starbonn
a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novel
written by
Danny Clay Lee

Copyrighted 1992, 1997 by Danny Clay Lee
All Rights Reserved

Chapter 24

     Shera sat on her terrace in a cool, nighttime
breeze.  The wind gently whipping loose the small
ringlets in her coiffure, unraveling them into loose
whiffs of hair.  She held a glass in both hands before
her face, occasionally taking a sip.  The terrace was
bathed in the reflected light from Starbonn's largest
moon, giving everything shades of gray instead of
colors.  She was not deep in thought, but rather deep
into trying not to think of events to come.  She did
not hear Vidor's knock, nor his entry onto the terrace.
     Vidor had noted her absence at the reception.  He
had known where she could be found, so he had come to
try once more to head off a tragedy.  He stopped for a
moment and looked at the Princess in the moonlight.
Though she sat in half-light, Vidor had noticed her
color had returned since she stopped her drinking
binge.  Even now when he saw the glass in her hands and
the flagon on the table beside her, he knew it to be
mineral water instead of spirits.
     The Prime Minister walked to her.  "I missed you
at the reception, Princess."
     "It is little loss, Vidor.  I was not the star
attraction there.  It is Mon Terric's celebration, not
mine," she answered.
     Vidor took a seat by her side.  "My Lady, I have
spoken with several of the Peers, and they all share a
common objection to Mon Terric.  They have asked me to
come to you on their behalf.  If you will renounce this
evil joining, they will offer all their support."
     "No, Vidor, that is not necessary.  I have made my
pact with him-- and I shall honor it."
     "Princess, though you will not admit it to me, I
know the Baron is using Steffon's life to force you to
join with him.  My Lady, consider the most likely
possibility that Steffon is dead."
     "I cannot do that.  If he is dead, then all is
     "If there is any way to keep Mon Terric off the
Throne, then we can win."
     She looked over into Vidor's face.  "The Baron has
more than a majority of the Peers ready to force me to
join with him under their precious custom.  If I accept
your message from the other Peers, all that will come
about is a civil war which will only cause more deaths.
The Baron's forces are too strong, Vidor.  My only hope
is to go through with this thing and someday get
Steffon back.  Then he will lead us back to the
     Vidor sat at the table beside her.  He placed his
hands palms down on the table surface.  After a long
pause, he said, "There are far too many 'ifs' in your
thinking, Princess.  Primarily that Steffon lives."
     "I know, I know--  A part of me says he is dead.
The Baron would be a fool to have kept him alive.
Steffon would be far too dangerous even as a captive.
Yet, Vidor, the greatest part of me says Steffon is
alive.  I know I would feel it if he were dead." Shera
sat up and put her hand on Vidor's.  "You must realize
I have to go with my feelings on this.  I loath the
thought of Mon Terric as my spouse, but if that is what
it takes to get back Steffon, I will do it."
     Vidor knew she would abide by her decision.  There
was not any time left to do otherwise.  "Aye, my Lady,
I shall not protest anymore.  I accept the
unacceptable."  He stood and started to leave, but
turned back.  "My Princess, I wish I could have done
more to keep this from happening."
     "Do not torture yourself, Vidor.  You did
everything within your powers."
     "Fair night, Princess Shera," he offered in
     "Fair night to you, Vidor."
     After the old minister was gone, Shera still sat
on the terrace, looking off into the distant mountains,
wishing she could weep, but there were no tears left in
the Princess of Starbonn.

