Author Topic: Obama’s Parting Economic Shots at America  (Read 293 times)

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Obama’s Parting Economic Shots at America
« on: January 21, 2017, 12:11:44 pm »

Obama’s Parting Economic Shots at America

President Barack Obama’s executive actions during the two and a half months of his lame duck, post-election time in office provide the perfect exclamation point to his entire presidency. His antipathy for private property has never been clearer.

Look at these two actions [1]: On December 20, President Obama declared millions of acres in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans to be forever off-limits to development of the massive hydrocarbon resources that are there. (“Forever”? Are you kidding me?) Then, on December 28, Obama designated 1.65 million acres of land in Utah and Nevada as “national monuments,” effectively blocking them from economic development, too.

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