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Should Chelsea Manning's sentence be commuted?

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--- Quote from: Cripplecreek on January 19, 2017, 04:39:49 pm ---No but it has been and that's the end of that.

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This is the actual question I wanted to be asked. 

Do you believe that a young Army PFC with the ink not yet fully dry on his security clearance just walked into an ultra-secure facility one day and downloaded a ton of top secret material to a thumb drive, walked out with that in his pocket, and handed it over to Wikileaks?


--- Quote from: flowers on January 19, 2017, 04:57:44 pm ---Too late....he has been. I do think he will off himself within a year or two.

--- End quote ---


This should have been the poll question

Do you believe that a young Army PFC with the ink not yet fully dry on his security clearance just walked into an ultra-secure facility one day and downloaded a ton of top secret material to a thumb drive, walked out with that in his pocket, and handed it over to Wikileaks.


--- Quote from: EC on January 19, 2017, 04:59:17 pm ---No, it should not have been.

--- End quote ---


This should have been the poll question.

Do you believe that a young Army PFC with the ink not yet fully dry on his security clearance just walked into an ultra-secure facility one day and downloaded a ton of top secret material to a thumb drive, walked out with that in his pocket, and handed it over to Wikileaks?


In that case, my brother, yes, I do believe that. The invincibly arrogant stupidity of the young trumps premeditation.   :laugh:


--- Quote from: EC on January 19, 2017, 05:09:36 pm ---@Bigun

In that case, my brother, yes, I do believe that. The invincibly arrogant stupidity of the young trumps premeditation.   :laugh:

--- End quote ---


I think you still don't understand what I wished to ask here.  Perhaps I should restate the question thusly:

Do you believe that it is possible for a young Army PFC with the ink not yet fully dry on his security clearance to just walked into an ultra-secure facility one day and download a ton of top secret material to a thumb drive, walk out with that in his pocket, and hand it over to Wikileaks.


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