     Mon Terric stood in the antechamber of the Great
Hall.  He wore the usual regalia associated with the
Terrics, a impeccably cut, silk uniform as black as the
night.  It was piped with silver trimming and a heavy,
woven silver belt was around Mon Terric's waist.  A
tantianite sword hung on his left hip, a weapon he soon
planned to replace with the Crystal Sword.  Though he
wore Sarkon's crest ring on his right index finger, the
crest of the Terrics adorned the clasp that held the
floor length festron fur cape about his shoulders.  He
would also soon replace Sarkon's ring for his own as
the next Lord Protector of Starbonn.
     Surrounding the Baron were the three nobles he had
chosen as his Attendants of Honor for the Royal
Joining: Baron Janis, Duke Athofen and Lord Makkin, the
Earl of Quweti.  They offered congratulations and stale
jokes, and Mon Terric played the amiable consort, but
down inside his mind there was a touch of uncertainty.
It had been several fortnights since he had sent Dax
Praggar his message of concern over Steffon's journey
to Cajus IV.  Since then, the Zaian had not replied.
     Surely, he has not failed me? thought the Baron,
but he wrenched the question from his mind.
     In a few moments, he would step into the Great
Hall for the 4,975th Meeting of the Peers.  He would
take Princess Shera as his spouse and reestablish the
Royal Bloodline as Lord Protector Mon Terric.  Then he
would have little fear of whether Praggar had slain
Steffon or not.  He would have the Crown and the power
to mold the Starbonnian Realm to his wishes.
     "This is your greatest day," offered Janis.
     "Aye," agreed Mon Terric, "the greatest day of my
     Rolf entered the antechamber and went to the
Baron's side.  "Your Excellency, the Princess is
     "Thank you, Rolf."  The Baron smiled at his
attendants.  "Come, we must leave the antechamber so my
intended can have it for her entrance."
     "Leave it to the females to have the grand
entrance," joked Athofen.
     "It is her right," conceded Mon Terric, then
added, "her last right!"
     His attendants laughed heartily.
     The Baron left them and walked to Vidor's side.
"Well, old man, it is time."
     Vidor nodded wearily.
     "Do not take it so hard, Vidor.  After this day,
you will have all the time in the world to loath me.
Just pray do not allow me to hear of you plotting
against me.  I would prefer you to die in bed, but I
can make other arrangements."
     Vidor again did not comment.  He turned and
motioned for the Commander of the Royal Guards to begin
the procession.
     Inside the Great Hall, there were all the colors
of the spectrum sprinkled among the Peers, their
families, the gentry of Starbonn and its Freemen.  The
Commanders of the Royal Starbonnian Armed Services were
out in force, all spectacular in their full dress
     The Diplomatic Section had overrun its specified
area as the governments and rulers of the quadrant's
systems had sent representatives to honor the next Lord
Protector.  It seemed every known system was
represented, from the Rashican Republic to the Empire
of Hiroo.  There were Frelians, Werrtiees, Eclectexs,
Vadoureans, Maulcains, and a multitude of others from
about the galaxy.  All here to pay homage and honor to
Baron Mon Terric.  And now, that time was at hand.
     The Hall was suddenly bathed in brightness.  The
Commander of the Royal Guards entered the Hall and
walked to the center of the Throne Circle.  He was
followed by the Royal Guardsmen.  They took their
positions about the Throne area.
     One carried a crimson pillow.  On it lay the
Crystal Sword and Baron Mon Terric's crest ring.  This
Guardsman took the pillow to a small cradle by the
Throne.  He carefully placed the pillow within the
cradle, then moved away to his assigned place.
     The Commander hesitated for the sake of the video
channels, then announced, "My Lord, his Excellency,
Regent Mon Terric!"
     All in the Great Hall stood as Mon Terric entered
to a trumpet fanfare, followed by the Starbonnian
Anthem.  Mon Terric walked to the side of the Throne.
He was followed by his Attendants of Honor.  Vidor
entered leading the Royal Ministers.  The Ministers
went to stand before their seats while Vidor went to an
altar set up beside the Throne.
     When the anthem had finished, Vidor looked out in
the Hall and said, "My Lords, before today's Meeting,
the Royal Bloodline shall be reestablished.  My Lords,
Princess Shera."
     Again, there was another trumpet fanfare as Shera
slowly led her entourage into the Throne Circle.  She
took a place opposite the Throne from Mon Terric.  He
gazed on her loveliness, swirled in a white gown and
veil topped with a tiara of bright, sparkling jewels.
     Shera did not return his looks.
     Vidor said, "Regent Mon Terric, Princess Shera,
pray take you places."
     Shera and Mon Terric walked to the altar and both
knelt toward Vidor.  Shera wished she could close her
eyes and disappear into a cloud of smoke, but she knew
she must go through with the ceremony if she was ever
to see Steffon again.
     Mon Terric's thoughts were both on his triumph and
his forthcoming blisstime with Shera.  All thoughts of
Steffon and the errant Zaian were washed away in the
exaltation of the moment.  He would have Shera and the
     Vidor began the joining.  "My Lords, it is the
wish of Princess Shera, the only female heir of Lord
Protector Sarkon, that she reestablish the Royal
Bloodline by joining with his Excellency, Regent Graft
Mon Terric.  If there be any Peer who does not agree
with this joining, let him now speak, or forever hold
his tongue!"
     There was a moment of silence as Vidor opened his
mouth to continue, but his eyes saw an object rising
from the crowd.  It curved through the air and landed
with a smack in the Throne Circle just behind Baron Mon
     The Baron jumped to his feet and whirled around to
see a bright pink gauntlet at his feet.  "Who threw
this?," he demanded, his face flushed with anger.
     There was a disturbance in the crowded Diplomatic
area.  The Diplomats parted as three figures came from
the gathering and stepped into the Throne Circle.  All
were covered by floor length, hooded cloaks.  All three
cloaks were bright pink.  Of the three, one was huge.
     Dax? wondered Mon Terric as he noted the size of
the individual.  What would he be doing dressed as a
Vadourean Diplomat?
     The Baron's questions were answered as all three
threw off their cloaks.  The huge male on the left was
not the Zaian.  The man on the right was in the uniform
of a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.
     The man in the middle was bare-chested.  On his
left upper arm was the tattoo of a slave.  In his right
hand was a laser saber.  The man activated the weapon,
its power blade blossoming into action.  Taking a step
forward, he said, "I object, Mon Terric!"
     Practically every pair of lips in the Great Hall
had one word on them, "Steffon!"
     Shera's heart leaped to her throat and she felt
tears forming in her eyes.
     "You are too late, Prince," hissed Mon Terric.  He
brought his right hand from under his cape.  In it was
a pulsar blaster.  But before he could press the
trigger, Princess Shera deftly kicked out her foot,
knocking the weapon from the Baron's grasp.  It
clattered to the floor and skidded to a halt at
Steffon's feet.  The Prince picked it up and handed it
to the huge man behind him.
     "Baron, it appears the Gods want this settled
differently."   Steffon stepped closer.
     "I suppose that is true," said Mon Terric as he
slowly removed his cape and dropped it to the floor.
He removed his tantianite sword from his belt and
placed it on the cape.  He motioned to the Commander of
the Royal Guards to give him his laser saber.
     The Commander glanced at Steffon.  The Prince
nodded his approval and handed the weapon to Mon
     Activating the saber, Mon Terric turned to Steffon
and said, "I believe this is the very saber that Sarkon
used to take Karn's life.  Strange how things come
about.  Right, Steffon?"
     "It is, Baron."
     "To the death with honor, then, my Prince?" asked
Mon Terric.
     "Wrong, Baron.  To the death, yes, but there will
be no honor in this contest."
     Steffon looked to the Prime Minister, "Vidor, no
one is to interfere until one of us is dead."
     "Yes, my Lord," answered Vidor.
     "Are you ready, Baron?" asked Steffon.
     "I am, Steffon," came the reply.
     They circled each other, both feeling one another
out.  Their laser sabers humming in the silence of the
Great Hall as all watched the duel to the death for the
Crown of Starbonn.  The Baron attacked with a feint to
Steffon's head, then countered with a slash to the
legs.  The Prince blocked both blows and began an
assault of his own, but the Baron retreated away,
playing for position.
     Steffon continued his assault, kicking forward
with lightning ripostes and jabs left and right.  Mon
Terric countered with parries and blocks.  The duelists
moved back and forth, each finding an advantage, to
only have his opponent make the necessary adjustment to
his attack.
     The match bounded up and around the Throne where
Steffon's blade took a slice from the huge seat when
the Baron ducked the blow.  Steffon backed the Baron to
the altar.
     Vidor pulled himself and Shera out of harm's way
as the Baron counterattacked, slashing at Steffon,
missing the Prince, but cutting the altar in two
pieces.  Mon Terric grabbed a piece of the altar and
threw it at the Prince.  Steffon's right shoulder
absorbed most of the blow, but being perched on the
steps leading down into the circle below the Throne, he
was off balance.  Steffon tumbled down the steps.  Mon
Terric bounded after him.
     Using his tremendous reflexes and strength, the
Prince rebounded just in the nick of time to blunt Mon
Terric's charge.
     Once more, they circled each other.  Suddenly, the
Baron lunged forward, making lightning ripostes,
backing Steffon across the circle.  Mon Terric's left
hand went to his belt and he unbuckled it, lashing it
out at Steffon's feet.  The heavy silver belt entangled
itself in Steffon's retreat.  He tripped and fell
backwards, crashing to the floor.  The Baron used both
hands to strike at the Prince's saber.  Mon Terric
connected, hitting Steffon's blade at such an angle and
with such force, even the Prince's great strength could
not keep his grip on the weapon.  It clanged away,
sliding across the floor.
     With a snarl of triumph, Mon Terric drew back his
saber high above his head and brought it down with all
his strength to strike the prostrate Prince.
     Unnoticed by anyone, in the cradle beside the
empty Throne, a cherry red point of light flared within
the hilt of the Crystal Sword.
     The Prince instinctively threw up his right hand
to deflect the blow when a loud gasp came from every
soul in the Great Hall.  The gasp began as they saw the
Baron about to slay Prince Steffon, but it became a
louder gasp of wonder as the Crystal Sword suddenly
flew from its resting place across the Throne Circle,
landing with its hilt in Steffon's right hand just in
time to block Mon Terric's blow.
     Shera had thrown her hands to her face in
anticipation of Mon Terric's killing blow, but she felt
Vidor's hand upon her shoulder.
     "By the Gods of Ol," the Prime Minister said.
     Shera dropped her hands to find the Crystal Sword
in Steffon's hand.  He still lay under the Baron's
blade, but Mon Terric seemed stunned.
     The Baron pivoted to Vidor.  "There was to be no
interference by any one!"
     "The Gods of Ol do not obey our commands, Baron,"
answered Vidor.
     Mon Terric looked to the pillow beside the Throne.
There was no one near enough to it to have thrown the
sword to Steffon.  He turned to the Prince.
     Steffon was getting to his feet.  "It is time for
you to pay for your ways, Baron."
     "Not just yet!" roared Mon Terric as he slashed
out at Steffon.
     The Prince swung at the same moment and their
blades met in a shower of sparks, yet the Baron's blade
did not block the Crystal Sword.  Its clear blade
passed through the laser shaft and struck Mon Terric
across his chest.  Steffon followed through and cut the
man in two, both pieces falling to the floor in a
bloody heap.
     The Prince walked to the body and reached down to
the Baron's lifeless hand.  He wrenched his father's
crest ring from Mon Terric's finger, then slipped it
onto his left forefinger.
     A great shout of joy arose from the Hall.  Vark
and Helm moved to Steffon's side, slapping him on the
back.  Shera flew into his arms and they held each
other close.
     "I knew you were alive, Steffon.  I knew it!" she
cried.  She looked at his shoulder.  "You have been a
     "Not any more, Shera," he answered and kissed her
on the cheek.
     Steffon walked to Vidor, Shera holding his left
arm.  He took Vidor's hand and shook it.  There were
still applause and shouts of joy ringing about the
Hall.  Steffon walked to the Throne and held the
Crystal Sword high above his head.  The Hall became
     "As the heir of Sarkon, I hereby proclaim my right
and assume the Throne of Starbonn!" he announced.
     The Hall of Peers exploded again with cheers and
shouts of "Long live Lord Protector Steffon!"
     Steffon raised the Crystal Sword once more and the
clamor hushed.  "I shall not ask the Peers to attend me
this Meeting.  The Gods of Ol have made their choice
plain this day.  I have only one decree to issue.  From
this day forward, each and every slave within the Realm
will be granted his freedom!  This decree I shall
enforce with the last breath in my body!"
     There was not a sound in the Hall, but after a
moment, the Freemen's gallery began to applaud.  Soon,
the entire Hall was ringing with the sounds of cheers
and clapping hands.  Although, many Peers turned their
backs and walked from the Hall.
     Steffon turned to Duke Athofen, Baron Janis and
Lord Makkin as they started to walk away.  "Commander!"
the Prince ordered, "Place those three in custody."
     Royal Guardsmen quickly surrounded the three.
     "Bring them before me," ordered Steffon.  The
Guardsmen herded the three before the Lord Protector.
He looked each in the eyes.  "The Baron could not have
moved without your support.  I hereby strip you three
of all titles and properties.  Each of you shall be
tried for treason against the Crown!  Take them out of
my sight!" The Guardsmen escorted the three out of the
     Steffon looked at his two companions standing
below in the Throne Circle.  They were both smiling at
     "Vark?  Helm?" Steffon called.  "Come before me."
     They walked before the Lord Protector.
     "Kneel," the Lord Protector ordered.  They did and
Steffon touched Vark on each shoulder with the blade of
the Crystal Sword.  "Rise Lord Vark, Baron of Qart."
     Vark stood as Steffon repeated the procedure on
Helm.  "Rise, Lord Helm, Earl of Quweti."
     Marrick Helm rose to his feet.  His great joy at
becoming a noble was heightened as he saw Princess
Shera smiling at him.  Shera and Vidor had come to
Steffon's side.
     "Shera, Vidor, I owe my life to these two."
     Shera said, "I remember Lord Helm well."  She
stepped to him and kissed him on the cheek.  He beamed
back at her.
     Shera turned and stood on her tip toes to kiss
Vark's cheek.  "I also thank you for my brother's
     Vidor stood at Steffon's side.  He looked out at
the continuing merriment in the Hall.  He turned to his
monarch and said, "My Lord Protector, you realize you
will probably spend the rest of your days enforcing
this day's decree?"
     "I intent to, Vidor.  My son will not rule over
     Shera exclaimed, "You have a son?"
     "Yes, just before we landed, Elbe signaled me my
son was born this morning on Cajus IV."  Steffon beamed
with pride, yet a deep sadness still dwelled inside
him.  He wished Ginia could have been here to share his
triumph.  He added.  "Elbe is bringing him to Starbonn
at this moment."
     "And the child's mother?" Shera asked.
     "She is dead," Steffon said quietly.
     After an uncomfortable silence, Vidor asked, "What
is the Prince Protector to be called, Sire?"
     "Lincoln," Steffon answered.  "Prince Lincoln of


Thanks for reading my novel. I hope you enjoyed it.  Comments and criticisms welcomed--

Of course, if you really crap all over it...    I'll have put you through the Mind Shielder.
"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon

Offline Bender2

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I have been asked if I ever planned to write a sequel and I did plot out one where Steffon fought several challenges to his 'Freeing the Slaves' and finally making Starbonn totally free of slavery.  Then I had one where he took O'Rion to Terra and helped the Confederation win a war.  A final plot where a coming of age Prince Lincoln has an adventure in an interstellar society built upon cloned slaves.

And, no, I never fleshed any of them out and they are stored somewhere in a file box in my "Fibber McGee Closet" in the back bedroom.  As I near 70 years this coming August, I doubt I will ever get around to writing them into novels.

Perhaps one of my heirs will some day will take up the task--
"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon

Offline Bender2

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Hi all,
will be going into surgery this morning and will be back in hopefully a few days when I'll get back in touch.  If not, then thanks for all your continuing support. I remain

Most sincerely yours.

Take care and God Bless,

"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon

Offline Polly Ticks

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Hi all,
will be going into surgery this morning and will be back in hopefully a few days when I'll get back in touch.  If not, then thanks for all your continuing support. I remain

Most sincerely yours.

Take care and God Bless,


@Bender2  Prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery for you ...
(Haven't read the novel yet, but would like to do so when I can find the time.)
Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. -Yogi Berra

Offline Bender2

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@Bender2  Prayers for a successful surgery and a quick recovery for you ...
(Haven't read the novel yet, but would like to do so when I can find the time.)

Well, there was a problem and my surgery will be delayed a week.  So, it is eat, drink, repeat until next Wednesday at 6 AM.

Take care and God Bless,

"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon


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Hi all,
will be going into surgery this morning and will be back in hopefully a few days when I'll get back in touch.  If not, then thanks for all your continuing support.

good luck with the surgery. I am way behind reading the novel, so many people online need to be corrected you understand..

Offline Bender2

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Well, there was a problem and my surgery will be delayed a week.  So, it is eat, drink, repeat until next Wednesday at 6 AM.

Take care and God Bless,


Well, it is 'next Wednesday' and I will be heading to the hospital shortly, so all y'all

Take Care & God Bless.  I see you on the flip side.

"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon

Offline Polly Ticks

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Well, it is 'next Wednesday' and I will be heading to the hospital shortly, so all y'all

Take Care & God Bless.  I see you on the flip side.


Hope everything went perfectly, and get well soon!
Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too. -Yogi Berra

Offline Bender2

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Wwww...    ammmmmmm!

Wwww...    ammmmmmm!

Well I did my best...     but the bucket of bolts survived anyhow!

Now, just keep on your cigars and booze diet...    and you may make it until the end of the week.
"I've got a twisted sense of humor, and everything amuses me." RAH Beyond this Horizon

Offline Gefn

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I'm bookmarking for later reading.

I hope your surgery goes well. Please what ever you do, do not have Dr. Zoidberg operate on you. Or the professor. Or Fry.

The professor might turn you into a fembot. As for the other two....

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 04:20:38 pm by Freya »
G-d bless America. G-d bless us all                                 

Adopt a puppy or kitty from your local shelter
Or an older dog or cat. They're true love❤️